Each page type (a.k.a. content type) in Wagtail is represented by a Django model. All page models must inherit from the {class}`wagtail.models.Page` class.
As all page types are Django models, you can use any field type that Django provides. See [Model field reference](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/ref/models/fields/) for a complete list of field types you can use. Wagtail also provides `wagtail.fields.RichTextField` which provides a WYSIWYG editor for editing rich-text content.
Ensure that none of your field names are the same as your class names. This will cause errors due to the way Django handles relations ([read more](https://github.com/wagtail/wagtail/issues/503)). In our examples we have avoided this by appending "Page" to each model name.
Each Wagtail page type is a Django model, represented in the database as a separate table.
Each page type can have its own set of fields. For example, a news article may have body text and a published date, whereas an event page may need separate fields for venue and start/finish times.
In Wagtail, you can use any Django field class. Most field classes provided by third party apps should work as well.
Wagtail also provides a couple of field classes of its own:
-`RichTextField` - For rich text content
-`StreamField` - A block-based content field (see: [Freeform page content using StreamField](./streamfield))
For tagging, Wagtail fully supports [django-taggit](https://django-taggit.readthedocs.org/en/latest/) so we recommend using that.
### Search
The `search_fields` attribute defines which fields are added to the search index and how they are indexed.
This should be a list of `SearchField` and `FilterField` objects. `SearchField` adds a field for full-text search. `FilterField` adds a field for filtering the results. A field can be indexed with both `SearchField` and `FilterField` at the same time (but only one instance of each).
In the above example, we've indexed `body` for full-text search and `date` for filtering.
The arguments that these field types accept are documented in [indexing extra fields](wagtailsearch_indexing_fields).
### Editor panels
There are a few attributes for defining how the page's fields will be arranged in the page editor interface:
-`content_panels` - For content, such as main body text
-`promote_panels` - For metadata, such as tags, thumbnail image and SEO title
-`settings_panels` - For settings, such as publish date
These allow editing of model fields. The `FieldPanel` class will choose the correct widget based on the type of the field, such as a rich text editor for `RichTextField`, or an image chooser for a `ForeignKey` to an image model. `FieldPanel` also provides a page chooser interface for `ForeignKey`s to page models, but for more fine-grained control over which page types can be chosen, `PageChooserPanel` provides additional configuration options.
Previously, certain field types required special-purpose panels: `StreamFieldPanel`, `ImageChooserPanel`, `DocumentChooserPanel` and `SnippetChooserPanel`. These are now all handled by `FieldPanel`.
These two attributes allow you to control where page types may be used in your site. They allow you to define rules like "blog entries may only be created under a blog index".
Both parent and subpage types take a list of model classes or model names. Model names are of the format `app_label.ModelName`. If the `app_label` is omitted, the same app is assumed.
With every Wagtail Page you are able to add a helpful description text, similar to a `help_text` model attribute. By adding `page_description` to your Page model you'll be adding a short description that can be seen when you create a new page, edit an existing page or when you're prompted to select a child page type.
The most common method of retrieving page URLs is by using the [`{% pageurl %}`](pageurl_tag) or [`{% fullpageurl %}`](fullpageurl_tag) template tags. Since it's called from a template, these automatically includes the optimizations mentioned below.
Page models also include several low-level methods for overriding or accessing page URLs.
#### Customising URL patterns for a page model
The `Page.get_url_parts(request)` method will not typically be called directly, but may be overridden to define custom URL routing for a given page model. It should return a tuple of `(site_id, root_url, page_path)`, which are used by `get_url` and `get_full_url` (see below) to construct the given type of page URL.
When overriding `get_url_parts()`, you should accept `*args, **kwargs`:
You can call the `Page.get_url(request)` method whenever you need a page URL. It defaults to returning local URLs (not including the protocol or domain) if it determines that the page is on the current site (via the hostname in `request`); otherwise, it would return a full URL including the protocol and domain. Whenever possible, you should include the optional `request` argument to enable per-request caching of site-level URL information and facilitate the generation of local URLs.
A common use case for `get_url(request)` is in any custom template tag your project may include for generating navigation menus. When writing such a custom template tag, ensure that it includes `takes_context=True` and uses `context.get('request')` to safely pass the
To retrieve the full URL (including the protocol and domain), use `Page.get_full_url(request)`. Whenever possible, the optional `request` argument should be included to enable per-request caching of site-level URL information.
Each page model can be given an HTML template which is rendered when a user browses to a page on the site frontend. This is the simplest and most common way to get Wagtail content to end users (but not the only way).
### Adding a template for a page model
Wagtail automatically chooses a name for the template based on the app label and model class name.
For example, the template for the above blog page will be: `blog/blog_page.html`
You just need to create a template in a location where it can be accessed with this name.
### Template context
Wagtail renders templates with the `page` variable bound to the page instance being rendered. Use this to access the content of the page. For example, to get the title of the current page, use `{{ page.title }}`. All variables provided by [context processors](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/ref/templates/api/#subclassing-context-requestcontext) are also available.
#### Customising template context
All pages have a `get_context` method that is called whenever the template is rendered and returns a dictionary of variables to bind into the template.
To add more variables to the template context, you can override this method:
Set the `template` attribute on the class to use a different template file:
class BlogPage(Page):
template = 'other_template.html'
#### Dynamically choosing the template
The template can be changed on a per-instance basis by defining a `get_template` method on the page class. This method is called every time the page is rendered:
In this example, pages that have the `use_other_template` boolean field set will use the `blog/other_blog_page.html` template. All other pages will use the default `blog/blog_page.html`.
#### Ajax Templates
If you want to add AJAX functionality to a page, such as a paginated listing that updates in-place on the page rather than triggering a full page reload, you can set the `ajax_template` attribute to specify an alternative template to be used when the page is requested via an AJAX call (as indicated by the `X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest` HTTP header):
class BlogPage(Page):
ajax_template = 'other_template_fragment.html'
template = 'other_template.html'
### More control over page rendering
All page classes have a `serve()` method that internally calls the `get_context` and `get_template` methods and renders the template. This method is similar to a Django view function, taking a Django `Request` object and returning a Django `Response` object.
This method can also be overridden for complete control over page rendering.
For example, here's a way to make a page respond with a JSON representation of itself:
from django.http import JsonResponse
class BlogPage(Page):
def serve(self, request):
return JsonResponse({
'title': self.title,
'body': self.body,
'date': self.date,
# Resizes the image to 300px width and gets a URL to it
Wagtail allows the nesting of other models within a page. This is useful for creating repeated fields, such as related links or items to display in a carousel. Inline model content is also versioned with the rest of the page.
The model inlining feature is provided by [django-modelcluster](https://github.com/wagtail/django-modelcluster) and the `ParentalKey` field type must be imported from there:
Wagtail uses Django's [multi-table inheritance](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/topics/db/models/#multi-table-inheritance) feature to allow multiple page models to be used in the same tree.
Each page is added to both Wagtail's built-in {class}`~wagtail.models.Page` model as well as its user-defined model (such as the `BlogPage` model created earlier).
When working with multiple page types together, you will typically use instances of Wagtail's `Page` model, which don't give you access to any fields specific to their type.
When working with a single page type, you can work with instances of the user-defined model. These give access to all the fields available in `Page`, along with any user-defined fields for that type.
You can convert a `Page` object to its more specific user-defined equivalent using the `.specific` property. This may cause an additional database lookup.
>>> page = Page.objects.get(title="A Blog post")
>>> page
# Note: the blog post is an instance of Page so we cannot access body, date or feed_image
When users are given a choice of pages to create, the list of page types is generated by splitting your model names on each of their capital letters. Thus a `HomePage` model would be named "Home Page" which is a little clumsy. Defining `verbose_name` as in the example above would change this to read "Homepage", which is slightly more conventional.
`Page`-derived models _cannot_ be given a default ordering by using the standard Django approach of adding an `ordering` attribute to the internal `Meta` class.