* Add ``before_edit_snippet``, ``before_create_snippet`` and ``before_delete_snippet`` hooks and documentation (Karl Hobley. Sponsored by the Mozilla Foundation)
* Add ``register_snippet_listing_buttons`` and ``construct_snippet_listing_buttons`` hooks and documentation (Karl Hobley. Sponsored by the Mozilla Foundation)
* Extend treebeard's ``fix_tree`` method with the ability to non-destructively fix path issues and add a --full option to apply path fixes (Matt Westcott)
* Make document ``content-type`` and ``content-disposition`` configurable via ``WAGTAILDOCS_CONTENT_TYPES`` and ``WAGTAILDOCS_INLINE_CONTENT_TYPES`` (Matt Westcott)
The SiteMiddleware class (which provides the ``request.site`` property, and has been deprecated since Wagtail 2.9) has been moved to the ``wagtail.contrib.legacy`` namespace. On projects where this is still in use, the ``'wagtail.core.middleware.SiteMiddleware'`` entry in ``MIDDLEWARE`` should be changed to ``'wagtail.contrib.legacy.sitemiddleware.SiteMiddleware'``.
If you are using Wagtail's Collections feature to organise images, documents or other media, please ensure
you run the following command in each environment:
..code-block:: python
python manage.py fixtree --full
Previously, collections were stored in the order in which they were created - and then sorted by name where displayed in the CMS. Collections are now ordered by treebeard path by default, so the above command must be run to retain alphabetical ordering.
Failure to do this won't affect your current colllections, but may affect your ability to add new ones.
In previous releases, ``Site.get_site_root_paths`` returned a list of ``(site_id, root_path, root_url)`` tuples. To support the new internationalisation model, this has now been changed to a list of named tuples with the fields: ``site_id``, ``root_path``, ``root_url`` and ``language_code``. Existing code that handled this as a 3-tuple should be updated accordingly.