# Icons
Wagtail comes with an SVG icon set. The icons are used throughout the admin interface.
Elements that use icons are:
- [Register Admin Menu Item](register_admin_menu_item)
- [Client-side components](extending_clientside_components)
- [Rich text editor toolbar buttons](extending_the_draftail_editor)
- [ModelAdmin menu](modeladmin_menu_icon)
- [StreamField blocks](custom_streamfield_blocks)
This document describes how to choose, add and customise icons.
## Available icons and their names
An icon name corresponds with the value of `id` in the SVG file: `
The `svg` tag should:
- Set the `id="icon-"` attribute, icons are referenced by this name
- Set the `xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"` attribute
- Set the `viewBox="..."` attribute
- Include license information, if applicable.
Set `/templates/wagtailadmin/icons/`.