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Brian Anderson 9f9666af6e Tweak makefiles, change the way the fuzzer is built
Since librustc and the fuzzer depend on rustllvm, build them
like rustc, linking to libraries in lib instead of lib/rustc/$(target)
2011-09-29 22:58:34 -07:00

119 lines
3.9 KiB

# STAGE_N template: arg 1 is the N we're building *from*, arg 2 is N+1, arg 3
# is the target triple we're building for. You have to invoke this for each
# target triple.
# The easiest way to read this template is to assume we're building stage2
# using stage1, and mentally gloss $(1) as 1, $(2) as 2.
# TARGET_LIBS is pulled out seperately because we need to specially invoke
# it to build stage0/lib/libstd using stage0/rustc and to use the
# new rustrt in stage0/lib/.
define STAGE_N
# Host libraries and executables (stage$(2)/rustc and its runtime needs)
# NB: Due to make not wanting to run the same implicit rules twice on the same
# rule tree (implicit-rule recursion prevention, see "Chains of Implicit
# Rules" in GNU Make manual) we have to re-state the %.o and %.s patterns here
# for different directories, to handle cases where (say) a test relies on a
# compiler that relies on a .o file.
stage$(2)/bin/%.o: stage$(2)/bin/%.s
@$$(call E, assemble [gcc]: $$@)
$$(Q)gcc $$(CFG_GCCISH_CFLAGS) -o $$@ -c $$<
stage$(2)/lib/%.o: stage$(2)/lib/%.s
@$$(call E, assemble [gcc]: $$@)
$$(Q)gcc $$(CFG_GCCISH_CFLAGS) -o $$@ -c $$<
# FIXME: the bin/lib/libstd.so dep is transitional
stage$(2)/bin/rustc$$(X): $$(COMPILER_CRATE) $$(COMPILER_INPUTS) \
stage$(2)/lib/$$(CFG_RUNTIME) \
$$(call CFG_STDLIB_DEFAULT,stage$(1),stage$(2)) \
stage$(2)/lib/$$(CFG_RUSTLLVM) \
stage$(1)/bin/lib/$$(CFG_STDLIB) \
@$$(call E, compile_and_link: $$@)
$$(STAGE$(1)) -L stage$(2)/lib -o $$@ $$<
stage$(2)/lib/$$(CFG_LIBRUSTC): \
@$$(call E, compile_and_link: $$@)
$$(STAGE$(1)) -L stage$(2)/lib --lib -o $$@ $$<
stage$(2)/lib/$$(CFG_RUNTIME): rt/$$(CFG_RUNTIME)
@$$(call E, cp: $$@)
$$(Q)cp $$< $$@
stage$(2)/lib/$$(CFG_STDLIB): stage$(1)/lib/rustc/$$(CFG_HOST_TRIPLE)/$$(CFG_STDLIB)
@$$(call E, cp: $$@)
$$(Q)cp $$< $$@
stage$(2)/lib/$$(CFG_RUSTLLVM): rustllvm/$$(CFG_RUSTLLVM)
@$$(call E, cp: $$@)
$$(Q)cp $$< $$@
# Expand out target libraries
$(eval $(call TARGET_LIBS,$(1),$(2),$(3)))
# New per-target-arch target libraries; when we've transitioned to
# using these exclusively, you should delete the non-arch-prefixed
# rules above. They're duplicates, redundant.
stage$(2)/lib/rustc/$(3)/intrinsics.bc: $$(INTRINSICS_BC)
@$$(call E, cp: $$@)
$$(Q)cp $$< $$@
stage$(2)/lib/rustc/$(3)/main.o: rt/main.o
@$$(call E, cp: $$@)
$$(Q)cp $$< $$@
stage$(2)/lib/rustc/$(3)/$$(CFG_STDLIB): \
stage$(2)/bin/rustc$$(X) \
stage$(2)/lib/$$(CFG_RUNTIME) \
stage$(2)/lib/$$(CFG_RUSTLLVM) \
stage$(2)/lib/rustc/$(3)/intrinsics.bc \
@$$(call E, compile_and_link: $$@)
$$(STAGE$(2)) --lib -o $$@ $$<
stage$(2)/lib/rustc/$(3)/libstd.rlib: \
stage$(2)/bin/rustc$$(X) \
stage$(2)/lib/$$(CFG_RUNTIME) \
stage$(2)/lib/$$(CFG_RUSTLLVM) \
stage$(2)/lib/rustc/$(3)/intrinsics.bc \
@$$(call E, compile_and_link: $$@)
$$(STAGE$(2)) --lib --static -o $$@ $$<
# FIXME: Transitional so that stage0 can find std when building stage1/rustc
stage$(2)/bin/lib/$$(CFG_STDLIB): stage$(2)/lib/rustc/$(3)/$$(CFG_STDLIB)
@$$(call E, cp: $$@)
$$(Q)mkdir -p stage$(2)/bin/lib
$$(Q)cp $$< $$@
stage$(2)/lib/rustc/$(3)/$$(CFG_RUNTIME): rt/$$(CFG_RUNTIME)
@$$(call E, cp: $$@)
$$(Q)cp $$< $$@
# Instantiate template for 0->1, 1->2, 2->3 build dirs
$(foreach target,$(CFG_TARGET_TRIPLES), \
$(eval $(call STAGE_N,0,1,$(target))) \
$(eval $(call STAGE_N,1,2,$(target))) \
$(eval $(call STAGE_N,2,3,$(target))))