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import * as fs from 'fs';
import assert from 'assert';
import { svelte, tryToLoadJson } from '../helpers.js';
describe( 'validate', () => {
fs.readdirSync( 'test/validator/samples' ).forEach( dir => {
if ( dir[0] === '.' ) return;
// add .solo to a sample directory name to only run that test
const solo = /\.solo/.test( dir );
if ( solo && process.env.CI ) {
throw new Error( 'Forgot to remove `solo: true` from test' );
( solo ? it.only : it )( dir, () => {
const filename = `test/validator/samples/${dir}/input.html`;
const input = fs.readFileSync( filename, 'utf-8' ).replace( /\s+$/, '' );
try {
const parsed = svelte.parse( input );
const errors = [];
const warnings = [];
svelte.validate( parsed, input, {
onerror ( error ) {
message: error.message,
pos: error.pos,
loc: error.loc
onwarn ( warning ) {
message: warning.message,
pos: warning.pos,
loc: warning.loc
const expectedErrors = tryToLoadJson( `test/validator/samples/${dir}/errors.json` ) || [];
const expectedWarnings = tryToLoadJson( `test/validator/samples/${dir}/warnings.json` ) || [];
assert.deepEqual( errors, expectedErrors );
assert.deepEqual( warnings, expectedWarnings );
} catch ( err ) {
if ( err.name !== 'ParseError' ) throw err;
try {
const expected = require( `./samples/${dir}/errors.json` )[0];
assert.equal( err.message, expected.message );
assert.deepEqual( err.loc, expected.loc );
assert.equal( err.pos, expected.pos );
} catch ( err2 ) {
throw err2.code === 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' ? err : err2;
it( 'errors if options.name is illegal', () => {
assert.throws( () => {
svelte.compile( '<div></div>', {
name: 'not.valid'
}, /options\.name must be a valid identifier/ );
it( 'warns if options.name is not capitalised', () => {
const warnings = [];
svelte.compile( '<div></div>', {
name: 'lowercase',
onwarn ( warning ) {
message: warning.message,
pos: warning.pos,
loc: warning.loc
assert.deepEqual( warnings, [ { message: 'options.name should be capitalised', pos: undefined, loc: undefined } ] );