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For Front End developers
.. note::
This documentation is currently being written.
Wagtail uses Django's templating language. For developers new to Django, start with Django's own template documentation:
Python programmers new to Django/Wagtail may prefer more technical documentation:
Displaying Pages
Template Location
For each of your ``Page``-derived models, Wagtail will look for a template in the following location, relative to your project root::
Class names are converted from camel case to underscores. For example, the template for model class ``BlogIndexPage`` would be assumed to be ``blog_index_page.html``. For more information, see the Django documentation for the `application directories template loader`_.
.. _application directories template loader: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/templates/api/
By default, the context passed to a model's template consists of two properties: ``self`` and ``request``. ``self`` is the model object being displayed. ``request`` is the normal Django request object. So, to include the title of a ``Page``, use ``{{ self.title }}``.
Static files (css, js, images)
Images uploaded to Wagtail go into the image library and from there are added to pages via the :doc:`page editor interface </editor_manual/new_pages/inserting_images>`.
Unlike other CMS, adding images to a page does not involve choosing a "version" of the image to use. Wagtail has no predefined image "formats" or "sizes". Instead the template developer defines image manipulation to occur *on the fly* when the image is requested, via a special syntax within the template.
Images from the library **must** be requested using this syntax, but images in your codebase can be added via conventional means e.g ``img`` tags. Only images from the library can be manipulated on the fly.
Read more about the image manipulation syntax here :ref:`Images tag <image-tag>`.
Template tags & filters
In addition to Django's standard tags and filters, Wagtail provides some of it's own, which can be ``load``-ed `as you would any other <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/templates/#custom-tag-and-filter-libraries>`_
.. _image-tag:
Images (tag)
The syntax for displaying/manipulating an image is thus::
{% image [image] [method]-[dimension(s)] %}
For example::
{% image self.photo width-400 %}
<!-- or a square thumbnail: -->
{% image self.photo fill-80x80 %}
The ``image`` is the Django object refering to the image. If your page model defined a field called "photo" then ``image`` would probably be ``self.photo``. The ``method`` defines which resizing algorithm to use and ``dimension(s)`` provides height and/or width values (as ``[width|height]`` or ``[width]x[height]``) to refine that algorithm.
Note that a space separates ``image`` and ``method``, but not ``method`` and ``dimensions``: a hyphen between ``method`` and ``dimensions`` is mandatory. Multiple dimensions must be separated by an ``x``.
The available ``method`` s are:
.. glossary::
(takes two dimensions)
Fit **within** the given dimensions.
The longest edge will be reduced to the equivalent dimension size defined. e.g A portrait image of width 1000, height 2000, treated with the ``max`` dimensions ``1000x500`` (landscape) would result in the image shrunk so the *height* was 500 pixels and the width 250.
(takes two dimensions)
**Cover** the given dimensions.
This may result in an image slightly **larger** than the dimensions you specify. e.g A square image of width 2000, height 2000, treated with the ``min`` dimensions ``500x200`` (landscape) would have it's height and width changed to 500, i.e matching the width required, but greater than the height.
(takes one dimension)
Reduces the width of the image to the dimension specified.
(takes one dimension)
Resize the height of the image to the dimension specified..
(takes two dimensions)
Resize and **crop** to fill the **exact** dimensions.
This can be particularly useful for websites requiring square thumbnails of arbitrary images. e.g A landscape image of width 2000, height 1000, treated with ``fill`` dimensions ``200x200`` would have it's height reduced to 200, then it's width (ordinarily 400) cropped to 200.
**The crop always aligns on the centre of the image.**
.. Note::
Wagtail *does not allow deforming or stretching images*. Image dimension ratios will always be kept. Wagtail also *does not support upscaling*. Small images forced to appear at larger sizes will "max out" at their their native dimensions.
To request the "original" version of an image, it is suggested you rely on the lack of upscalling support by requesting an image much larger than it's maximum dimensions. e.g to insert an image who's dimensions are uncertain/unknown, at it's maximum size, try: ``{% image self.image width-10000 %}``. This assumes the image is unlikely to be larger than 10000px wide.
Rich text (filter)
This filter is required for use with any ``RichTextField``. It will expand internal shorthand references to embeds and links made in the Wagtail editor into fully-baked HTML ready for display. **Note that the template tag loaded differs from the name of the filter.**
.. code-block:: django
{% load rich_text %}
{{ body|richtext }}
Internal links (tag)
Takes a ``Page``-derived object and returns its URL as relative (``/foo/bar/``) if it's within the same site as the current page, or absolute (``http://example.com/foo/bar/``) if not.
.. code-block:: django
{% load pageurl %}
<a href="{% pageurl blog %}">
Takes a ``slug`` string and returns the URL for the ``Page``-derived object with that slug. Like ``pageurl``, will try to provide a relative link if possible, but will default to an absolute link if on a different site.
.. code-block:: django
{% load slugurl %}
<a href="{% slugurl blogslug %}">
Static files (tag)
Wagtail User Bar
This tag provides a Wagtail icon and flyout menu on the top-right of a page for a logged-in user with editing capabilities, with the option of editing the current Page-derived object or adding a new sibling object.
.. code-block:: django
{% load wagtailuserbar %}
{% wagtailuserbar %}