When uploading an image, Wagtail takes the filename, removes the file extension, and populates the title field. This section is about how to customise this filename to title conversion.
You can customise the resolved value of this title using a JavaScript [event listener](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/EventTarget/addEventListener) which will listen to the `'wagtail:images-upload'` event.
The simplest way to add JavaScript to the editor is via the [`insert_global_admin_js` hook](insert_global_admin_js), however any JavaScript that adds the event listener will work.
The event name to listen for is `'wagtail:images-upload'`. It will be dispatched on the image upload `form`. The event's `detail` attribute will contain:
-`data` - An object which includes the `title` to be used. It is the filename with the extension removed.
-`maxTitleLength` - An integer (or `null`) which is the maximum length of the `Image` model title field.
-`filename` - The original filename without the extension removed.
To modify the generated `Image` title, access and update `event.detail.data.title`, no return value is needed.
For single image uploads, the custom event will only run if the title does not already have a value so that we do not overwrite whatever the user has typed.
You can prevent the default behaviour by calling `event.preventDefault()`. For the single upload page or modals, this will not pre-fill any value into the title. For multiple upload, this will avoid any title submission and use the filename title only (with file extension) as a title is required to save the image.
The event will 'bubble' up so that you can simply add a global `document` listener to capture all of these events, or you can scope your listener or handler logic as needed to ensure you only adjust titles in some specific scenarios.
See MDN for more information about [custom JavasScript events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/Creating_and_triggering_events).
## Code Examples
### Removing any url unsafe characters from the title