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.. _custom_streamfield_blocks:
How to build custom StreamField blocks
.. _custom_editing_interfaces_for_structblock:
Custom editing interfaces for ``StructBlock``
To customise the styling of a ``StructBlock`` as it appears in the page editor, you can specify a ``form_classname`` attribute (either as a keyword argument to the ``StructBlock`` constructor, or in a subclass's ``Meta``) to override the default value of ``struct-block``:
.. code-block:: python
class PersonBlock(blocks.StructBlock):
first_name = blocks.CharBlock()
surname = blocks.CharBlock()
photo = ImageChooserBlock(required=False)
biography = blocks.RichTextBlock()
class Meta:
icon = 'user'
form_classname = 'person-block struct-block'
You can then provide custom CSS for this block, targeted at the specified classname, by using the :ref:`insert_editor_css` hook.
.. Note::
Wagtail's editor styling has some built in styling for the ``struct-block`` class and other related elements. If you specify a value for ``form_classname``, it will overwrite the classes that are already applied to ``StructBlock``, so you must remember to specify the ``struct-block`` as well.
For more extensive customisations that require changes to the HTML markup as well, you can override the ``form_template`` attribute in ``Meta`` to specify your own template path. The following variables are available on this template:
An ``OrderedDict`` of ``BoundBlock``\s for all of the child blocks making up this ``StructBlock``; typically your template will call ``render_form`` on each of these.
The help text for this block, if specified.
The class name passed as ``form_classname`` (defaults to ``struct-block``).
The ``StructBlock`` instance that defines this block.
The prefix used on form fields for this block instance, guaranteed to be unique across the form.
To add additional variables, you can override the block's ``get_form_context`` method:
.. code-block:: python
class PersonBlock(blocks.StructBlock):
first_name = blocks.CharBlock()
surname = blocks.CharBlock()
photo = ImageChooserBlock(required=False)
biography = blocks.RichTextBlock()
def get_form_context(self, value, prefix='', errors=None):
context = super().get_form_context(value, prefix=prefix, errors=errors)
context['suggested_first_names'] = ['John', 'Paul', 'George', 'Ringo']
return context
class Meta:
icon = 'user'
form_template = 'myapp/block_forms/person.html'
.. _custom_value_class_for_structblock:
Additional methods and properties on ``StructBlock`` values
When rendering StreamField content on a template, StructBlock values are represented as ``dict``-like objects where the keys correspond to the names of the child blocks. Specifically, these values are instances of the class ``wagtail.core.blocks.StructValue``.
Sometimes, it's desirable to make additional methods or properties available on this object. For example, given a StructBlock that represents either an internal or external link:
.. code-block:: python
class LinkBlock(StructBlock):
text = CharBlock(label="link text", required=True)
page = PageChooserBlock(label="page", required=False)
external_url = URLBlock(label="external URL", required=False)
you may want to make a ``url`` property available, that returns either the page URL or external URL depending which one was filled in. A common mistake is to define this property on the block class itself:
.. code-block:: python
class LinkBlock(StructBlock):
text = CharBlock(label="link text", required=True)
page = PageChooserBlock(label="page", required=False)
external_url = URLBlock(label="external URL", required=False)
def url(self): # INCORRECT - will not work
return self.external_url or self.page.url
This does not work because the value as seen in the template is not an instance of ``LinkBlock``. ``StructBlock`` instances only serve as specifications for the block's behaviour, and do not hold block data in their internal state - in this respect, they are similar to Django's form widget objects (which provide methods for rendering a given value as a form field, but do not hold on to the value itself).
Instead, you should define a subclass of ``StructValue`` that implements your custom property or method. Within this method, the block's data can be accessed as ``self['page']`` or ``self.get('page')``, since ``StructValue`` is a dict-like object.
.. code-block:: python
from wagtail.core.blocks import StructValue
class LinkValue(StructValue):
def url(self):
external_url = self.get('external_url')
page = self.get('page')
return external_url or page.url
Once this is defined, set the block's ``value_class`` option to instruct it to use this class rather than a plain StructValue:
.. code-block:: python
class LinkBlock(StructBlock):
text = CharBlock(label="link text", required=True)
page = PageChooserBlock(label="page", required=False)
external_url = URLBlock(label="external URL", required=False)
class Meta:
value_class = LinkStructValue
Your extended value class methods will now be available in your template:
.. code-block:: html+django
{% for block in page.body %}
{% if block.block_type == 'link' %}
<a href="{{ link.value.url }}">{{ link.value.text }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Custom block types
If you need to implement a custom UI, or handle a datatype that is not provided by Wagtail's built-in block types (and cannot be built up as a structure of existing fields), it is possible to define your own custom block types. For further guidance, refer to the source code of Wagtail's built-in block classes.
For block types that simply wrap an existing Django form field, Wagtail provides an abstract class ``wagtail.core.blocks.FieldBlock`` as a helper. Subclasses should set a ``field`` property that returns the form field object:
.. code-block:: python
class IPAddressBlock(FieldBlock):
def __init__(self, required=True, help_text=None, **kwargs):
self.field = forms.GenericIPAddressField(required=required, help_text=help_text)
Since the StreamField editing interface needs to create blocks dynamically, certain complex widget types will need additional JavaScript code to define how to render and populate them on the client-side. If a field uses a widget type that does not inherit from one of the classes inheriting from ``django.forms.widgets.Input``, ``django.forms.Textarea``, ``django.forms.Select`` or ``django.forms.RadioSelect``, or has customised client-side behaviour to the extent where it is not possible to read or write its data simply by accessing the form element's ``value`` property, you will need to provide a JavaScript handler object, implementing the methods detailed on :ref:`streamfield_widget_api`.
Handling block definitions within migrations
As with any model field in Django, any changes to a model definition that affect a StreamField will result in a migration file that contains a 'frozen' copy of that field definition. Since a StreamField definition is more complex than a typical model field, there is an increased likelihood of definitions from your project being imported into the migration -- which would cause problems later on if those definitions are moved or deleted.
To mitigate this, StructBlock, StreamBlock and ChoiceBlock implement additional logic to ensure that any subclasses of these blocks are deconstructed to plain instances of StructBlock, StreamBlock and ChoiceBlock -- in this way, the migrations avoid having any references to your custom class definitions. This is possible because these block types provide a standard pattern for inheritance, and know how to reconstruct the block definition for any subclass that follows that pattern.
If you subclass any other block class, such as ``FieldBlock``, you will need to either keep that class definition in place for the lifetime of your project, or implement a :ref:`custom deconstruct method <django:custom-deconstruct-method>` that expresses your block entirely in terms of classes that are guaranteed to remain in place. Similarly, if you customise a StructBlock, StreamBlock or ChoiceBlock subclass to the point where it can no longer be expressed as an instance of the basic block type -- for example, if you add extra arguments to the constructor -- you will need to provide your own ``deconstruct`` method.