Install the wagtaildemo following the instructions in the `wagtaildemo README <>`_, then continue with the instructions below.
Clone a copy of `the Wagtail codebase <>`_ alongside your demo site at the same level. So in the directory containing wagtaildemo, run::
git clone
Enable the Vagrantfile included with the demo - this ensures you can edit the Wagtail codebase from outside Vagrant::
cd wagtaildemo
cp Vagrantfile.local.example Vagrantfile.local
If you clone Wagtail's codebase to somewhere other than one level above, edit ``Vagrantfile.local`` to specify the alternate path.
Lastly, we tell Django to use your freshly cloned Wagtail codebase as the source of Wagtail CMS, not the pip-installed version that came with wagtaildemo::
* PEP8. We ask that all Python contributions adhere to the `PEP8 <>`_ style guide, apart from the restriction on line length (E501). The `pep8 tool <>`_ makes it easy to check your code, e.g. ``pep8 --ignore=E501``.
* Python 2 and 3 compatibility. All contributions should support Python 2 and 3 and we recommend using the `six <>`_ compatibility library (use the pip version installed as a dependency, not the version bundled with Django).
* Tests. Wagtail has a suite of tests, which we are committed to improving and expanding. We run continuous integration at ` <>`_ to ensure that no commits or pull requests introduce test failures. If your contributions add functionality to Wagtail, please include the additional tests to cover it; if your contributions alter existing functionality, please update the relevant tests accordingly.