2023-01-19 20:57:22 +01:00
< script >
import TabBar from '../../../components/tabbar.svelte';
import Modal from '../../../components/modal.svelte';
2023-01-20 13:54:57 +01:00
import Icon from '../../../components/icon.svelte';
2023-01-19 20:57:22 +01:00
export let show = false;
export let activeView = 'list';
export let config = {
hideObjectIndicators: false,
columns: [],
2023-01-20 13:54:57 +01:00
export let firstItem = {} ;
2023-01-19 20:57:22 +01:00
let activeTab = activeView || 'list';
2023-01-20 13:54:57 +01:00
$: activeView & & (activeTab = activeView);
$: if (!config.columns || (config.columns.length === 0)) {
config.columns = [ { key : '_id' } ];
function addColumn(before) {
if (typeof before === 'number') {
config.columns = [
...config.columns.slice(0, before),
{} ,
else {
config.columns = [ ...config.columns, {} ];
function addSuggestedColumns() {
if ((typeof firstItem !== 'object') || (firstItem === null)) {
config.columns = Object.keys(firstItem).map(key => ({ key } ));
function moveColumn(oldIndex, delta) {
const column = config.columns[oldIndex];
const newIndex = oldIndex + delta;
config.columns.splice(oldIndex, 1);
config.columns.splice(newIndex, 0, column);
config.columns = config.columns;
function removeColumn(index) {
config.columns.splice(index, 1);
config.columns = config.columns;
2023-01-19 20:57:22 +01:00
< / script >
< Modal title = "View configuration" bind:show contentPadding = { false } >
< TabBar
{ key : 'list' , title : 'List view' } ,
2023-01-20 13:54:57 +01:00
{ key : 'table' , title : 'Table view columns' } ,
2023-01-19 20:57:22 +01:00
bind:selectedKey={ activeTab }
< div class = "options" >
{ #if activeTab === 'list' }
< div class = "flex" >
< input type = "checkbox" id = "hideObjectIndicators" bind:checked = { config . hideObjectIndicators } / >
< label for = "hideObjectIndicators" >
Hide object indicators ({ '{...}' } and [...]) in list view and show nothing instead
< / label >
< / div >
{ :else if activeTab === 'table' }
2023-01-20 13:54:57 +01:00
{ #each config . columns as column , columnIndex }
< div class = "column" >
< label class = "field" >
< input type = "text" bind:value = { column . key } placeholder="Column keypath " />
< / label >
< button class = "btn" type = "button" on:click = {() => addColumn ( columnIndex )} title="Add column before this one " >
< Icon name = "+" / >
< / button >
< button class = "btn" type = "button" on:click = {() => moveColumn ( columnIndex , - 1 )} disabled= { columnIndex === 0 } title = "Move column one position up" >
< Icon name = "chev-u" / >
< / button >
< button class = "btn" type = "button" on:click = {() => moveColumn ( columnIndex , 1 )} disabled= { columnIndex === config . columns . length - 1 } title = "Move column one position down" >
< Icon name = "chev-d" / >
< / button >
< button class = "btn danger" type = "button" on:click = {() => removeColumn ( columnIndex )} title="Remove this column " >
< Icon name = "x" / >
< / button >
< / div >
{ /each }
< button class = "btn" on:click = { addColumn } >
< Icon name = "+" / > Add column
< / button >
< button class = "btn" on:click = { addSuggestedColumns } disabled= { ! firstItem } >
< Icon name = "zap" / > Add suggested columns
< / button >
2023-01-19 20:57:22 +01:00
{ /if }
< / div >
< / Modal >
< style >
.options {
padding: 1rem;
.flex {
display: flex;
gap: 0.5rem;
2023-01-20 13:54:57 +01:00
.column {
display: grid;
grid-template: 1fr / 1fr repeat(4, auto);
gap: 0.5rem;
margin-bottom: 0.5rem;
2023-01-19 20:57:22 +01:00
< / style >