# How to add Wagtail into an existing Django project
To install Wagtail completely from scratch, create a new Django project and an app within that project. For instructions on these tasks, see [Writing your first Django app](django:intro/tutorial01). Your project directory will look like the following:
From your app directory, you can safely remove `admin.py` and `views.py`, since Wagtail will provide this functionality for your models. Configuring Django to load Wagtail involves adding modules and variables to `settings.py` and URL configuration to `urls.py`. For a more complete view of what's defined in these files, see [Django Settings](django:topics/settings) and [Django URL Dispatcher](django:topics/http/urls).
What follows is a settings reference which skips many boilerplate Django settings. If you just want to get your Wagtail install up quickly without fussing with settings at the moment, see [](complete_example_config).
Wagtail depends on the default set of Django middleware modules, to cover basic security and functionality such as login sessions. One additional middleware module is provided:
Wagtail provides a simple interface for adding arbitrary redirects to your site and this module makes it happen.
## Apps (`settings.py`)
'myapp', # your own app
Wagtail requires several Django app modules, third-party apps, and defines several apps of its own. Wagtail was built to be modular, so many Wagtail apps can be omitted to suit your needs. Your own app (here `myapp`) is where you define your models, templates, static assets, template tags, and other custom functionality for your site.
### Wagtail Apps
The core functionality of Wagtail, such as the `Page` class, the Wagtail tree, and model fields.
The administration interface for Wagtail, including page edit handlers.
The Wagtail document content type.
Editing interface for non-Page models and objects. See [](Snippets).
User editing interface.
The Wagtail image content type.
Module governing oEmbed and Embedly content in Wagtail rich text fields. See [](inserting_videos).
Search framework for Page content. See [](wagtailsearch).
Management UI for Wagtail sites.
Admin interface for creating arbitrary redirects on your site.
Models for creating forms on your pages and viewing submissions. See [Form builder](form_builder).
Tagging framework for Django. This is used internally within Wagtail for image and document tagging and is available for your own models as well. See [](tagging) for a Wagtail model recipe or the [Taggit Documentation](https://django-taggit.readthedocs.io/en/stable/).
Extension of Django ForeignKey relation functionality, which is used in Wagtail pages for on-the-fly related object creation. For more information, see [](inline_panels) or [the django-modelcluster github project page](https://github.com/wagtail/django-modelcluster).
from wagtail.admin import urls as wagtailadmin_urls
from wagtail.documents import urls as wagtaildocs_urls
urlpatterns = [
path('django-admin/', admin.site.urls),
path('admin/', include(wagtailadmin_urls)),
path('documents/', include(wagtaildocs_urls)),
# Optional URL for including your own vanilla Django urls/views
re_path(r'', include('myapp.urls')),
# For anything not caught by a more specific rule above, hand over to
# Wagtail's serving mechanism
re_path(r'', include(wagtail_urls)),
This block of code for your project's `urls.py` does a few things:
- Load the vanilla Django admin interface to `/django-admin/`
- Load the Wagtail admin and its various apps
- Dispatch any vanilla Django apps you're using other than Wagtail which require their own URL configuration (this is optional, since Wagtail might be all you need)
- Lets Wagtail handle any further URL dispatching.
That's not everything you might want to include in your project's URL configuration, but it's what's necessary for Wagtail to flourish.
## Ready to Use Example Configuration Files
These two files should reside in your project directory (`myproject/myproject/`).