* Page operations (creation, publishing, copying etc) are now logged via Python's ``logging`` framework; to configure this, add a logger entry for ``'wagtail'`` or ``'wagtail.core'`` to the ``LOGGING`` setup in your settings file.
* Signal handlers for ``wagtail.wagtailsearch`` and ``wagtail.contrib.wagtailfrontendcache`` are now automatically registered when using Django 1.7 or above.
* Added a Django 1.7 system check to ensure that foreign keys from Page models are set to ``on_delete=SET_NULL``, to prevent inadvertent (and tree-breaking) page deletions
This release fixes a bug in Wagtail 0.7 where editing a parent page's slug could cause the URL paths of child pages to become corrupted. To ensure that your database does not contain any corrupted URL paths, it is recommended that you run ``./manage.py set_url_paths`` after upgrading.
Signal handlers for the ``wagtailsearch`` core app and ``wagtailfrontendcache`` contrib app are automatically registered when using Django 1.7. Calls to ``register_signal_handlers`` from your ``urls.py`` can be removed.