When ``WAGTAIL_APPEND_SLASH`` is ``True`` (default), requests to Wagtail pages which omit a trailing slash will be redirected by Django's :class:`~django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware` to a URL with a trailing slash.
When ``WAGTAIL_APPEND_SLASH`` is ``False``, requests to Wagtail pages will be served both with and without trailing slashes. Page links generated by Wagtail, however, will not include trailing slashes.
If you use the ``False`` setting, keep in mind that serving your pages both with and without slashes may affect search engines' ability to index your site. See `this Google Search Central Blog post`_ for more details.
Override the templates used by the search front-end views.
..code-block:: python
Set the number of days (default 7) that search query logs are kept for; these are used to identify popular search terms for :ref:`promoted search results <editors-picks>`. Queries older than this will be removed by the :ref:`search_garbage_collect` command.
If a user has not uploaded a profile picture, Wagtail will look for an avatar linked to their email address on gravatar.com. This setting allows you to specify an alternative provider such as like robohash.org, or can be set to ``None`` to disable the use of remote avatars completely.
This setting lets you provide your own image base form for use in Wagtail, which might extend the built-in ``BaseImageForm`` class or replace it entirely.
You can use it to specify or override the widgets to use in the admin form.
This setting lets you override the maximum number of pixels an image can have. If omitted, Wagtail will fall back to using its 128 megapixels default value. The pixel count takes animation frames into account - for example, a 25-frame animation of size 100x100 is considered to have 100 * 100 * 25 = 250000 pixels.
This setting lets you provide your own Document base form for use in Wagtail, which might extend the built-in ``BaseDocumentForm`` class or replace it entirely.
You can use it to specify or override the widgets to use in the admin form.
Determines how document downloads will be linked to and served. Normally, requests for documents are sent through a Django view, to perform permission checks (see :ref:`image_document_permissions`) and potentially other housekeeping tasks such as hit counting. To fully protect against users bypassing this check, it needs to happen in the same request where the document is served; however, this incurs a performance hit as the document then needs to be served by the Django server. In particular, this cancels out much of the benefit of hosting documents on external storage, such as S3 or a CDN.
*``'direct'`` - links to documents point directly to the URL provided by the underlying storage, bypassing the Django view that provides the permission check. This is most useful when deploying sites as fully static HTML (e.g. using `wagtail-bakery <https://github.com/wagtail/wagtail-bakery>`_ or `Gatsby <https://www.gatsbyjs.org/>`_).
*``'redirect'`` - links to documents point to a Django view which will check the user's permission; if successful, it will redirect to the URL provided by the underlying storage to allow the document to be downloaded. This is most suitable for remote storage backends such as S3, as it allows the document to be served independently of the Django server. Note that if a user is able to guess the latter URL, they will be able to bypass the permission check; some storage backends may provide configuration options to generate a random or short-lived URL to mitigate this.
*``'serve_view'`` - links to documents point to a Django view which both checks the user's permission, and serves the document. Serving will be handled by `django-sendfile <https://github.com/johnsensible/django-sendfile>`_, if this is installed and supported by your server configuration, or as a streaming response from Django if not. When using this method, it is recommended that you configure your webserver to *disallow* serving documents directly from their location under ``MEDIA_ROOT``, as this would provide a way to bypass the permission check.
If ``WAGTAILDOCS_SERVE_METHOD`` is unspecified or set to ``None``, the default method is ``'redirect'`` when a remote storage backend is in use (i.e. one that exposes a URL but not a local filesystem path), and ``'serve_view'`` otherwise. Finally, some storage backends may not expose a URL at all; in this case, serving will proceed as for ``'serve_view'``.
Specifies the MIME content type that will be returned for the given file extension, when using the ``serve_view`` method. Content types not listed here will be guessed using the Python ``mimetypes.guess_type`` function, or ``application/octet-stream`` if unsuccessful.
A list of MIME content types that will be shown inline in the browser (by serving the HTTP header ``Content-Disposition: inline``) rather than served as a download, when using the ``serve_view`` method. Defaults to ``application/pdf``.
This specifies whether users are allowed to reset their passwords. Defaults to the same as ``WAGTAIL_PASSWORD_MANAGEMENT_ENABLED``. Password reset emails will be sent from the address specified in Django's ``DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL`` setting.
This specifies whether password fields are shown when creating or editing users through Settings -> Users (enabled by default). Set this to False (along with ``WAGTAIL_PASSWORD_MANAGEMENT_ENABLED`` and ``WAGTAIL_PASSWORD_RESET_ENABLED``) if your users are authenticated through an external system such as LDAP.
This specifies whether password is a required field when creating a new user. True by default; ignored if ``WAGTAILUSERS_PASSWORD_ENABLED`` is false. If this is set to False, and the password field is left blank when creating a user, then that user will have no usable password; in order to log in, they will have to reset their password (if ``WAGTAIL_PASSWORD_RESET_ENABLED`` is True) or use an alternative authentication system such as LDAP (if one is set up).
Wagtail sends email notifications when content is submitted for moderation, and when the content is accepted or rejected. This setting lets you pick which email address these automatic notifications will come from. If omitted, Wagtail will fall back to using Django's ``DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL`` setting if set, or ``webmaster@localhost`` if not.
For admins only, Wagtail performs a check on the dashboard to see if newer releases are available. This also provides the Wagtail team with the hostname of your Wagtail site. If you'd rather not receive update notifications, or if you'd like your site to remain unknown, you can disable it with this setting.
This is the path to the Django template which will be used to display the "password required" form when a user accesses a private page. For more details, see the :ref:`private_pages` documentation.
The usage count only applies to direct (database) references. Using documents, images and snippets within StreamFields or rich text fields will not be taken into account.
Specifies the date, time and datetime format to be used in input fields in the Wagtail admin. The format is specified in `Python datetime module syntax <https://docs.python.org/3/library/datetime.html#strftime-strptime-behavior>`_, and must be one of the recognised formats listed in the ``DATE_INPUT_FORMATS``, ``TIME_INPUT_FORMATS``, or ``DATETIME_INPUT_FORMATS`` setting respectively (see `DATE_INPUT_FORMATS <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/ref/settings/#std:setting-DATE_INPUT_FORMATS>`_).
Logged-in users can choose their current time zone for the admin interface in the account settings. If is no time zone selected by the user, then ``TIME_ZONE`` will be used.
(Note that time zones are only applied to datetime fields, not to plain time or date fields. This is a Django design decision.)
The list of time zones is by default the common_timezones list from pytz.
It is possible to override this list via the ``WAGTAIL_USER_TIME_ZONES`` setting.
If there is zero or one time zone permitted, the account settings form will be hidden.
Static file URLs within the Wagtail admin are given a version-specific query string of the form ``?v=1a2b3c4d``, to prevent outdated cached copies of JavaScript and CSS files from persisting after a Wagtail upgrade. To disable these, set ``WAGTAILADMIN_STATIC_FILE_VERSION_STRINGS`` to ``False``.
See documentation linked above for full options available.
``WAGTAILFRONTENDCACHE_LOCATION`` is no longer the preferred way to set the cache location, instead set the ``LOCATION`` within the ``WAGTAILFRONTENDCACHE`` item.
..code-block:: python
Default is an empty list, must be a list of languages to also purge the urls for each language of a purging url. This setting needs ``settings.USE_I18N`` to be ``True`` to work.
Customise the behaviour of rich text fields. By default, ``RichTextField`` and ``RichTextBlock`` use the configuration given under the ``'default'`` key, but this can be overridden on a per-field basis through the ``editor`` keyword argument, e.g. ``body = RichTextField(editor='legacy')``. Within each configuration block, the following fields are recognised:
*``WIDGET``: The rich text widget implementation to use. Wagtail provides two implementations: ``wagtail.admin.rich_text.DraftailRichTextArea`` (a modern extensible editor which enforces well-structured markup) and ``wagtail.admin.rich_text.HalloRichTextArea`` (deprecated; works directly at the HTML level). Other widgets may be provided by third-party packages.
*``OPTIONS``: Configuration options to pass to the widget. Recognised options are widget-specific, but both ``DraftailRichTextArea`` and ``HalloRichTextArea`` accept a ``features`` list indicating the active rich text features (see :ref:`rich_text_features`).
If a ``'default'`` editor is not specified, rich text fields that do not specify an ``editor`` argument will use the Draftail editor with the default feature set enabled.
By default the redirect importer keeps track of the uploaded file as a temp file, but on certain environments (load balanced/cloud environments), you cannot keep a shared file between environments. For those cases you can use the built-in cache to store the file instead.
Enabling this option will allow editors to insert arbitrary HTML into the page, such as scripts that could allow the editor to acquire administrator privileges when another administrator views the page. Do not enable this setting unless your editors are fully trusted.
Moderation workflows can be used in two modes. The first is to require that all tasks must approve a specific page revision for the workflow to complete. As a result,
if edits are made to a page while it is in moderation, any approved tasks will need to be re-approved for the new revision before the workflow finishes.
tasks have already been approved, those tasks do not need to be reapproved. This is more suited to a hierarchical workflow system. To use workflows in this mode,