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synced 2024-12-01 12:21:02 +01:00
* test: remove explicit dependencies from functional tests * Install pnpm in devcontainer
296 lines
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296 lines
11 KiB
import { uuid4 } from '@sentry/utils'
import { createServer, Server } from 'http'
import { UUIDT } from '../src/utils/utils'
import { capture, createAndReloadPluginConfig, createOrganization, createPlugin, createTeam, getMetric } from './api'
import { waitForExpect } from './expectations'
import { produce } from './kafka'
// Exports are coordinated by a scheduled task that runs every minute, so we
// increase the wait time to give us a bit of leeway.
let organizationId: string
let server: Server
const webHookCalledWith: any = {}
beforeAll(async () => {
organizationId = await createOrganization()
server = createServer((req, res) => {
let body = ''
req.on('data', (chunk) => {
body += chunk
req.on('end', () => {
webHookCalledWith[req.url!] = webHookCalledWith[req.url!] ?? []
res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' })
await new Promise((resolve) => {
server.on('listening', resolve)
afterAll(() => {
test.concurrent(`exports: historical exports v2`, async () => {
// This test runs through checking:
// 1. the payload we send for "live" events i.e. events we are exporting as
// they are ingested
// 2. running an historical export, and checking the payload is
// sufficiently the same as the live event export
// 3. running an historical export again, and checking the payload is the
// same as the previous historical export
// It's important the the timestamp and sent_at are the same, as otherwise
// the event time committed to the database will be different, and will
// result in duplicates.
// The way the merging in ClickHouse works means that we will not be able to
// guarantee events with the same sorting key will be dedpulicated, but we
// should do a best effort at ensuring they are the same.
const teamId = await createTeam(organizationId)
const distinctId = new UUIDT().toString()
const uuid = new UUIDT().toString()
const testUuid = new UUIDT().toString()
const plugin = await createPlugin({
organization_id: organizationId,
name: 'export plugin',
plugin_type: 'source',
is_global: false,
source__index_ts: `
export const exportEvents = async (events, { global, config }) => {
await fetch(
{method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(events)}
const pluginConfig = await createAndReloadPluginConfig(teamId, plugin.id)
// First let's capture an event and wait for it to be ingested so
// so we can check that the historical event is the same as the one
// passed to processEvent on initial ingestion.
const eventTime = new Date('2022-01-01T05:08:00.000Z')
const sentAt = new Date('2022-01-01T05:10:00.000Z')
const now = new Date('2022-01-01T05:00:00.000Z')
const skewAdjustedTimestamp = new Date('2022-01-01T04:58:00.000Z')
const properties = {
name: 'hehe',
uuid: new UUIDT().toString(),
$elements: [{ tag_name: 'div', nth_child: 1, nth_of_type: 2, $el_text: '💻' }],
await capture({ teamId, distinctId, uuid, event: '$autocapture', properties, token: null, sentAt, eventTime, now })
// Then check that the exportEvents function was called
const [exportedEvent] = await waitForExpect(() => {
const [exportEvents] = webHookCalledWith[`/${testUuid}`]
return exportEvents
}, 20_000)
event: '$autocapture',
// NOTE: this timestamp takes into account the time skew between
// `now` and `sent_at`.
timestamp: skewAdjustedTimestamp.toISOString(),
uuid: uuid,
distinct_id: distinctId,
properties: expect.objectContaining({
name: properties.name,
// TODO: do not override uuid property with event id
uuid: uuid, // NOTE: uuid added to properties is overridden by the event uuid
elements: [
tag_name: 'div',
nth_child: 1,
nth_of_type: 2,
order: 0,
$el_text: '💻',
text: '💻',
attributes: {},
team_id: teamId,
await createHistoricalExportJob({
pluginConfigId: pluginConfig.id,
dateRange: [
new Date(skewAdjustedTimestamp.getTime() - 10000).toISOString(),
new Date(skewAdjustedTimestamp.getTime() + 10000).toISOString(),
// Then check that the exportEvents function was called with the
// same data that was used with the non-historical export, with the
// additions of details related to the historical export.
const firstExportedEvent = await waitForExpect(
() => {
const [historicallyExportedEvents] = webHookCalledWith[`/${testUuid}`].filter((events) => {
return events.some((event) => event.properties['$$is_historical_export_event'])
return historicallyExportedEvents[0]
// NOTE: exports are driven by a scheduled task that runs every minute,
// so we need to wait a while.
ip: '', // NOTE: for some reason this is "" when exported historically, but null otherwise.
// NOTE: it's important that event, sent_at, uuid, and distinct_id
// are preserved and are stable for ClickHouse deduplication to
// function as expected.
site_url: '',
// NOTE: we get a now attribute which is set to the time the
// event was converted from the ClickHouse event. We do not
// use the `now` attribute in the /capture endpoint, so this
// should be ok to leave.
now: expect.any(String),
properties: {
$$is_historical_export_event: true,
$$historical_export_timestamp: expect.any(String),
$$historical_export_source_db: 'clickhouse',
// Run the export again to ensure we get the same results, such that we can
// re-run exports without creating duplicates. We use a different plugin
// config as otherwise it seems the second export doesn't start.
const secondTestUuid = uuid4()
const secondPlugin = await createPlugin({
organization_id: organizationId,
name: 'export plugin',
plugin_type: 'source',
is_global: false,
source__index_ts: `
export const exportEvents = async (events, { global, config }) => {
await fetch(
{method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(events)}
const secondPluginConfig = await createAndReloadPluginConfig(teamId, secondPlugin.id)
await createHistoricalExportJob({
pluginConfigId: secondPluginConfig.id,
dateRange: [
new Date(skewAdjustedTimestamp.getTime() - 10000).toISOString(),
new Date(skewAdjustedTimestamp.getTime() + 10000).toISOString(),
const historicallyExportedEvents = await waitForExpect(
() => {
const [historicallyExportedEvents] = webHookCalledWith[`/${secondTestUuid}`]
return historicallyExportedEvents
// NOTE: exports are driven by a scheduled task that runs every minute,
// so we need to wait a while.
// NOTE: we get a now attribute which is set to the time the
// event was converted from the ClickHouse event. We do not
// use the `now` attribute in the /capture endpoint, so this
// should be ok to leave.
now: expect.any(String),
properties: { ...firstExportedEvent.properties, $$historical_export_timestamp: expect.any(String) },
test.concurrent('consumer updates timestamp exported to prometheus', async () => {
// NOTE: it may be another event other than the one we emit here that causes
// the gauge to increase, but pushing this event through should at least
// ensure that the gauge is updated.
const teamId = await createTeam(organizationId)
const distinctId = new UUIDT().toString()
const uuid = new UUIDT().toString()
const metricBefore = await getMetric({
name: 'latest_processed_timestamp_ms',
type: 'GAUGE',
labels: { topic: 'clickhouse_events_json', partition: '0', groupId: 'async_handlers' },
await capture({
event: '$autocapture',
properties: {
name: 'hehe',
uuid: new UUIDT().toString(),
$elements: [{ tag_name: 'div', nth_child: 1, nth_of_type: 2, $el_text: '💻' }],
await waitForExpect(async () => {
const metricAfter = await getMetric({
name: 'latest_processed_timestamp_ms',
type: 'GAUGE',
labels: { topic: 'clickhouse_events_json', partition: '0', groupId: 'async_handlers' },
expect(metricAfter).toBeLessThan(Date.now()) // Make sure, e.g. we're not setting micro seconds
expect(metricAfter).toBeGreaterThan(Date.now() - 60_000) // Make sure, e.g. we're not setting seconds
}, 10_000)
const createHistoricalExportJob = async ({ teamId, pluginConfigId, dateRange }) => {
// Queues an historical export for the specified pluginConfigId and date
// range.
// NOTE: the frontend doesn't actually push to this queue but rather
// adds directly to PostgreSQL using the graphile-worker stored
// procedure `add_job`. I'd rather keep these tests graphile
// unaware.
await produce({
topic: 'jobs',
message: Buffer.from(
type: 'Export historical events V2',
pluginConfigId: pluginConfigId,
pluginConfigTeam: teamId,
payload: {
dateRange: dateRange,
$job_id: uuid4(),
parallelism: 1,
key: teamId.toString(),