.. _wagtailsearch_backends: ====================== Wagtailsearch backends ====================== Wagtail can degrade to a database-backed text search, but we strongly recommend `Elasticsearch`_. .. _Elasticsearch: http://www.elasticsearch.org/ .. _wagtailsearch_backends_database: Database Backend =============== The default DB search backend uses Django's ``__icontains`` filter. Elasticsearch Backend ===================== Prerequisites are the Elasticsearch service itself and, via pip, the `elasticsearch-py`_ package: .. code-block:: guess pip install elasticsearch .. note:: If you are using Elasticsearch < 1.0, install elasticsearch-py version 0.4.5: ```pip install elasticsearch==0.4.5``` The backend is configured in settings: .. code-block:: python WAGTAILSEARCH_BACKENDS = { 'default': { 'BACKEND': 'wagtail.wagtailsearch.backends.elasticsearch.ElasticSearch', 'URLS': ['http://localhost:9200'], 'INDEX': 'wagtail', 'TIMEOUT': 5, 'FORCE_NEW': False, } } Other than ``BACKEND`` the keys are optional and default to the values shown. ``FORCE_NEW`` is used by elasticsearch-py. In addition, any other keys are passed directly to the Elasticsearch constructor as case-sensitive keyword arguments (e.g. ``'max_retries': 1``). If you prefer not to run an Elasticsearch server in development or production, there are many hosted services available, including `Searchly`_, who offer a free account suitable for testing and development. To use Searchly: - Sign up for an account at `dashboard.searchly.com/users/sign\_up`_ - Use your Searchly dashboard to create a new index, e.g. 'wagtaildemo' - Note the connection URL from your Searchly dashboard - Configure ``URLS`` and ``INDEX`` in the Elasticsearch entry in ``WAGTAILSEARCH_BACKENDS`` - Run ``./manage.py update_index`` .. _elasticsearch-py: http://elasticsearch-py.readthedocs.org .. _Searchly: http://www.searchly.com/ .. _dashboard.searchly.com/users/sign\_up: https://dashboard.searchly.com/users/sign_up Rolling Your Own ================ Wagtail search backends implement the interface defined in ``wagtail/wagtail/wagtailsearch/backends/base.py``. At a minimum, the backend's ``search()`` method must return a collection of objects or ``model.objects.none()``. For a fully-featured search backend, examine the Elasticsearch backend code in ``elasticsearch.py``.