mirror of
synced 2024-11-30 19:41:46 +01:00
566 lines
21 KiB
566 lines
21 KiB
import dataclasses
import datetime
import time
from typing import Any, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
from collections.abc import Callable
import re
import json
import pytz
from .print import print_hog_string_output
from .date import (
from .crypto import sha256Hex, md5Hex, sha256HmacChainHex
from ..objects import is_hog_error, new_hog_error, is_hog_callable, is_hog_closure
from ..utils import like, get_nested_value
from posthog.models import Team
class STLFunction:
fn: Callable[[list[Any], Optional["Team"], list[str] | None, float], Any]
minArgs: Optional[int] = None
maxArgs: Optional[int] = None
def toString(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float):
if isinstance(args[0], dict) and is_hog_datetime(args[0]):
dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(args[0]["dt"], pytz.timezone(args[0]["zone"] or "UTC"))
if args[0]["zone"] == "UTC":
return dt.isoformat("T", "milliseconds").replace("+00:00", "") + "Z"
return dt.isoformat("T", "milliseconds")
elif isinstance(args[0], dict) and is_hog_date(args[0]):
year = args[0]["year"]
month = args[0]["month"]
day = args[0]["day"]
return f"{year}-{month:02d}-{day:02d}"
elif isinstance(args[0], dict) and is_hog_error(args[0]):
return (
f"{args[0]['name']}({toString(args[0]['message'], team, stdout, timeout)}"
+ (f", {toString(args[0]['payload'], team, stdout, timeout)}" if "payload" in args[0] else "")
+ ")"
elif args[0] is True:
return "true"
elif args[0] is False:
return "false"
elif args[0] is None:
return "null"
return str(args[0])
def toInt(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float):
if is_hog_datetime(args[0]):
return int(args[0]["dt"])
elif is_hog_date(args[0]):
return (
datetime.datetime(args[0]["year"], args[0]["month"], args[0]["day"]) - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)
return int(args[0])
except ValueError:
return None
def toFloat(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float):
if is_hog_datetime(args[0]):
return float(args[0]["dt"])
elif is_hog_date(args[0]):
return float(
datetime.datetime(args[0]["year"], args[0]["month"], args[0]["day"]) - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)
return float(args[0])
except ValueError:
return None
# ifNull is complied into JUMP instructions. Keeping the function here for backwards compatibility
def ifNull(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float):
if args[0] is not None:
return args[0]
return args[1]
def empty(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float):
if isinstance(args[0], bool) or isinstance(args[0], int) or isinstance(args[0], float):
return False
return not bool(args[0])
def sleep(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float):
return None
def print(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float):
if stdout is not None:
value = " ".join(map(print_hog_string_output, args))
def run(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float) -> list[Any]:
if team is None:
return []
from posthog.hogql.query import execute_hogql_query
response = execute_hogql_query(query=args[0], team=team)
return response.results
def jsonParse(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float) -> Any:
return json.loads(args[0])
def jsonStringify(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float) -> str:
marked = set()
def json_safe(obj):
if isinstance(obj, dict) or isinstance(obj, list) or isinstance(obj, tuple):
if id(obj) in marked and not is_hog_callable(obj) and not is_hog_closure(obj):
return None
if isinstance(obj, dict):
if is_hog_callable(obj):
return f"fn<{obj['name']}({obj['argCount']})>"
if is_hog_closure(obj):
return f"fn<{obj['callable']['name']}({obj['callable']['argCount']})>"
return {json_safe(k): json_safe(v) for k, v in obj.items()}
elif isinstance(obj, list):
return [json_safe(v) for v in obj]
elif isinstance(obj, tuple):
return tuple(json_safe(v) for v in obj)
return obj
if len(args) > 1 and isinstance(args[1], int) and args[1] > 0:
return json.dumps(json_safe(args[0]), indent=args[1])
return json.dumps(json_safe(args[0]))
def JSONHas(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float) -> bool:
obj = args[0]
path = args[1:]
current = obj
for key in path:
currentParsed = current
if isinstance(current, str):
currentParsed = json.loads(current)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
return False
if isinstance(currentParsed, dict):
if key not in currentParsed:
return False
current = currentParsed[key]
elif isinstance(currentParsed, list):
if isinstance(key, int):
if key < 0:
if key < -len(currentParsed):
return False
current = currentParsed[len(currentParsed) + key]
elif key == 0:
return False
if key > len(currentParsed):
return False
current = currentParsed[key - 1]
return False
return False
return True
def isValidJSON(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float) -> bool:
return True
except json.JSONDecodeError:
return False
def JSONLength(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float) -> int:
obj = args[0]
path = args[1:]
if isinstance(obj, str):
obj = json.loads(obj)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
return 0
if not isinstance(obj, dict) and not isinstance(obj, list):
return 0
current = get_nested_value(obj, path, nullish=True)
if isinstance(current, dict) or isinstance(current, list):
return len(current)
return 0
def JSONExtractBool(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float) -> bool:
obj = args[0]
path = args[1:]
if isinstance(obj, str):
obj = json.loads(obj)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
return False
if len(path) > 0:
obj = get_nested_value(obj, path, nullish=True)
if isinstance(obj, bool):
return obj
return False
def base64Encode(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float) -> str:
import base64
return base64.b64encode(args[0].encode()).decode()
def base64Decode(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float) -> str:
import base64
return base64.b64decode(args[0].encode()).decode()
def encodeURLComponent(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float) -> str:
import urllib.parse
return urllib.parse.quote(args[0], safe="")
def decodeURLComponent(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float) -> str:
import urllib.parse
return urllib.parse.unquote(args[0])
def trim(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float) -> str:
char = str(args[1]) if len(args) > 1 and isinstance(args[1], str) else None
if len(args) > 1:
if char is None:
char = " "
if len(char) > 1:
return ""
return args[0].strip(char)
def trimLeft(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float) -> str:
char = str(args[1]) if len(args) > 1 and isinstance(args[1], str) else None
if len(args) > 1:
if char is None:
char = " "
if len(char) > 1:
return ""
return args[0].lstrip(char)
def trimRight(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float) -> str:
char = str(args[1]) if len(args) > 1 and isinstance(args[1], str) else None
if len(args) > 1:
if char is None:
char = " "
if len(char) > 1:
return ""
return args[0].rstrip(char)
def splitByString(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float) -> list:
separator = args[0]
string = args[1]
if len(args) > 2 and args[2] is not None:
parts = string.split(separator, args[2])
if len(parts) > args[2]:
return parts[: args[2]]
return parts
return string.split(separator)
def generateUUIDv4(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float) -> str:
import uuid
return str(uuid.uuid4())
def keys(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float) -> list:
obj = args[0]
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return list(obj.keys())
if isinstance(obj, list) or isinstance(obj, tuple):
return list(range(len(obj)))
return []
def values(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float) -> list:
obj = args[0]
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return list(obj.values())
if isinstance(obj, list) or isinstance(obj, tuple):
return list(obj)
return []
def arrayPushBack(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float) -> list:
arr = args[0]
item = args[1]
if not isinstance(arr, list):
return [item]
return [*arr, item]
def arrayPushFront(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float) -> list:
arr = args[0]
item = args[1]
if not isinstance(arr, list):
return [item]
return [item, *arr]
def arrayPopBack(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float) -> list:
arr = args[0]
if not isinstance(arr, list):
return []
return arr[:-1]
def arrayPopFront(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float) -> list:
arr = args[0]
if not isinstance(arr, list):
return []
return arr[1:]
def arraySort(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float) -> list:
arr = args[0]
if not isinstance(arr, list):
return []
return sorted(arr)
def arrayReverse(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float) -> list:
arr = args[0]
if not isinstance(arr, list):
return []
return arr[::-1]
def arrayReverseSort(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float) -> list:
arr = args[0]
if not isinstance(arr, list):
return []
return sorted(arr, reverse=True)
def arrayStringConcat(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float) -> str:
arr = args[0]
sep = args[1] if len(args) > 1 else ""
if not isinstance(arr, list):
return ""
return sep.join([str(s) for s in arr])
def has(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float) -> bool:
if len(args) < 2 or not isinstance(args[0], list):
return False
return args[1] in args[0]
def _formatDateTime(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float) -> Any:
if len(args) < 2:
raise ValueError("formatDateTime requires at least 2 arguments")
return formatDateTime(args[0], args[1], args[2] if len(args) > 2 else None)
def _typeof(args: list[Any], team: Optional["Team"], stdout: Optional[list[str]], timeout: float) -> str:
if args[0] is None:
return "null"
elif is_hog_datetime(args[0]):
return "datetime"
elif is_hog_date(args[0]):
return "date"
elif is_hog_error(args[0]):
return "error"
elif is_hog_callable(args[0]) or is_hog_closure(args[0]):
return "function"
elif isinstance(args[0], list):
return "array"
elif isinstance(args[0], tuple):
return "tuple"
elif isinstance(args[0], dict):
return "object"
elif args[0] is True or args[0] is False:
return "boolean"
elif isinstance(args[0], int):
return "integer"
elif isinstance(args[0], float):
return "float"
elif isinstance(args[0], str):
return "string"
return "unknown"
STL: dict[str, STLFunction] = {
"concat": STLFunction(
fn=lambda args, team, stdout, timeout: "".join(
[print_hog_string_output(arg) if arg is not None else "" for arg in args]
"match": STLFunction(
fn=lambda args, team, stdout, timeout: bool(re.search(re.compile(args[1]), args[0])), minArgs=2, maxArgs=2
"like": STLFunction(fn=lambda args, team, stdout, timeout: like(args[0], args[1]), minArgs=2, maxArgs=2),
"ilike": STLFunction(
fn=lambda args, team, stdout, timeout: like(args[0], args[1], re.IGNORECASE), minArgs=2, maxArgs=2
"notLike": STLFunction(fn=lambda args, team, stdout, timeout: not like(args[0], args[1]), minArgs=2, maxArgs=2),
"notILike": STLFunction(
fn=lambda args, team, stdout, timeout: not like(args[0], args[1], re.IGNORECASE), minArgs=2, maxArgs=2
"toString": STLFunction(fn=toString, minArgs=1, maxArgs=1),
"toUUID": STLFunction(fn=toString, minArgs=1, maxArgs=1),
"toInt": STLFunction(fn=toInt, minArgs=1, maxArgs=1),
"toFloat": STLFunction(fn=toFloat, minArgs=1, maxArgs=1),
"ifNull": STLFunction(fn=ifNull, minArgs=2, maxArgs=2),
"length": STLFunction(fn=lambda args, team, stdout, timeout: len(args[0]), minArgs=1, maxArgs=1),
"empty": STLFunction(fn=empty, minArgs=1, maxArgs=1),
"notEmpty": STLFunction(
fn=lambda args, team, stdout, timeout: not empty(args, team, stdout, timeout), minArgs=1, maxArgs=1
"tuple": STLFunction(fn=lambda args, team, stdout, timeout: tuple(args), minArgs=0, maxArgs=None),
"lower": STLFunction(fn=lambda args, team, stdout, timeout: args[0].lower(), minArgs=1, maxArgs=1),
"upper": STLFunction(fn=lambda args, team, stdout, timeout: args[0].upper(), minArgs=1, maxArgs=1),
"reverse": STLFunction(fn=lambda args, team, stdout, timeout: args[0][::-1], minArgs=1, maxArgs=1),
"print": STLFunction(fn=print, minArgs=0, maxArgs=None),
"jsonParse": STLFunction(fn=jsonParse, minArgs=1, maxArgs=1),
"jsonStringify": STLFunction(fn=jsonStringify, minArgs=1, maxArgs=1),
"JSONHas": STLFunction(fn=JSONHas, minArgs=2, maxArgs=None),
"isValidJSON": STLFunction(fn=isValidJSON, minArgs=1, maxArgs=1),
"JSONLength": STLFunction(fn=JSONLength, minArgs=2, maxArgs=None),
"JSONExtractBool": STLFunction(fn=JSONExtractBool, minArgs=1, maxArgs=None),
"base64Encode": STLFunction(fn=base64Encode, minArgs=1, maxArgs=1),
"base64Decode": STLFunction(fn=base64Decode, minArgs=1, maxArgs=1),
"encodeURLComponent": STLFunction(fn=encodeURLComponent, minArgs=1, maxArgs=1),
"decodeURLComponent": STLFunction(fn=decodeURLComponent, minArgs=1, maxArgs=1),
"replaceOne": STLFunction(
fn=lambda args, team, stdout, timeout: args[0].replace(args[1], args[2], 1), minArgs=3, maxArgs=3
"replaceAll": STLFunction(
fn=lambda args, team, stdout, timeout: args[0].replace(args[1], args[2]), minArgs=3, maxArgs=3
"position": STLFunction(
fn=lambda args, team, stdout, timeout: (args[0].index(str(args[1])) + 1)
if isinstance(args[0], str) and str(args[1]) in args[0]
else 0,
"positionCaseInsensitive": STLFunction(
fn=lambda args, team, stdout, timeout: (args[0].lower().index(str(args[1]).lower()) + 1)
if isinstance(args[0], str) and str(args[1]).lower() in args[0].lower()
else 0,
"trim": STLFunction(fn=trim, minArgs=1, maxArgs=2),
"trimLeft": STLFunction(fn=trimLeft, minArgs=1, maxArgs=2),
"trimRight": STLFunction(fn=trimRight, minArgs=1, maxArgs=2),
"splitByString": STLFunction(fn=splitByString, minArgs=2, maxArgs=3),
"generateUUIDv4": STLFunction(fn=generateUUIDv4, minArgs=0, maxArgs=0),
"sha256Hex": STLFunction(fn=lambda args, team, stdout, timeout: sha256Hex(args[0]), minArgs=1, maxArgs=1),
"md5Hex": STLFunction(fn=lambda args, team, stdout, timeout: md5Hex(args[0]), minArgs=1, maxArgs=1),
"sha256HmacChainHex": STLFunction(
fn=lambda args, team, stdout, timeout: sha256HmacChainHex(args[0]), minArgs=1, maxArgs=1
"keys": STLFunction(fn=keys, minArgs=1, maxArgs=1),
"values": STLFunction(fn=values, minArgs=1, maxArgs=1),
"indexOf": STLFunction(
fn=lambda args, team, stdout, timeout: (args[0].index(args[1]) + 1)
if isinstance(args[0], list) and args[1] in args[0]
else 0,
"arrayPushBack": STLFunction(fn=arrayPushBack, minArgs=2, maxArgs=2),
"arrayPushFront": STLFunction(fn=arrayPushFront, minArgs=2, maxArgs=2),
"arrayPopBack": STLFunction(fn=arrayPopBack, minArgs=1, maxArgs=1),
"arrayPopFront": STLFunction(fn=arrayPopFront, minArgs=1, maxArgs=1),
"arraySort": STLFunction(fn=arraySort, minArgs=1, maxArgs=1),
"arrayReverse": STLFunction(fn=arrayReverse, minArgs=1, maxArgs=1),
"arrayReverseSort": STLFunction(fn=arrayReverseSort, minArgs=1, maxArgs=1),
"arrayStringConcat": STLFunction(fn=arrayStringConcat, minArgs=1, maxArgs=2),
"has": STLFunction(fn=has, minArgs=2, maxArgs=2),
"now": STLFunction(fn=lambda args, team, stdout, timeout: now(), minArgs=0, maxArgs=0),
"toUnixTimestamp": STLFunction(
fn=lambda args, team, stdout, timeout: toUnixTimestamp(args[0], args[1] if len(args) > 1 else None),
"fromUnixTimestamp": STLFunction(
fn=lambda args, team, stdout, timeout: fromUnixTimestamp(args[0]), minArgs=1, maxArgs=1
"toUnixTimestampMilli": STLFunction(
fn=lambda args, team, stdout, timeout: toUnixTimestampMilli(args[0]), minArgs=1, maxArgs=2
"fromUnixTimestampMilli": STLFunction(
fn=lambda args, team, stdout, timeout: fromUnixTimestampMilli(args[0]), minArgs=1, maxArgs=1
"toTimeZone": STLFunction(
fn=lambda args, team, stdout, timeout: toTimeZone(args[0], args[1]), minArgs=2, maxArgs=2
"toDate": STLFunction(fn=lambda args, team, stdout, timeout: toDate(args[0]), minArgs=1, maxArgs=1),
"toDateTime": STLFunction(fn=lambda args, team, stdout, timeout: toDateTime(args[0]), minArgs=1, maxArgs=2),
"formatDateTime": STLFunction(fn=_formatDateTime, minArgs=2, maxArgs=3),
"HogError": STLFunction(
fn=lambda args, team, stdout, timeout: new_hog_error(args[0], args[1], args[2] if len(args) > 2 else None),
"Error": STLFunction(
fn=lambda args, team, stdout, timeout: new_hog_error(
"Error", args[0] if len(args) > 0 else None, args[1] if len(args) > 1 else None
"RetryError": STLFunction(
fn=lambda args, team, stdout, timeout: new_hog_error("RetryError", args[0], args[1] if len(args) > 1 else None),
"NotImplementedError": STLFunction(
fn=lambda args, team, stdout, timeout: new_hog_error(
"NotImplementedError", args[0], args[1] if len(args) > 1 else None
"typeof": STLFunction(fn=_typeof, minArgs=1, maxArgs=1),
# only in python, async function in nodejs
"sleep": STLFunction(fn=sleep, minArgs=1, maxArgs=1),
"run": STLFunction(fn=run, minArgs=1, maxArgs=1),