A sensible, modern collection of configuration files for [ESLint] that enforces beautiful code. It contains both rules to ensure correct code (e.g. enforce `break` statements in each `switch``case`), and rules to make your code beautiful (e.g. adding a trailing comma to array items that start on a newline).
## What's included
Currently, the 3 following configuration files are available:
*`generic`: generic ESLint configuration for all modern JavaScript runtimes.
*`node`: an extension on the generic config, with rules specific to Node.js.
*`svelte`: configuration for [Svelte] and JavaScript in browser environments.
## Examples
Please see [the `examples` directory](./examples) for some examples. Files that start with `wrong.` contain many errors, and the fixed version of those files is in their `correct.` equivalent.
## Installation
Install it together with ESLint using [npm], [pnpm], [Yarn], or whatever package manager you like to use:
Then, tell ESLint to extend this configuration. Add it either in `.eslintrc.json`, add it as the default export in `.eslintrc.js`, or add it in your `package.json` under the `"eslintConfig"` key.
Please consider the following example. You should replace `<name>` with the name of the configuration you want to use.
After installing, run `npx eslint .` to lint your code for the first time, or use `npx eslint --fix .` to lint while automatically fixing all auto-fixable problems ESLint finds in your codebase.