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import ClickHouse from '@posthog/clickhouse'
import Redis from 'ioredis'
import { Kafka, Partitioners, Producer } from 'kafkajs'
import { Pool } from 'pg'
import { defaultConfig } from '../src/config/config'
import { UUIDT } from '../src/utils/utils'
import { delayUntilEventIngested } from '../tests/helpers/clickhouse'
import { capture, createOrganization, createTeam, fetchEvents, fetchPerformanceEvents } from './api'
let producer: Producer
let clickHouseClient: ClickHouse
let postgres: Pool // NOTE: we use a Pool here but it's probably not necessary, but for instance `insertRow` uses a Pool.
let kafka: Kafka
let redis: Redis.Redis
let organizationId: string
beforeAll(async () => {
// Setup connections to kafka, clickhouse, and postgres
postgres = new Pool({
connectionString: defaultConfig.DATABASE_URL!,
// We use a pool only for typings sake, but we don't actually need to,
// so set max connections to 1.
max: 1,
clickHouseClient = new ClickHouse({
host: defaultConfig.CLICKHOUSE_HOST,
port: 8123,
dataObjects: true,
queryOptions: {
database: defaultConfig.CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE,
output_format_json_quote_64bit_integers: false,
kafka = new Kafka({ brokers: [defaultConfig.KAFKA_HOSTS] })
producer = kafka.producer({ createPartitioner: Partitioners.DefaultPartitioner })
await producer.connect()
redis = new Redis(defaultConfig.REDIS_URL)
organizationId = await createOrganization(postgres)
afterAll(async () => {
await Promise.all([producer.disconnect(), postgres.end(), redis.disconnect()])
`peformance event ingestion: captured, processed, ingested`,
async () => {
const teamId = await createTeam(postgres, organizationId)
const distinctId = new UUIDT().toString()
const uuid = new UUIDT().toString()
await capture(producer, teamId, distinctId, uuid, '$performance_event', {
'0': 'resource',
$session_id: '$session_id_1',
$window_id: '$window_id_1',
$pageview_id: '$pageview_id_1',
$current_url: '$current_url_1',
await delayUntilEventIngested(() => fetchPerformanceEvents(clickHouseClient, teamId), 1, 500, 40)
const events = await fetchEvents(clickHouseClient, teamId)
const perfEvents = await fetchPerformanceEvents(clickHouseClient, teamId)
// processEvent did not modify
entry_type: 'resource',
session_id: '$session_id_1',
window_id: '$window_id_1',
pageview_id: '$pageview_id_1',
current_url: '$current_url_1',