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```{currentmodule} wagtail.snippets.views.snippets
# Customising admin views for snippets
Additional customisations to the admin views for each snippet model can be achieved through a custom {class}`~SnippetViewSet` class. The `SnippetViewSet` is a subclass of {class}`.ModelViewSet`, with snippets-specific properties provided by default. Hence, it supports the same customisations provided by `ModelViewSet` such as customising the listing view (e.g. adding custom columns, filters), creating a custom menu item, and more.
Before proceeding, ensure that you register the snippet model using `register_snippet` as a function instead of a decorator, as described in [](wagtailsnippets_registering).
For demonstration, consider the following `Member` model and a `MemberFilterSet` class:
# models.py
from django.db import models
from wagtail.admin.filters import WagtailFilterSet
class Member(models.Model):
class ShirtSize(models.TextChoices):
SMALL = "S", "Small"
MEDIUM = "M", "Medium"
LARGE = "L", "Large"
EXTRA_LARGE = "XL", "Extra Large"
name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
shirt_size = models.CharField(max_length=5, choices=ShirtSize.choices, default=ShirtSize.MEDIUM)
def get_shirt_size_display(self):
return self.ShirtSize(self.shirt_size).label
get_shirt_size_display.admin_order_field = "shirt_size"
get_shirt_size_display.short_description = "Size description"
class MemberFilterSet(WagtailFilterSet):
class Meta:
model = Member
fields = ["shirt_size"]
And the following is the snippet's corresponding `SnippetViewSet` subclass:
from wagtail.admin.panels import FieldPanel
from wagtail.admin.ui.tables import UpdatedAtColumn
from wagtail.snippets.models import register_snippet
from wagtail.snippets.views.snippets import SnippetViewSet
from myapp.models import Member, MemberFilterSet
class MemberViewSet(SnippetViewSet):
model = Member
icon = "user"
list_display = ["name", "shirt_size", "get_shirt_size_display", UpdatedAtColumn()]
list_per_page = 50
inspect_view_enabled = True
admin_url_namespace = "member_views"
base_url_path = "internal/member"
filterset_class = MemberFilterSet
# alternatively, you can use the following instead of filterset_class
# list_filter = ["shirt_size"]
# or
# list_filter = {"shirt_size": ["exact"], "name": ["icontains"]}
edit_handler = TabbedInterface([
ObjectList([FieldPanel("name")], heading="Details"),
ObjectList([FieldPanel("shirt_size")], heading="Preferences"),
## Icon
You can define an {attr}`~.ViewSet.icon` attribute on the `SnippetViewSet` to specify the icon that is used across the admin for this snippet type. The `icon` needs to be [registered in the Wagtail icon library](../../advanced_topics/icons). If `icon` is not set, the default `"snippet"` icon is used.
## URL namespace and base URL path
The {attr}`~.ViewSet.url_namespace` property can be overridden to use a custom URL namespace for the URL patterns of the views. If unset, it defaults to `wagtailsnippets_{app_label}_{model_name}`. Meanwhile, overriding {attr}`~.ViewSet.url_prefix` allows you to customise the base URL path relative to the Wagtail admin URL. If unset, it defaults to `snippets/app_label/model_name`.
Similar URL customisations are also possible for the snippet chooser views through {attr}`~SnippetViewSet.chooser_admin_url_namespace`, {attr}`~SnippetViewSet.chooser_base_url_path`, {meth}`~SnippetViewSet.get_chooser_admin_url_namespace`, and {meth}`~SnippetViewSet.get_chooser_admin_base_path`.
## Listing view
You can customise the listing view to add custom columns, filters, pagination, etc. via various attributes available on the `SnippetViewSet`. Refer to [the listing view customisations for `ModelViewSet`](modelviewset_listing) for more details.
Additionally, you can customise the base queryset for the listing view by overriding the {meth}`~SnippetViewSet.get_queryset` method.
## Inspect view
The inspect view is disabled by default, as it's not often useful for most models. To enable it, set {attr}`~.ModelViewSet.inspect_view_enabled` to `True`. Refer to [the inspect view customisations for `ModelViewSet`](modelviewset_inspect) for more details.
## Templates
Template customisations work the same way as for `ModelViewSet`, except that the {attr}`~.ModelViewSet.template_prefix` defaults to `wagtailsnippets/snippets/`. Refer to [the template customisations for `ModelViewSet`](modelviewset_templates) for more details.
## Menu item
By default, registering a snippet model will add a "Snippets" menu item to the sidebar menu. However, you can configure a snippet model to have its own top-level menu item in the sidebar menu by setting {attr}`~.ViewSet.add_to_admin_menu` to `True`. Refer to [the menu customisations for `ModelViewSet`](modelviewset_menu) for more details.
An example of a custom `SnippetViewSet` subclass with `add_to_admin_menu` set to `True`:
from wagtail.snippets.views.snippets import SnippetViewSet
class AdvertViewSet(SnippetViewSet):
model = Advert
icon = "crosshairs"
menu_label = "Advertisements"
menu_name = "adverts"
menu_order = 300
add_to_admin_menu = True
Multiple snippet models can also be grouped under a single menu item using a {attr}`~SnippetViewSetGroup`. You can do this by setting the {attr}`~SnippetViewSet.model` attribute on the `SnippetViewSet` classes and then registering the `SnippetViewSetGroup` subclass instead of each individual model or viewset:
from wagtail.snippets.views.snippets import SnippetViewSet, SnippetViewSetGroup
class AdvertViewSet(SnippetViewSet):
model = Advert
icon = "crosshairs"
menu_label = "Advertisements"
menu_name = "adverts"
class ProductViewSet(SnippetViewSet):
model = Product
icon = "desktop"
menu_label = "Products"
menu_name = "banners"
class MarketingViewSetGroup(SnippetViewSetGroup):
items = (AdvertViewSet, ProductViewSet)
menu_icon = "folder-inverse"
menu_label = "Marketing"
menu_name = "marketing"
# When using a SnippetViewSetGroup class to group several SnippetViewSet classes together,
# only register the SnippetViewSetGroup class. You do not need to register each snippet
# model or viewset separately.
If all snippet models have their own menu items, the "Snippets" menu item will not be shown.
Various additional attributes are available to customise the viewset - see {class}`~SnippetViewSet`.