mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 12:21:02 +01:00
* Python 3.10 Performance gains go brrr * Add missing SAML deps * Add missing dep to dockerfile * Update mypy to 0.981 for 3.10.7 compatibility Needed this bug to be fixed: https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/13627 This also incidentally fixed the mypy bug in csv_exporter.py * bump to 3.10.10
203 lines
6.5 KiB
203 lines
6.5 KiB
# This Dockerfile is used for self-hosted production builds.
# Note: for PostHog Cloud remember to update ‘Dockerfile.cloud’ as appropriate.
# The stages are used to:
# - frontend-build: build the frontend (static assets)
# - plugin-server-build: build plugin-server (Node.js app) & fetch its runtime dependencies
# - posthog-build: fetch PostHog (Django app) dependencies & build Django collectstatic
# - fetch-geoip-db: fetch the GeoIP database
# In the last stage, we import the artifacts from the previous
# stages, add some runtime dependencies and build the final image.
# ---------------------------------------------------------
FROM node:18.12.1-bullseye-slim AS frontend-build
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"]
COPY package.json pnpm-lock.yaml ./
RUN corepack enable && \
mkdir /tmp/pnpm-store && \
pnpm install --frozen-lockfile --store-dir /tmp/pnpm-store --prod && \
rm -rf /tmp/pnpm-store
COPY frontend/ frontend/
COPY ./bin/ ./bin/
COPY babel.config.js tsconfig.json webpack.config.js ./
RUN pnpm build
# ---------------------------------------------------------
FROM node:18.12.1-bullseye-slim AS plugin-server-build
WORKDIR /code/plugin-server
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"]
# Compile and install Node.js dependencies.
COPY ./plugin-server/package.json ./plugin-server/pnpm-lock.yaml ./plugin-server/tsconfig.json ./
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
"make" \
"g++" \
"gcc" \
"python3" \
&& \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* && \
corepack enable && \
mkdir /tmp/pnpm-store && \
pnpm install --frozen-lockfile --store-dir /tmp/pnpm-store && \
rm -rf /tmp/pnpm-store
# Build the plugin server.
# Note: we run the build as a separate action to increase
# the cache hit ratio of the layers above.
COPY ./plugin-server/src/ ./src/
RUN pnpm build
# As the plugin-server is now built, let’s keep
# only prod dependencies in the node_module folder
# as we will copy it to the last image.
RUN corepack enable && \
mkdir /tmp/pnpm-store && \
pnpm install --frozen-lockfile --store-dir /tmp/pnpm-store --prod && \
rm -rf /tmp/pnpm-store
# ---------------------------------------------------------
FROM python:3.10.10-slim-bullseye AS posthog-build
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"]
# Compile and install Python dependencies.
# We install those dependencies on a custom folder that we will
# then copy to the last image.
COPY requirements.txt ./
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
"build-essential" \
"git" \
"libpq-dev" \
"libxmlsec1" \
"libxmlsec1-dev" \
"libffi-dev" \
"pkg-config" \
&& \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* && \
pip install -r requirements.txt --compile --no-cache-dir --target=/python-runtime
ENV PATH=/python-runtime/bin:$PATH \
# Add in Django deps and generate Django's static files.
COPY manage.py manage.py
COPY posthog posthog/
COPY ee ee/
COPY --from=frontend-build /code/frontend/dist /code/frontend/dist
RUN SKIP_SERVICE_VERSION_REQUIREMENTS=1 SECRET_KEY='unsafe secret key for collectstatic only' DATABASE_URL='postgres:///' REDIS_URL='redis:///' python manage.py collectstatic --noinput
# ---------------------------------------------------------
FROM debian:bullseye-slim AS fetch-geoip-db
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"]
# Fetch the GeoLite2-City database that will be used for IP geolocation within Django.
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
"ca-certificates" \
"curl" \
"brotli" \
&& \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* && \
mkdir share && \
( curl -s -L "https://mmdbcdn.posthog.net/" | brotli --decompress --output=./share/GeoLite2-City.mmdb ) && \
chmod -R 755 ./share/GeoLite2-City.mmdb
# ---------------------------------------------------------
FROM python:3.10.10-slim-bullseye
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"]
# Install OS runtime dependencies.
# Note: please add in this stage runtime dependences only!
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
"chromium" \
"chromium-driver" \
"libpq-dev" \
"libxmlsec1" \
"libxmlsec1-dev" \
# Install NodeJS 18.
RUN apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
"curl" \
&& \
curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_18.x | bash - && \
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
"nodejs" \
&& \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# Install and use a non-root user.
RUN groupadd posthog && \
useradd -r -g posthog posthog && \
chown posthog:posthog /code
USER posthog
# Add in the compiled plugin-server & its runtime dependencies from the plugin-server-build stage.
COPY --from=plugin-server-build --chown=posthog:posthog /code/plugin-server/dist /code/plugin-server/dist
COPY --from=plugin-server-build --chown=posthog:posthog /code/plugin-server/node_modules /code/plugin-server/node_modules
COPY --from=plugin-server-build --chown=posthog:posthog /code/plugin-server/package.json /code/plugin-server/package.json
# Copy the Python dependencies and Django staticfiles from the posthog-build stage.
COPY --from=posthog-build --chown=posthog:posthog /code/staticfiles /code/staticfiles
COPY --from=posthog-build --chown=posthog:posthog /python-runtime /python-runtime
ENV PATH=/python-runtime/bin:$PATH \
# Copy the frontend assets from the frontend-build stage.
# TODO: this copy should not be necessary, we should remove it once we verify everything still works.
COPY --from=frontend-build --chown=posthog:posthog /code/frontend/dist /code/frontend/dist
# Copy the GeoLite2-City database from the fetch-geoip-db stage.
COPY --from=fetch-geoip-db --chown=posthog:posthog /code/share/GeoLite2-City.mmdb /code/share/GeoLite2-City.mmdb
# Add in the Gunicorn config, custom bin files and Django deps.
COPY --chown=posthog:posthog gunicorn.config.py ./
COPY --chown=posthog:posthog ./bin ./bin/
COPY --chown=posthog:posthog manage.py manage.py
COPY --chown=posthog:posthog posthog posthog/
COPY --chown=posthog:posthog ee ee/
# Setup ENV.
ENV NODE_ENV=production \
CHROME_BIN=/usr/bin/chromium \
CHROME_PATH=/usr/lib/chromium/ \
# Expose container port and run entry point script.
# Expose the port from which we serve OpenMetrics data.
CMD ["./bin/docker"]