Each page type (a.k.a Content type) in Wagtail is represented by a Django model. All page models must inherit from the :class:`wagtail.wagtailcore.models.Page` class.
As all page types are Django models, you can use any field type that Django provides. See `Model field reference <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.7/ref/models/fields/>`_ for a complete list of field types you can use. Wagtail also provides :class:`~wagtail.wagtailcore.fields.RichTextField` which provides a WYSIWYG editor for editing rich-text content.
To keep track of ``Page`` models and avoid class name clashes, it can be helpful to suffix model class names with "Page" e.g BlogPage, ListingIndexPage.
Each page type can have its own set of fields. For example, a news article may have body text and a published date whereas an event page may need separate fields for venue and start/finish times.
In Wagtail, you can use any Django field class. Most field classes provided by `third party apps <https://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/DjangoResources#Djangoapplicationcomponents>`_ should work as well.
The ``search_fields`` attribute defines which fields are added to the search index and how they are indexed.
This should be set to a tuple, of ``SearchField`` and ``FilterField`` objects. ``SearchField`` adds a field for full-text search. ``FilterField`` adds a field for filtering the results. A field can be indexed with both ``SearchField`` and ``FilterField`` at the same time (but only one instance of each).
In the above example, we've indexed ``body`` for full-text search and ``date`` for filtering.
The arguments that these field types accept are documented `here <wagtailsearch_indexing_fields>`_.
Editor panels
There are a few attributes for defining edit panels on a page model. Each represents the list of panels on their respective tabs in the page editor interface.
-``content_panels`` - For content, such as main body text
-``promote_panels`` - For metadata, such as tags, thumbnail image and SEO title
-``settings_panels`` - For settings, such as publish date
Each of these attributes is set a list of ``EditHandler`` objects which defines which fields appear on which tabs and how they are structured on each tab.
Here's a summary of the ``EditHandler`` classes that Wagtail provides out of the box. See :doc:`/reference/pages/panels` for full descriptions.
These allow editing of model fields, the ``FieldPanel`` class will choose the correct widget based on the type of the field. ``StreamField`` fields need to use a specialised panel class.
These are used for structuring fields in the interface.
-:class:`~wagtail.wagtailadmin.edit_handlers.MultiFieldPanel` - For grouping similar fields together
-:class:`~wagtail.wagtailadmin.edit_handlers.InlinePanel` - For inlining child models
-:class:`~wagtail.wagtailadmin.edit_handlers.FieldRowPanel` - For organising multiple fields into a single row
``ForeignKey`` fields to certain models can use one of the below ``ChooserPanel`` classes. These add a nice modal-based chooser interface (and the image/document choosers also allow uploading new files without leaving the page editor).
These two attributes allow you to control where page types may be used in your site. It allows you to define rules like "blog entries may only be created under a blog index".
Both take a list of model classes or model names. Model names are of the format ``app_label.ModelName``. If the ``app_label`` is omitted, the same app is assumed.
-``parent_page_types`` limits which page types this types can be created under
-``subpage_types`` limits which page types that can be created under this type
By default, any page type can be created under any page type and it is not necessary to set these attributes if that's the desired behaviour.
Setting ``parent_page_types`` to an empty list is a good way of preventing a particular page type from being created in the editor interface.
Each page model can be given a HTML template which is rendered when a user browses to a page on the site frontend. This is the simplest and most common way to get Wagtail content to end users (but not the only way).
For example, the template for the above blog page will be: ``blog/blog_page.html``
You just need to create a template in a location where it can be accessed with this name.
Template context
Wagtail renders templates with the ``self`` variable bound to the page instance being rendered. Use this access the content of the page. For example, to get the title of the current page, do ``{{ self.title }}``. All variables provided by `context processors <TODO LINK REQUIRED>`_ are also available.
Customising template context
All pages have a ``get_context`` method that is called whenever the template is rendered and returns a dictionary of variables to bind into the template.
To add more variables to the template, override this method on the page model class:
Set ``template`` attribute on the class to change the template:
..code-block:: python
class BlogPage(Page):
template = 'other_template.html'
Dynamically choosing the template
The template can be changed on a per-instance basis by defining a ``get_template`` method on the page class:
..code-block:: python
class BlogPage(Page):
use_other_template = models.BooleanField()
def get_template(self, request):
if self.use_other_template:
return 'blog/other_blog_page.html'
return 'blog/blog_page.html'
In this example, pages that have the ``use_other_template`` boolean field set will use the ``other_blog_page.html`` template. All other pages will use the default ``blog/blog_page.html``.
More control over page rendering
The default behaviour of rendering a template when a user visits a page can be completely overriden.
All page classes have a ``serve()`` method, that internally calls the ``get_context`` and ``get_template`` methods and renders the template. This method is similar to a Django view function, taking a Django ``Request`` object and returning a Django ``Response`` object.
For example, this can be overriden to make the ``BlogPage`` model respond with a JSON representation of itself:
..code-block:: python
from django.http import JsonResponse
class BlogPage(Page):
def serve(self, request):
return JsonResponse({
'title': self.title,
'body': self.body,
'date': self.date,
# Resizes the image to 300px width and gets a URL to it
Wagtail can nest the content of other models within the page. This is useful for creating repeated fields, such as related links or items to display in a carousel. Inline model content is also versioned with the rest of the page content.
Each inline model requires the following:
- It must inherit from :class:`wagtail.wagtailcore.models.Orderable`
- It must have a ``ParentalKey`` to the parent model
..note:: django-modelcluster and ParentalKey
The model inlining feature is provided to by `django-modelcluster <TODO>`_ and the ``ParentalKey`` field type must be imported from there:
..code-block:: python
from modelcluster.fields import ParentalKey
``ParentalKey`` is a subclass of Django's ``ForeignKey`` and takes the same arguments
For example, the following inline model can be used to add related links (a list of name, url pairs) to the ``BlogPage`` model:
NOTE: The reason I renamed this to "page models" is because I think it would be a good place to also describe "general usage" of pages, such as finding the specific object, the url or overriding the template/template context. I think that things like creating pages programmatically probably should be documented elsewhere but linked to from here.
When users are given a choice of pages to create, the list of page types is generated by splitting your model names on each of their capital letters. Thus a ``HomePage`` model would be named "Home Page" which is a little clumsy. ``verbose_name`` as in the example above, would change this to read "Homepage" which is slightly more conventional.
``Page``-derived models *cannot* be given a default ordering by using the standard Django approach of adding an ``ordering`` attribute to the internal ``Meta`` class.
..code-block:: python
class NewsItemPage(Page):
publication_date = models.DateField()
class Meta:
ordering = ('-publication_date', ) # will not work
This is because ``Page`` enforces ordering QuerySets by path. Instead you must apply the ordering explicitly when you construct a QuerySet: