#!/usr/bin/env node const { execSync, spawn } = require('child_process'); const { readFileSync, statSync, rmdirSync, mkdirSync } = require('fs'); // Check that the script is run from the root. try { const wailsJsonFile = statSync('./wails.json'); if (!wailsJsonFile.isFile()) { throw new Error(); } } catch { console.log('Error: please run the build script from the Rolens project root.'); process.exit(1); } // Output version. const version = JSON.parse(readFileSync('./wails.json').toString()).info.productVersion; if (process.argv.includes('-v') || process.argv.includes('-version') || process.argv.includes('--version')) { console.log(version); process.exit(0); } // Output help text. if (process.argv.includes('-h') || process.argv.includes('--help')) { console.log(`Rolens build script v${version}`); console.log(''); console.log('This script installs missing dependencies if any, and then compiles Rolens'); console.log('for the current platform.'); console.log(''); console.log('Options:'); console.log(' -h --help Show this help text and exit.'); console.log(' -q --quiet Do not output Wails build log.'); console.log(' -v --version Log the current Rolens version and exit.'); process.exit(0); } // Shared objects. const quiet = process.argv.includes('-q') || process.argv.includes('--quiet'); const isWindows = process.platform === 'win32'; const missingDependencies = []; function isNullish(val) { return val === undefined || val === null; } // Check that Go ^1.18 is installed. try { const goMinorVersion = /go1\.([0-9][0-9])/.exec( execSync('go version').toString() )?.pop(); if (isNullish(goMinorVersion) || (parseInt(goMinorVersion) < 18)) { throw new Error(); } } catch { missingDependencies.push({ name: 'Go ^1.18 ^16', url: 'https://go.dev/doc/install' }); } // Check that Node.js ^16 is installed. try { const nodeMajorVersion = /v([0-9]{1,2})\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}/.exec( execSync('node --version').toString() )?.pop(); if (isNullish(nodeMajorVersion) || (parseInt(nodeMajorVersion) < 16)) { throw new Error(); } } catch { missingDependencies.push({ name: 'Node.js ^16', url: 'https://go.dev/doc/install' }); } // Check that Wails is installed. try { const wailsMinorVersion = /v2\.([0-9])\.[0-9]/.exec( execSync('wails version').toString() )?.pop(); if (isNullish(wailsMinorVersion) || (parseInt(wailsMinorVersion) < 3)) { throw new Error(); } } catch { missingDependencies.push({ name: 'Wails ^2.3', command: 'go install github.com/wailsapp/wails/v2/cmd/wails@latest', url: 'https://wails.io/docs/gettingstarted/installation', }); } // Check that NSIS is installed on Windows. if (isWindows) { try { const nsisInstalled = /v3\.([0-9][0-9])/.test(execSync('makensis.exe /VERSION').toString()); if (!nsisInstalled) { throw new Error(); } } catch { missingDependencies.push({ name: 'Nullsoft Install System ^3', command: 'choco install nsis', url: 'https://nsis.sourceforge.io/Download', comment: 'Note: you should add makensis.exe to your path:\n setx /M PATH "%PATH%;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\NSIS\\Bin"' }); } } // Report missing dependencies. if (missingDependencies.length > 0) { console.log('You are missing the following dependencies:'); for (const dependency of missingDependencies) { console.log(''); console.log(`- ${dependency.name}`); if (dependency.command) { console.log(' Install it by executing:'); console.log(` ${dependency.command}`); } if (dependency.url) { console.log(' Visit the following page for more information:'); console.log(` ${dependency.url}`); } if (dependency.comment) { console.log(` ${dependency.comment}`); } } process.exit(1); } // Clean output directory. console.log('Cleaning output directory...'); try { rmdirSync('./build/bin'); } catch {} try { mkdirSync('./build/bin'); } catch (err) { console.log('Failed to create build output directory!'); } // Build Rolens. console.log(`Building Rolens ${version}...`); console.log(); const proc = spawn('wails', [ 'build', '-clean', isWindows ? '-nsis' : '' ]); if (!quiet) { const suppressMessages = [ 'Wails CLI', 'If Wails is useful', 'https://github.com/sponsors/leaanthony', ]; proc.stdout.on('data', data => { for (let i = 0; i < suppressMessages.length; i++) { if (data.toString().indexOf(suppressMessages[i]) !== -1) { return; } } process.stdout.write(data); }); proc.stderr.on('data', data => process.stderr.write(data)); } proc.on('exit', code => { console.log(); process.exit(code); });