Wagtail is built on the `Django web framework <https://www.djangoproject.com/>`_, so this document assumes you've already got the essentials installed. But if not, those essentials are:
Before installing Wagtail, it is necessary to install the **libjpeg** and **zlib** libraries, which provide support for working with JPEG, PNG and GIF images (via the Python **Pillow** library). The way to do this varies by platform - see Pillow's `platform-specific installation instructions <http://pillow.readthedocs.org/en/latest/installation.html#external-libraries>`_.
This will create a new folder ``mysite``, based on a template containing all you need to get started. More information on that template is available :doc:`here </reference/project_template>`.
This will set you up with a new stand-alone Wagtail project. If you'd like to add Wagtail to an existing Django project instead, see :doc:`integrating_into_django`.