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// While these test cases focus on runAppsOnEventPipeline, they were
// explicitly intended to test that failures to produce to the `jobs` topic
// due to availability errors would be bubbled up to the consumer, where we can
// then make decisions about how to handle this case e.g. here we test that it
// simply would bubble up to the KafkaJS consumer runnner where it can handle
// retries.
// There is complicating factor in that the pipeline uses a separate Node Worker
// to run the pipeline, which means we can't easily mock the `produce` call, and
// as such the test is broken into answering these questions separately, with no
// integration test between the two:
// 1. using the Piscina task runner to run the pipeline results in the
// DependencyUnavailableError Error being thrown.
// 2. the KafkaQueue consumer handler will let the error bubble up to the
// KafkaJS consumer runner, which we assume will handle retries.
import Redis from 'ioredis'
import LibrdKafkaError from 'node-rdkafka/lib/error'
import { defaultConfig } from '../../../src/config/config'
import { KAFKA_EVENTS_JSON } from '../../../src/config/kafka-topics'
import { buildOnEventIngestionConsumer } from '../../../src/main/ingestion-queues/on-event-handler-consumer'
import { Hub, ISOTimestamp } from '../../../src/types'
import { DependencyUnavailableError } from '../../../src/utils/db/error'
import { closeHub, createHub } from '../../../src/utils/db/hub'
import { PostgresUse } from '../../../src/utils/db/postgres'
import { UUIDT } from '../../../src/utils/utils'
import { processOnEventStep } from '../../../src/worker/ingestion/event-pipeline/runAsyncHandlersStep'
import Piscina, { makePiscina } from '../../../src/worker/piscina'
import { setupPlugins } from '../../../src/worker/plugins/setup'
import { teardownPlugins } from '../../../src/worker/plugins/teardown'
import {
} from '../../helpers/sql'
describe('runAppsOnEventPipeline()', () => {
// Tests the failure cases for the workerTasks.runAppsOnEventPipeline
// task. Note that this equally applies to e.g. runEventPipeline task as
// well and likely could do with adding additional tests for that.
// We are assuming here that we are bubbling up any errors thrown from the
// Piscina task runner to the consumer here, I couldn't figure out a nice
// way to mock things in subprocesses to test this however.
let hub: Hub
let redis: Redis.Redis
beforeEach(async () => {
// Use fake timers to ensure that we don't need to wait on e.g. retry logic.
jest.useFakeTimers({ advanceTimers: true })
hub = await createHub()
redis = await hub.redisPool.acquire()
await hub.postgres.query(PostgresUse.COMMON_WRITE, POSTGRES_DELETE_TABLES_QUERY, null, 'deleteTables') // Need to clear the DB to avoid unique constraint violations on ids
afterEach(async () => {
await hub.redisPool.release(redis)
await teardownPlugins(hub)
await closeHub(hub)
test('throws on produce errors', async () => {
// To ensure that producer errors are retried and not swallowed, we need
// to ensure that these are bubbled up to the main consumer loop. Note
// that the `KafkaJSError` is translated to a generic `DependencyUnavailableError`.
// This is to allow the specific decision of whether the error is
// retriable to happen as close to the dependency as possible.
const organizationId = await createOrganization(hub.postgres)
const plugin = await createPlugin(hub.postgres, {
organization_id: organizationId,
name: 'fails to produce',
plugin_type: 'source',
is_global: false,
source__index_ts: `
export async function onEvent(event, { jobs }) {
await jobs.test().runNow()
export const jobs = {
test: async () => {}
const teamId = await createTeam(hub.postgres, organizationId)
await createPluginConfig(hub.postgres, { team_id: teamId, plugin_id: plugin.id })
await setupPlugins(hub)
const error = new LibrdKafkaError({
name: 'Failed to produce',
message: 'Failed to produce',
code: 1,
errno: 1,
origin: 'test',
isRetriable: true,
jest.spyOn(hub.kafkaProducer.producer, 'produce').mockImplementation(
(topic, partition, message, key, timestamp, headers, cb) => cb(error)
await expect(
processOnEventStep(hub, {
distinctId: 'asdf',
teamId: teamId,
event: 'some event',
properties: {},
eventUuid: new UUIDT().toString(),
person_created_at: null,
person_properties: {},
timestamp: new Date().toISOString() as ISOTimestamp,
elementsList: [],
).rejects.toEqual(new DependencyUnavailableError('Failed to produce', 'Kafka', error))
test(`doesn't throw on arbitrary failures`, async () => {
// If we receive an arbitrary error, we should just skip the event. We
// only want to retry on `RetryError` and `DependencyUnavailableError` as these are
// things under our control.
const organizationId = await createOrganization(hub.postgres)
const plugin = await createPlugin(hub.postgres, {
organization_id: organizationId,
name: 'runEveryMinute plugin',
plugin_type: 'source',
is_global: false,
source__index_ts: `
export async function onEvent(event, { jobs }) {
throw new Error('arbitrary failure')
const teamId = await createTeam(hub.postgres, organizationId)
await createPluginConfig(hub.postgres, { team_id: teamId, plugin_id: plugin.id })
await setupPlugins(hub)
const event = {
distinctId: 'asdf',
teamId: teamId,
event: 'some event',
properties: {},
eventUuid: new UUIDT().toString(),
person_created_at: null,
person_properties: {},
timestamp: new Date().toISOString() as ISOTimestamp,
elementsList: [],
await expect(processOnEventStep(hub, event)).resolves.toEqual(null)
describe('eachBatchAsyncHandlers', () => {
// We want to ensure that if the handler rejects, then the consumer will
// raise to the consumer, triggering the KafkaJS retry logic. Here we are
// assuming that piscina will reject the returned promise, which according
// to https://github.com/piscinajs/piscina#method-runtask-options should be
// the case.
let hub: Hub
let piscina: Piscina
beforeEach(async () => {
jest.useFakeTimers({ advanceTimers: true })
hub = await createHub()
afterEach(async () => {
await closeHub(hub)
test('rejections from kafka are bubbled up to the consumer', async () => {
piscina = await makePiscina(defaultConfig, hub)
const ingestionConsumer = buildOnEventIngestionConsumer({ hub, piscina })
const error = new LibrdKafkaError({ message: 'test', code: 1, errno: 1, origin: 'test', isRetriable: true })
jest.spyOn(ingestionConsumer, 'eachBatch').mockRejectedValue(
new DependencyUnavailableError('Failed to produce', 'Kafka', error)
await expect(
batch: {
partition: 0,
highWatermark: '0',
messages: [
key: Buffer.from('key'),
value: Buffer.from(
distinctId: 'asdf',
ip: '',
teamId: 1,
event: 'some event',
properties: JSON.stringify({}),
eventUuid: new UUIDT().toString(),
timestamp: '0',
timestamp: '0',
offset: '0',
size: 0,
attributes: 0,
isEmpty: jest.fn(),
firstOffset: jest.fn(),
lastOffset: jest.fn(),
offsetLag: jest.fn(),
offsetLagLow: jest.fn(),
resolveOffset: jest.fn(),
heartbeat: jest.fn(),
isRunning: () => true,
isStale: () => false,
commitOffsetsIfNecessary: jest.fn(),
uncommittedOffsets: jest.fn(),
pause: jest.fn(),
).rejects.toEqual(new DependencyUnavailableError('Failed to produce', 'Kafka', error))