// LLVM does not support some atomic RMW operations on pointers, so inside codegen we lower those // to integer atomics, surrounded by casts to and from integer type. // This test ensures that we do the round-trip correctly for AtomicPtr::fetch_byte_add, and also // ensures that we do not have such a round-trip for AtomicPtr::swap, because LLVM supports pointer // arguments to `atomicrmw xchg`. //@ compile-flags: -O -Cno-prepopulate-passes #![crate_type = "lib"] #![feature(strict_provenance_atomic_ptr)] use std::ptr::without_provenance_mut; use std::sync::atomic::AtomicPtr; use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed; // Portability hack so that we can say [[USIZE]] instead of i64/i32/i16 for usize. // CHECK: @helper([[USIZE:i[0-9]+]] noundef %_1) #[no_mangle] pub fn helper(_: usize) {} // CHECK-LABEL: @atomicptr_fetch_byte_add #[no_mangle] pub fn atomicptr_fetch_byte_add(a: &AtomicPtr, v: usize) -> *mut u8 { // CHECK: %[[INTPTR:.*]] = ptrtoint ptr %{{.*}} to [[USIZE]] // CHECK-NEXT: %[[RET:.*]] = atomicrmw add ptr %{{.*}}, [[USIZE]] %[[INTPTR]] // CHECK-NEXT: inttoptr [[USIZE]] %[[RET]] to ptr a.fetch_byte_add(v, Relaxed) } // CHECK-LABEL: @atomicptr_swap #[no_mangle] pub fn atomicptr_swap(a: &AtomicPtr, ptr: *mut u8) -> *mut u8 { // CHECK-NOT: ptrtoint // CHECK: atomicrmw xchg ptr %{{.*}}, ptr %{{.*}} monotonic // CHECK-NOT: inttoptr a.swap(ptr, Relaxed) }