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synced 2024-11-24 09:14:46 +01:00
* fix: avoid sending distinct ids to billing * fix test
308 lines
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308 lines
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from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, TypedDict, cast
import jwt
import requests
import structlog
from django.utils import timezone
from rest_framework.exceptions import NotAuthenticated
from ee.models import License
from ee.settings import BILLING_SERVICE_URL
from posthog.constants import AvailableFeature
from posthog.models import Organization
from posthog.models.organization import OrganizationUsageInfo
logger = structlog.get_logger(__name__)
class Tier(TypedDict):
flat_amount_usd: Decimal
unit_amount_usd: Decimal
current_amount_usd: Decimal
up_to: Optional[int]
class CustomerProduct(TypedDict):
name: str
description: str
price_description: Optional[str]
image_url: Optional[str]
type: str
free_allocation: int
tiers: List[Tier]
tiered: bool
unit_amount_usd: Optional[Decimal]
current_amount_usd: Decimal
current_usage: int
usage_limit: Optional[int]
has_exceeded_limit: bool
percentage_usage: float
projected_usage: int
projected_amount: Decimal
class LicenseInfo(TypedDict):
type: str
class BillingPeriod(TypedDict):
current_period_start: str
current_period_end: str
class UsageSummary(TypedDict):
limit: Optional[int]
usage: Optional[int]
class CustomerInfo(TypedDict):
customer_id: Optional[str]
deactivated: bool
has_active_subscription: bool
stripe_portal_url: str
billing_period: BillingPeriod
available_features: List[AvailableFeature]
current_total_amount_usd: Optional[str]
products: Optional[List[CustomerProduct]]
custom_limits_usd: Optional[Dict[str, str]]
free_trial_until: Optional[str]
usage_summary: Dict[str, UsageSummary]
class BillingStatus(TypedDict):
license: LicenseInfo
customer: CustomerInfo
def build_billing_token(license: License, organization: Organization):
if not organization or not license:
raise NotAuthenticated()
license_id = license.key.split("::")[0]
license_secret = license.key.split("::")[1]
encoded_jwt = jwt.encode(
"exp": datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc) + timedelta(minutes=15),
"id": license_id,
"organization_id": str(organization.id),
"organization_name": organization.name,
"aud": "posthog:license-key",
return encoded_jwt
def handle_billing_service_error(res: requests.Response, valid_codes=(200, 404, 401)) -> None:
if res.status_code not in valid_codes:
logger.error(f"Billing service returned bad status code: {res.status_code}, body: {res.text}")
raise Exception(f"Billing service returned bad status code: {res.status_code}, body: {res.text}")
class BillingManager:
license: Optional[License]
def __init__(self, license):
self.license = license or License.objects.first_valid()
def get_billing(self, organization: Optional[Organization], plan_keys: Optional[str]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
# Get the specified plans from "plan_keys" query param, otherwise get the defaults
plans = self._get_plans(plan_keys)
if organization and self.license and self.license.is_v2_license:
billing_service_response = self._get_billing(organization)
# Ensure the license and org are updated with the latest info
if billing_service_response.get("license"):
if organization and billing_service_response:
self.update_org_details(organization, billing_service_response)
response: Dict[str, Any] = {"available_features": []}
response["license"] = {"plan": self.license.plan}
if organization and billing_service_response.get("customer"):
if not billing_service_response["customer"].get("products"):
products = self.get_default_products(organization)
response["products"] = products["products"]
response["products_enterprise"] = products["products_enterprise"]
response["available_plans"] = plans["plans"]
products = self.get_default_products(organization)
response = {
"available_features": [],
"available_plans": plans["plans"],
"products": products["products"],
"products_enterprise": products["products_enterprise"],
# Extend the products with accurate usage_limit info
for product in response["products"]:
usage = response.get("usage_summary", {}).get(product["type"], {})
usage_limit = usage.get("limit")
current_usage = usage.get("usage") or 0
if (
and organization.usage
and organization.usage.get(product["type"], {}).get("todays_usage", None)
todays_usage = organization.usage[product["type"]]["todays_usage"]
current_usage = current_usage + todays_usage
product["current_usage"] = current_usage
product["percentage_usage"] = current_usage / usage_limit if usage_limit else 0
return response
def update_billing(self, organization: Organization, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
res = requests.patch(
def get_default_products(self, organization: Optional[Organization]):
response = {}
# If we don't have products from the billing service then get the default ones with our local usage calculation
products = self._get_products(organization)
response["products"] = products["standard"]
response["products_enterprise"] = products["enterprise"]
return response
def update_license_details(self, billing_status: BillingStatus) -> License:
Ensure the license details are up-to-date locally
if not self.license: # mypy
raise Exception("No license found")
license_modified = False
data = billing_status["license"]
if not self.license.valid_until or self.license.valid_until < timezone.now() + timedelta(days=29):
# NOTE: License validity is a legacy concept. For now we always extend the license validity by 30 days.
self.license.valid_until = timezone.now() + timedelta(days=30)
license_modified = True
if self.license.plan != data["type"]:
self.license.plan = data["type"]
license_modified = True
if license_modified:
return self.license
def _get_billing(self, organization: Organization) -> BillingStatus:
Retrieves billing info and updates local models if necessary
if not self.license: # mypy
raise Exception("No license found")
res = requests.get(f"{BILLING_SERVICE_URL}/api/billing", headers=self.get_auth_headers(organization))
data = res.json()
return data
def _get_plans(self, plan_keys: Optional[str]):
res = requests.get(
f'{BILLING_SERVICE_URL}/api/plans{"?keys=" + plan_keys if plan_keys else ""}',
return res.json()
def _get_products(self, organization: Optional[Organization]):
headers = {}
params = {"plan": "standard"}
if self.license and organization:
headers = self.get_auth_headers(organization)
res = requests.get(
return res.json()
def update_org_details(self, organization: Organization, billing_status: BillingStatus) -> Organization:
Ensure the relevant organization details are up-to-date locally
org_modified = False
data = billing_status["customer"]
if data.get("customer_id") and organization.customer_id != data["customer_id"]:
organization.customer_id = data["customer_id"]
org_modified = True
usage_summary = cast(dict, data.get("usage_summary"))
if usage_summary:
# TRICKY: We don't want to overwrite the "todays_usage" value unless the
# usage from the billing service is different than what we have locally.
new_org_usage = OrganizationUsageInfo(
"usage": usage_summary["events"]["usage"],
"limit": usage_summary["events"]["limit"],
"todays_usage": organization.usage["events"].get("todays_usage", 0)
if organization.usage and usage_summary["events"]["usage"] == organization.usage["events"]["usage"]
else 0,
"usage": usage_summary["recordings"]["usage"],
"limit": usage_summary["recordings"]["limit"],
"todays_usage": organization.usage["recordings"].get("todays_usage", 0)
if organization.usage
and usage_summary["recordings"]["usage"] == organization.usage["recordings"]["usage"]
else 0,
organization.usage = new_org_usage
org_modified = True
available_features = data.get("available_features", None)
if available_features and available_features != organization.available_features:
organization.available_features = data["available_features"]
org_modified = True
if org_modified:
return organization
def get_auth_headers(self, organization: Organization):
if not self.license: # mypy
raise Exception("No license found")
billing_service_token = build_billing_token(self.license, organization)
return {"Authorization": f"Bearer {billing_service_token}"}