layout: base.liquid
  listItemHasChildrenClass: haschildren
  activeAnchorClass: current

    <header id="sitehead">
      <a href="/">
        <img src="/logo.png" alt="" />
          <div class="sitetitle">Rolens</div>
          <div class="tagline">The intuitive MongoDB administration tool</div>

    <label id="sitetoctoggle" for="sitetocopen">
      <svg class="icon" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M3 12h18M3 6h18M3 18h18"/></svg>
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    <nav id="sitetoc">
      {{ collections.all | eleventyNavigation | eleventyNavigationToHtml: navigationOptions }}

    {% if title or summary %}
      {% if title %}<h1>{{ title }}</h1>{% endif %}
      {% if summary %}<p>{{ summary | markdowninline }}</p>{% endif %}
    {% endif %}

    {{ content }}

    {% if stub %}
    <div class="wipdoc">
        Oops… this Rolens documentation page is a work-in-progress! You could
        <a href="{{ github.pageSourceUrl }}" target="_blank">help writing it</a> — thanks!
    {% endif %}

        Spotted an error on this page? Please
        <a href="{{ github.reportDocsIssue }}" target="_blank">report it</a>
        — thank you! You could also directly
        <a href="{{ github.pageSourceUrl }}" target="_blank">edit the page</a>
        on GitHub.
        {% render "githubstars" %}
        {% render "mastodon" %}
        © <a href="mailto:romein@vburen.nl">Romein van Buren</a> 2023.
        The <a href="{{ meta.repoUrl }}">source code</a> and compiled
        binaries are released under the
        <a href="{{ github.licenseUrl }}">GNU GPLv3</a>