* Javascript includes in the admin backend have been moved to the HTML header, to accommodate form widgets that render inline scripts that depend on libraries such as jQuery
* The external link chooser in rich text areas now accepts URLs of the form '/some/local/path', to allow linking to non-Wagtail-controlled URLs within the local site
This release drops support for Django 1.6, Python 2.6/3.2 and Elasticsearch 0.90.x. Please make sure these are updated before upgrading.
If you are upgrading from Elasticsearch 0.90.x, you may also need to update the ``elasticsearch`` pip package to a version greater than ``1.0`` as well.
To improve compatibility with third-party form widgets, pages within the Wagtail admin backend now output their Javascript includes in the HTML header, rather than at the end of the page. If your project extends the admin backend (through the ``register_admin_menu_item`` hook, for example) you will need to ensure that all associated Javascript code runs correctly from the new location. In particular, any code that accesses HTML elements will need to be contained in an 'onload' handler (e.g. jQuery's ``$(document).ready()``).
While it is not an official Wagtail API, it has been possible for Wagtail site implementers to define their own ``EditHandler`` subclasses for use in panel definitions, to customise the behaviour of the page / snippet editing forms. If you have made use of this facility, you will need to update your custom EditHandlers, as this mechanism has been refactored (to allow EditHandler classes to keep a persistent reference to their corresponding model). If you have only used Wagtail's built-in panel types (``FieldPanel``, ``InlinePanel``, ``PageChooserPanel`` and so on), you are unaffected by this change.
Previously, functions like ``FieldPanel`` acted as 'factory' functions, where a call such as ``FieldPanel('title')`` constructed and returned an ``EditHandler`` subclass tailored to work on a 'title' field. These functions now return an object with a ``bind_to_model`` method instead; the EditHandler subclass can be obtained by calling this with the model class as a parameter. As a guide to updating your custom EditHandler code, you may wish to refer to `the relevant change to the Wagtail codebase <https://github.com/torchbox/wagtail/commit/121c01c7f7db6087a985fa8dc9957bc78b9f6a6a>`_.
chooser_panel templates are obsolete
If you have added your own custom admin views to the Wagtail admin (e.g. through the ``register_admin_urls`` hook), you may have used one of the following template includes to incorporate a chooser element for pages, documents, images or snippets into your forms:
All of these templates are now deprecated. Wagtail now provides a set of Django form widgets for this purpose - ``AdminPageChooser``, ``AdminDocumentChooser``, ``AdminImageChooser`` and ``AdminSnippetChooser`` - which can be used in place of the ``HiddenInput`` widget that these form fields were previously using. The field can then be rendered using the regular ``wagtailadmin/shared/field.html`` or ``wagtailadmin/shared/field_as_li.html`` template.
Previously, the ``document_served`` signal (which is fired whenever a user downloads a document) passed the document instance as the ``sender``. This has now been changed to correspond the behaviour of Django's built-in signals; ``sender`` is now the ``Document`` class, and the document instance is passed as the argument ``instance``. Any existing signal listeners that expect to receive the document instance in ``sender`` must now be updated to check the ``instance`` argument instead.