// Styles for title fields throughout the page. // The `title` class is meant to be applied by end users throughout different forms APIs. .w-panel.title, .w-field.title { input, textarea, .Draftail-Editor .public-DraftEditor-content { @apply w-h2; color: $color-input-text; } } // Styles for the title field when at the top of the page. // It’s the first panel when comments are disabled, second if enabled. .w-panel.title:nth-child(1), .w-panel.title:nth-child(2) { .w-panel__header { @apply w-sr-only; .w-panel__anchor, .w-panel__toggle { @apply w-hidden; } } input, textarea, .Draftail-Editor .public-DraftEditor-content { @apply w-h1; color: $color-input-text; // Slightly out-dented so the field’s is horizontally aligned. padding-inline-start: theme('spacing[1.5]'); margin-inline-start: calc(-1 * theme('spacing[1.5]')); // Avoid calling attention to the field _unless_ it’s in one of those states. &:not(:hover, :focus, :placeholder-shown, [aria-invalid='true']) { // Hide w/ transparency to preserve border size and show it in forced-colors mode. border-color: transparent; } } }