const plugin = require('tailwindcss/plugin'); const vanillaRTL = require('tailwindcss-vanilla-rtl'); /** * Design Tokens */ const colors = require('./src/tokens/colors'); const { generateColorVariables } = require('./src/tokens/colorVariables'); const { fontFamily, fontSize, fontWeight, letterSpacing, lineHeight, typeScale, } = require('./src/tokens/typography'); const { breakpoints } = require('./src/tokens/breakpoints'); const { borderRadius, borderWidth, boxShadow, } = require('./src/tokens/objectStyles'); const { spacing } = require('./src/tokens/spacing'); /** * Plugins */ const scrollbarThin = require('./src/plugins/scrollbarThin'); /** * Functions * themeColors: For converting our design tokens into a format that tailwind accepts */ const themeColors = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(colors).map(([key, hues]) => { const shades = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(hues).map(([k, shade]) => [ k, `var(${shade.cssVariable})`, ]), ); return [key, shades]; }), ); /** * Root Tailwind config, reusable for other projects. */ module.exports = { prefix: 'w-', theme: { screens: { ...breakpoints, }, colors: { ...themeColors, // Fades of white and black are not customisable. 'white-15': 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15)', 'white-50': 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.50)', 'white-80': 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.80)', 'black-10': 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.10)', 'black-20': 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.20)', 'black-35': 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.35)', 'black-50': 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.50)', // Color keywords. 'inherit': 'inherit', 'current': 'currentColor', 'transparent': 'transparent', /* allow system colours */ 'LinkText': 'LinkText', 'ButtonText': 'ButtonText', }, fontFamily: { sans: 'var(--w-font-sans)', mono: 'var(--w-font-mono)', }, fontSize, fontWeight, lineHeight, letterSpacing, borderRadius, borderWidth, boxShadow: { ...boxShadow, none: 'none', }, spacing: { ...spacing, 'slim-header': '50px', }, extend: { outlineOffset: { inside: '-3px', }, transitionProperty: { sidebar: 'inset-inline-start, padding-inline-start, width, transform, margin-top, min-height', }, zIndex: { 'header': '100', 'sidebar': '110', 'sidebar-toggle': '120', 'dialog': '130', }, keyframes: { 'fade-in': { '0%': { opacity: 0 }, '100%': { opacity: 1 }, }, }, animation: { 'fade-in': 'fade-in 150ms both', }, }, }, plugins: [ typeScale, vanillaRTL, scrollbarThin, /** * forced-colors media query for Windows High-Contrast mode support * See: * - * - */ plugin(({ addVariant }) => { addVariant('forced-colors', '@media (forced-colors: active)'); }), /** * TypeScale plugin. * This plugin generates component classes using tailwind's theme values for each object inside of the typeScale configuration. * We have the `w-` prefix added in the configuration for documentation purposes, it needs to be removed here before Tailwind adds it back. */ plugin(({ addComponents, theme }) => { const scale = {}; Object.entries(typeScale).forEach(([name, styles]) => { scale[`.${name.replace('w-', '')}`] = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(styles).map(([key, value]) => [key, theme(value)]), ); }); addComponents(scale); }), /** * CSS Custom properties defined from our design tokens. */ plugin(({ addBase }) => { addBase({ ':root': { '--w-font-sans': fontFamily.sans.join(', '), '--w-font-mono': fontFamily.mono.join(', '), ...generateColorVariables(colors), }, }); }), /** Support for aria-expanded=true variant */ plugin(({ addVariant }) => { addVariant('expanded', '&[aria-expanded=true]'); }), ], corePlugins: { ...vanillaRTL.disabledCorePlugins, // Disable float and clear which have poor RTL support. float: false, clear: false, // Disable text-transform so we don’t rely on uppercasing text. textTransform: false, }, variants: { extend: { backgroundColor: ['forced-colors'], width: ['forced-colors'], height: ['forced-colors'], }, }, };