A dictionary of ``(value_class_1, value_class_2, ...)`` tuples mapping to ``{export_format: preprocessing_function}`` dictionaries,
allowing custom preprocessing functions to be applied when exporting field values of specific classes (or their subclasses). If
unspecified (and ``ReportView.custom_field_preprocess`` also does not specify a function), ``force_str`` will be used. To prevent
preprocessing, set the preprocessing_function to ``None``.
.. attribute:: custom_field_preprocess
A dictionary of ``field_name`` strings mapping to ``{export_format: preprocessing_function}`` dictionaries,
allowing custom preprocessing functions to be applied when exporting field values of specific classes (or their subclasses). This
will take priority over functions specified in ``ReportView.custom_value_preprocess``. If unspecified (and
``ReportView.custom_value_preprocess`` also does not specify a function), ``force_str`` will be used. To prevent
preprocessing, set the preprocessing_function to ``None``.
## Customising templates
For this example \"pages with unpublished changes\" report, we\'ll add an extra column to the listing template, showing the last publication date for each page. To do this, we\'ll extend two templates: `wagtailadmin/reports/base_page_report.html`, and `wagtailadmin/reports/listing/_list_page_report.html`.
Finally, we\'ll set `UnpublishedChangesReportView.template_name` to this new template: `'reports/unpublished_changes_report.html'`.
## Adding a menu item and admin URL
To add a menu item for your new report to the _Reports_ submenu, you will need to use the `register_reports_menu_item` hook (see: [Register Reports Menu Item](register_reports_menu_item)). To add an admin url for the report, you will need to use the `register_admin_urls` hook (see: [Register Admin URLs](register_admin_urls)). This can be done as follows:
Here, we use the `AdminOnlyMenuItem` class to ensure our report icon is only shown to superusers. To make the report visible to all users, you could replace this with `MenuItem`.
## The full code
# <project>/views.py
from wagtail.admin.views.reports import PageReportView
from wagtail.models import Page
class UnpublishedChangesReportView(PageReportView):