* Added CI config to generate nightly builds from master
* Fix typo
* Don't write __init__.py directly
We need to import the original in the script
* Update wagtail.utils.version
This is based off a copy from Django master made just now and adds
support for 'dev' versions.
* Ensure that when you open the explorer the focus moves to the first link of the menu, and add a label for the explorer navigation
* Add dialog role to pages explorer popup, and ensure that there is an option to close the dialog window when tabbing by making the close button visually hidden rather than display none
revisions_for_moderation() was iterating over Page instances only
to use their path attribute. The optimization uses values_list()
over the GroupPagePermission queryset to retrieve only the page
paths without having to create the model instances in memory. This
saves roughly 50% of the runtime.
- adds a fieldset around checkboxes with the same name
- add correct labels for object permissions table
- Ensure that image and document permissions labels display correctly, and ensure that labels for the dropdowns for document and image collections are not display:none
- Hide labels from sighted users in group edit / group add pages
* Adds clearer text to the close button for modals
* Use existing wagtailConfig.STRINGS to store the new translatable string for JS, rather than introducing a new library.
* Update list of string constants for translation in the tests file
* Remove aria-hidden on modal dialog close button
A checkbox (specifically, a BoundWidget) is instantiated with data from
a django.contrib.auth.models.Permission instance. However it doesn't
receive the full object so it isn't available in the template. This
stops a user from accessing useful values like Permission.name.
This adds the relevant Permission object to the template in a dict for
ease of access.
- Images in the image listing now have an empty alt tag
- All information about the image, including title and image dimensions are now in the heading below
- The dimensions are visually hidden because they only relevant to screen readers, as sighted users can get and idea of the image dimensions from the thumbnail