#!/do/not/make #^^^ help emacs select edit mode # # Intended to include'd by ./GNUmakefile. ####################################################################### MAKEFILE.fiddle := $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) ######################################################################## # shell.c and its build flags... ifneq (1,$(MAKING_CLEAN)) make-np-0 := make -C $(dir.top) -n -p make-np-1 := sed -e 's/(TOP)/(dir.top)/g' # Extract SHELL_OPT and SHELL_DEP from the top-most makefile and import # them as vars here... $(eval $(shell $(make-np-0) | grep -e '^SHELL_OPT ' | $(make-np-1))) $(eval $(shell $(make-np-0) | grep -e '^SHELL_DEP ' | $(make-np-1))) # ^^^ can't do that in 1 invocation b/c newlines get stripped ifeq (,$(SHELL_OPT)) $(error Could not parse SHELL_OPT from $(dir.top)/Makefile.) endif ifeq (,$(SHELL_DEP)) $(error Could not parse SHELL_DEP from $(dir.top)/Makefile.) endif $(dir.top)/shell.c: $(SHELL_DEP) $(dir.tool)/mkshellc.tcl $(sqlite3.c) $(MAKE) -C $(dir.top) shell.c endif # /shell.c ######################################################################## EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.fiddle := $(dir.tmp)/EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.fiddle fiddle.emcc-flags = \ $(emcc.cflags) $(emcc_opt_full) \ --minify 0 \ -sALLOW_TABLE_GROWTH \ -sABORTING_MALLOC \ -sSTRICT_JS=0 \ -sENVIRONMENT=web,worker \ -sMODULARIZE \ -sDYNAMIC_EXECUTION=0 \ -sWASM_BIGINT=$(emcc.WASM_BIGINT) \ -sEXPORT_NAME=$(sqlite3.js.init-func) \ -Wno-limited-postlink-optimizations \ $(emcc.exportedRuntimeMethods) \ -sEXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=@$(abspath $(EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.fiddle)) \ -sEXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=FS,wasmMemory \ $(SQLITE_OPT.full-featured) \ $(SQLITE_OPT.common) \ $(SHELL_OPT) \ -UHAVE_READLINE -UHAVE_EDITLINE -UHAVE_LINENOISE \ -USQLITE_HAVE_ZLIB \ -USQLITE_WASM_BARE_BONES \ -DSQLITE_SHELL_FIDDLE # Flags specifically for debug builds of fiddle. Performance suffers # greatly in debug builds. fiddle.emcc-flags.debug := $(fiddle.emcc-flags) \ -DSQLITE_DEBUG \ -DSQLITE_ENABLE_SELECTTRACE \ -DSQLITE_ENABLE_WHERETRACE fiddle.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.in := \ EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.fiddle.in \ $(dir.api)/EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.sqlite3-core \ $(dir.api)/EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.sqlite3-extras $(EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.fiddle): $(MKDIR.bld) $(fiddle.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.in) \ $(MAKEFILE.fiddle) sort -u $(fiddle.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.in) > $@ fiddle.cses := $(dir.top)/shell.c $(sqlite3-wasm.c) fiddle: $(fiddle-module.js) $(fiddle-module.js.debug) fiddle.debug: $(fiddle-module.js.debug) clean: clean-fiddle clean-fiddle: rm -f $(dir.fiddle)/fiddle-module.js \ $(dir.fiddle)/*.wasm \ $(dir.fiddle)/sqlite3-opfs-*.js \ $(dir.fiddle)/*.gz \ EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.fiddle rm -fr $(dir.fiddle-debug) .PHONY: fiddle fiddle.debug all: fiddle ######################################################################## # fiddle_remote is the remote destination for the fiddle app. It # must be a [user@]HOST:/path for rsync. # Note that the target "should probably" contain a symlink of # index.html -> fiddle.html. fiddle_remote ?= ifeq (,$(fiddle_remote)) ifneq (,$(wildcard /home/stephan)) fiddle_remote = wh:www/wh/sqlite3/. else ifneq (,$(wildcard /home/drh)) #fiddle_remote = if appropriate, add that user@host:/path here endif endif push-fiddle: fiddle @if [ x = "x$(fiddle_remote)" ]; then \ echo "fiddle_remote must be a [user@]HOST:/path for rsync"; \ exit 1; \ fi rsync -va fiddle/ $(fiddle_remote) # end fiddle remote push ######################################################################## ######################################################################## # Explanation of the emcc build flags follows. Full docs for these can # be found at: # # https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/blob/main/src/settings.js # # -sENVIRONMENT=web: elides bootstrap code related to non-web JS # environments like node.js. Removing this makes the output a tiny # tick larger but hypothetically makes it more portable to # non-browser JS environments. # # -sMODULARIZE: changes how the generated code is structured to avoid # declaring a global Module object and instead installing a function # which loads and initializes the module. The function is named... # # -sEXPORT_NAME=jsFunctionName (see -sMODULARIZE) # # -sEXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=@/absolute/path/to/file: a file # containing a list of emscripten-supplied APIs, one per line, which # must be exported into the generated JS. Must be an absolute path! # # -sEXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=@/absolute/path/to/file: a file containing a # list of C functions, one per line, which must be exported via wasm # so they're visible to JS. C symbols names in that file must all # start with an underscore for reasons known only to the emcc # developers. e.g., _sqlite3_open_v2 and _sqlite3_finalize. Must be # an absolute path! # # -sSTRICT_JS ensures that the emitted JS code includes the 'use # strict' option. Note that -sSTRICT is more broadly-scoped and # results in build errors. # # -sALLOW_TABLE_GROWTH is required for (at a minimum) the UDF-binding # feature. Without it, JS functions cannot be made to proxy C-side # callbacks. # # -sABORTING_MALLOC causes the JS-bound _malloc() to abort rather than # return 0 on OOM. If set to 0 then all code which uses _malloc() # must, just like in C, check the result before using it, else # they're likely to corrupt the JS/WASM heap by writing to its # address of 0. It is, as of this writing, enabled in Emscripten by # default but we enable it explicitly in case that default changes. # # -sDYNAMIC_EXECUTION=0 disables eval() and the Function constructor. # If the build runs without these, it's preferable to use this flag # because certain execution environments disallow those constructs. # This flag is not strictly necessary, however. # # -sWASM_BIGINT is UNTESTED but "should" allow the int64-using C APIs # to work with JS/wasm, insofar as the JS environment supports the # BigInt type. That support requires an extremely recent browser: # Safari didn't get that support until late 2020. # # --no-entry: for compiling library code with no main(). If this is # not supplied and the code has a main(), it is called as part of the # module init process. Note that main() is #if'd out of shell.c # (renamed) when building in wasm mode. # # --pre-js/--post-js=FILE relative or absolute paths to JS files to # prepend/append to the emcc-generated bootstrapping JS. It's # easier/faster to develop with separate JS files (reduces rebuilding # requirements) but certain configurations, namely -sMODULARIZE, may # require using at least a --pre-js file. They can be used # individually and need not be paired. # # -O0..-O3 and -Oz: optimization levels affect not only C-style # optimization but whether or not the resulting generated JS code # gets minified. -O0 compiles _much_ more quickly than -O3 or -Oz, # and doesn't minimize any JS code, so is recommended for # development. -O3 or -Oz are recommended for deployment, but # primarily because -Oz will shrink the wasm file notably. JS-side # minification makes little difference in terms of overall # distributable size. # # --minify 0: disables minification of the generated JS code, # regardless of optimization level. Minification of the JS has # minimal overall effect in the larger scheme of things and results # in JS files which can neither be edited nor viewed as text files in # Fossil (which flags them as binary because of their extreme line # lengths). Interestingly, whether or not the comments in the # generated JS file get stripped is unaffected by this setting and # depends entirely on the optimization level. Higher optimization # levels reduce the size of the JS considerably even without # minification. # ########################################################################