mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 04:12:23 +01:00
* chore(ingestion): remove old graphile bufferJob handling This removes the emitting of graphile-worker events from the ingestion anonymous events path. Note that we still have the graphile worker running on ingestion, as we need to ensure that we have drained all of these jobs. I'll handle this by first enabling the topic for all users on prod then deploying this. For self hosted I suggest we just go with adding a comment that anonymous events that have been send to graphile in the meantime will be lost. Or something else that makes sense. * fix typing * remove test
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import ClickHouse from '@posthog/clickhouse'
import { createServer, Server } from 'http'
import Redis from 'ioredis'
import { Consumer, Kafka, KafkaMessage, Partitioners, Producer } from 'kafkajs'
import { Pool } from 'pg'
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'
import { defaultConfig } from '../src/config/config'
import { ONE_HOUR } from '../src/config/constants'
import {
} from '../src/config/kafka-topics'
import { ServerInstance, startPluginsServer } from '../src/main/pluginsServer'
import {
} from '../src/types'
import { Plugin, PluginConfig } from '../src/types'
import { parseRawClickHouseEvent } from '../src/utils/event'
import { UUIDT } from '../src/utils/utils'
import { delayUntilEventIngested } from '../tests/helpers/clickhouse'
import { createTopics } from '../tests/helpers/kafka'
import { insertRow } from '../tests/helpers/sql'
jest.setTimeout(60000) // 60 sec timeout
const extraServerConfig: Partial<PluginsServerConfig> = {
LOG_LEVEL: LogLevel.Log,
// Conversion buffer is now default enabled, so we should enable it for
// tests.
// Enable buffer topic for all teams. We are already testing the legacy
// functionality in `e2e.buffer.test.ts`, which we can remove once we've
// completely switched over.
// To enable the tests for person on events to work as expected, we need to
// add a slight delay.
// Make sure producer flushes for each message immediately. Note that this
// does mean that we are not testing the async nature of the producer by
// doing this.
// TODO: update producer queueMessage functionality to have flush run async
// even if the queue is full and flush needs to be called.
const startMultiServer = async () => {
// All capabilities run as separate servers
const ingestionServer = startPluginsServer({ ...extraServerConfig, PLUGIN_SERVER_MODE: 'ingestion' })
const asyncServer = startPluginsServer({ ...extraServerConfig, PLUGIN_SERVER_MODE: 'exports' })
const jobsServer = startPluginsServer({ ...extraServerConfig, PLUGIN_SERVER_MODE: 'jobs' })
const schedulerServer = startPluginsServer({ ...extraServerConfig, PLUGIN_SERVER_MODE: 'scheduler' })
return await Promise.all([ingestionServer, asyncServer, jobsServer, schedulerServer])
const startSingleServer = async () => {
return [await startPluginsServer(extraServerConfig)]
let producer: Producer
let clickHouseClient: ClickHouse
let postgres: Pool // NOTE: we use a Pool here but it's probably not necessary, but for instance `insertRow` uses a Pool.
let kafka: Kafka
let redis: Redis.Redis
let organizationId: string
beforeAll(async () => {
// Setup connections to kafka, clickhouse, and postgres
postgres = new Pool({
connectionString: defaultConfig.DATABASE_URL!,
// We use a pool only for typings sake, but we don't actually need to,
// so set max connections to 1.
max: 1,
clickHouseClient = new ClickHouse({
host: defaultConfig.CLICKHOUSE_HOST,
port: 8123,
dataObjects: true,
queryOptions: {
database: defaultConfig.CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE,
output_format_json_quote_64bit_integers: false,
kafka = new Kafka({ brokers: [defaultConfig.KAFKA_HOSTS] })
await createTopics(kafka, [
producer = kafka.producer({ createPartitioner: Partitioners.DefaultPartitioner })
await producer.connect()
redis = new Redis(defaultConfig.REDIS_URL)
organizationId = await createOrganization(postgres)
afterAll(async () => {
await Promise.all([producer.disconnect(), postgres.end(), redis.disconnect()])
describe.each([[startSingleServer], [startMultiServer]])('E2E', (pluginServer) => {
let pluginsServers: ServerInstance[]
beforeAll(async () => {
pluginsServers = await pluginServer()
afterAll(async () => {
await Promise.all(pluginsServers.map((instance) => instance.stop()))
describe(`plugin method tests (${pluginServer.name})`, () => {
const indexJs = `
export async function processEvent(event) {
event.properties.processed = 'hell yes'
event.properties.upperUuid = event.properties.uuid?.toUpperCase()
event.properties['$snapshot_data'] = 'no way'
return event
export function onEvent (event, { global }) {
// we use this to mock setupPlugin being
// run after some events were already ingested
global.timestampBoundariesForTeam = {
max: new Date(),
min: new Date(Date.now()-${ONE_HOUR})
console.info(JSON.stringify(['onEvent', event]))
test('event captured, processed, ingested', async () => {
const plugin = await createPlugin(postgres, {
organization_id: organizationId,
name: 'test plugin',
plugin_type: 'source',
is_global: false,
source__index_ts: indexJs,
const teamId = await createTeam(postgres, organizationId)
const pluginConfig = await createAndReloadPluginConfig(postgres, teamId, plugin.id, redis)
const distinctId = new UUIDT().toString()
const uuid = new UUIDT().toString()
const event = {
event: 'custom event',
properties: { name: 'haha' },
await capture(producer, teamId, distinctId, uuid, event.event, event.properties)
await delayUntilEventIngested(() => fetchEvents(clickHouseClient, teamId), 1, 500, 40)
const events = await fetchEvents(clickHouseClient, teamId)
// processEvent ran and modified
expect(events[0].properties.processed).toEqual('hell yes')
// onEvent ran
const onEvent = await delayUntilEventIngested(
async () =>
await fetchPluginLogEntries(clickHouseClient, pluginConfig.id)
).filter(({ message: [method] }) => method === 'onEvent'),
const onEventEvent = onEvent[0].message[1]
expect(onEventEvent.event).toEqual('custom event')
test('correct $autocapture properties included in onEvent calls', async () => {
// The plugin server does modifications to the `event.properties`
// and as a results we remove the initial `$elements` from the
// object. Thus we want to ensure that this information is passed
// through to any plugins with `onEvent` handlers
const plugin = await createPlugin(postgres, {
organization_id: organizationId,
name: 'test plugin',
plugin_type: 'source',
is_global: false,
source__index_ts: indexJs,
const teamId = await createTeam(postgres, organizationId)
const pluginConfig = await createAndReloadPluginConfig(postgres, teamId, plugin.id, redis)
const distinctId = new UUIDT().toString()
const uuid = new UUIDT().toString()
const properties = {
$elements: [{ tag_name: 'div', nth_child: 1, nth_of_type: 2, $el_text: '💻' }],
const event = {
event: '$autocapture',
properties: properties,
await capture(producer, teamId, distinctId, uuid, event.event, event.properties)
const onEvent = await delayUntilEventIngested(
async () =>
await fetchPluginLogEntries(clickHouseClient, pluginConfig.id)
).filter(({ message: [method] }) => method === 'onEvent'),
const onEventEvent = onEvent[0].message[1]
attributes: {},
nth_child: 1,
nth_of_type: 2,
tag_name: 'div',
text: '💻',
}, 20000)
describe(`session recording ingestion (${pluginServer.name})`, () => {
test('snapshot captured, processed, ingested', async () => {
const teamId = await createTeam(postgres, organizationId)
const distinctId = new UUIDT().toString()
const uuid = new UUIDT().toString()
await capture(producer, teamId, distinctId, uuid, '$snapshot', {
$session_id: '1234abc',
$snapshot_data: 'yes way',
await delayUntilEventIngested(() => fetchSessionRecordingsEvents(clickHouseClient, teamId), 1, 500, 40)
const events = await fetchSessionRecordingsEvents(clickHouseClient, teamId)
// processEvent did not modify
expect(events[0].snapshot_data).toEqual('yes way')
}, 20000)
describe(`event ingestion (${pluginServer.name})`, () => {
test('anonymous event recieves same person_id if $identify happenes shortly after', async () => {
// NOTE: this test depends on there being a delay between the
// anonymouse event ingestion and the processing of this event.
const teamId = await createTeam(postgres, organizationId)
const initialDistinctId = 'initialDistinctId'
const returningDistinctId = 'returningDistinctId'
const personIdentifier = 'test@posthog.com'
// First we identify the user using an initial distinct id. After
// which we capture an event with a different distinct id, then
// identify this user again with the same person identifier.
// This is to simulate the case where:
// 1. user signs up initially, creating a person
// 2. user returns but as an anonymous user, capturing events
// 3. user identifies themselves, for instance by logging in
// In this case we want to end up with on Person to which all the
// events are associated.
await capture(producer, teamId, personIdentifier, new UUIDT().toString(), '$identify', {
distinct_id: personIdentifier,
$anon_distinct_id: initialDistinctId,
await capture(producer, teamId, returningDistinctId, new UUIDT().toString(), 'custom event', {
name: 'hehe',
uuid: new UUIDT().toString(),
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 100))
await capture(producer, teamId, personIdentifier, new UUIDT().toString(), '$identify', {
distinct_id: personIdentifier,
$anon_distinct_id: returningDistinctId,
const events = await delayUntilEventIngested(() => fetchEvents(clickHouseClient, teamId), 3, 500, 40)
expect(new Set(events.map((event) => event.person_id)).size).toBe(1)
await delayUntilEventIngested(() => fetchPersons(clickHouseClient, teamId), 1, 500, 40)
const persons = await fetchPersons(clickHouseClient, teamId)
describe(`exports (${pluginServer.name})`, () => {
const indexJs = `
export const exportEvents = async (events, { global, config }) => {
console.info(JSON.stringify(['exportEvents', events]))
test('exporting events on ingestion', async () => {
const plugin = await createPlugin(postgres, {
organization_id: organizationId,
name: 'export plugin',
plugin_type: 'source',
is_global: false,
source__index_ts: indexJs,
const teamId = await createTeam(postgres, organizationId)
const pluginConfig = await createAndReloadPluginConfig(postgres, teamId, plugin.id, redis)
const distinctId = new UUIDT().toString()
const uuid = new UUIDT().toString()
// First let's ingest an event
await capture(producer, teamId, distinctId, uuid, 'custom event', {
name: 'hehe',
uuid: new UUIDT().toString(),
const events = await delayUntilEventIngested(() => fetchEvents(clickHouseClient, teamId), 1, 500, 40)
// Then check that the exportEvents function was called
const exportEvents = await delayUntilEventIngested(
async () =>
await fetchPluginLogEntries(clickHouseClient, pluginConfig.id)
).filter(({ message: [method] }) => method === 'exportEvents'),
const exportedEvents = exportEvents[0].message[1]
distinct_id: distinctId,
team_id: teamId,
event: 'custom event',
properties: expect.objectContaining({
name: 'hehe',
uuid: uuid,
timestamp: expect.any(String),
uuid: uuid,
elements: [],
test('exporting $autocapture events on ingestion', async () => {
const plugin = await createPlugin(postgres, {
organization_id: organizationId,
name: 'export plugin',
plugin_type: 'source',
is_global: false,
source__index_ts: indexJs,
const teamId = await createTeam(postgres, organizationId)
const pluginConfig = await createAndReloadPluginConfig(postgres, teamId, plugin.id, redis)
const distinctId = new UUIDT().toString()
const uuid = new UUIDT().toString()
// First let's ingest an event
await capture(producer, teamId, distinctId, uuid, '$autocapture', {
name: 'hehe',
uuid: new UUIDT().toString(),
$elements: [{ tag_name: 'div', nth_child: 1, nth_of_type: 2, $el_text: '💻' }],
const events = await delayUntilEventIngested(() => fetchEvents(clickHouseClient, teamId), 1, 500, 40)
// Then check that the exportEvents function was called
const exportEvents = await delayUntilEventIngested(
async () =>
await fetchPluginLogEntries(clickHouseClient, pluginConfig.id)
).filter(({ message: [method] }) => method === 'exportEvents'),
const exportedEvents = exportEvents[0].message[1]
distinct_id: distinctId,
team_id: teamId,
event: '$autocapture',
properties: expect.objectContaining({
name: 'hehe',
uuid: uuid,
timestamp: expect.any(String),
uuid: uuid,
elements: [
tag_name: 'div',
nth_child: 1,
nth_of_type: 2,
order: 0,
$el_text: '💻',
text: '💻',
attributes: {},
test('historical exports', async () => {
const teamId = await createTeam(postgres, organizationId)
const distinctId = new UUIDT().toString()
const uuid = new UUIDT().toString()
const plugin = await createPlugin(postgres, {
organization_id: organizationId,
name: 'export plugin',
plugin_type: 'source',
is_global: false,
source__index_ts: indexJs,
const pluginConfig = await createAndReloadPluginConfig(postgres, teamId, plugin.id, redis)
// First let's capture an event and wait for it to be ingested so
// so we can check that the historical event is the same as the one
// passed to processEvent on initial ingestion.
await capture(producer, teamId, distinctId, uuid, '$autocapture', {
name: 'hehe',
uuid: new UUIDT().toString(),
$elements: [{ tag_name: 'div', nth_child: 1, nth_of_type: 2, $el_text: '💻' }],
// Then check that the exportEvents function was called
const exportEvents = await delayUntilEventIngested(
async () =>
await fetchPluginLogEntries(clickHouseClient, pluginConfig.id)
).filter(({ message: [method] }) => method === 'exportEvents'),
const [exportedEvent] = exportEvents[0].message[1]
// NOTE: the frontend doesn't actually push to this queue but rather
// adds directly to PostgreSQL using the graphile-worker stored
// procedure `add_job`. I'd rather keep these tests graphile
// unaware.
await producer.send({
topic: 'jobs_test',
messages: [
key: teamId.toString(),
value: JSON.stringify({
type: 'Export historical events',
pluginConfigId: pluginConfig.id,
pluginConfigTeam: teamId,
payload: {
dateFrom: new Date(Date.now() - 60000).toISOString(),
dateTo: new Date(Date.now()).toISOString(),
// Then check that the exportEvents function was called with the
// same data that was used with the non-historical export, with the
// additions of details related to the historical export.
const historicallyExportedEvents = await delayUntilEventIngested(
async () =>
(await fetchPluginLogEntries(clickHouseClient, pluginConfig.id))
.filter(({ message: [method] }) => method === 'exportEvents')
.filter(({ message: [, events] }) =>
events.some((event) => event.properties['$$is_historical_export_event'])
const historicallyExportedEvent = historicallyExportedEvents[0].message[1]
ip: '', // NOTE: for some reason this is "" when exported historically, but null otherwise.
properties: {
$$is_historical_export_event: true,
$$historical_export_timestamp: expect.any(String),
$$historical_export_source_db: 'clickhouse',
test('historical exports v2', async () => {
const teamId = await createTeam(postgres, organizationId)
const distinctId = new UUIDT().toString()
const uuid = new UUIDT().toString()
const plugin = await createPlugin(postgres, {
organization_id: organizationId,
name: 'export plugin',
plugin_type: 'source',
is_global: false,
source__index_ts: indexJs,
const pluginConfig = await createAndReloadPluginConfig(postgres, teamId, plugin.id, redis)
// First let's capture an event and wait for it to be ingested so
// so we can check that the historical event is the same as the one
// passed to processEvent on initial ingestion.
await capture(producer, teamId, distinctId, uuid, '$autocapture', {
name: 'hehe',
uuid: new UUIDT().toString(),
$elements: [{ tag_name: 'div', nth_child: 1, nth_of_type: 2, $el_text: '💻' }],
// Then check that the exportEvents function was called
const exportEvents = await delayUntilEventIngested(
async () =>
await fetchPluginLogEntries(clickHouseClient, pluginConfig.id)
).filter(({ message: [method] }) => method === 'exportEvents'),
const [exportedEvent] = exportEvents[0].message[1]
// NOTE: the frontend doesn't actually push to this queue but rather
// adds directly to PostgreSQL using the graphile-worker stored
// procedure `add_job`. I'd rather keep these tests graphile
// unaware.
await producer.send({
topic: 'jobs_test',
messages: [
key: teamId.toString(),
value: JSON.stringify({
type: 'Export historical events V2',
pluginConfigId: pluginConfig.id,
pluginConfigTeam: teamId,
payload: {
dateRange: [
new Date(Date.now() - 60000).toISOString(),
new Date(Date.now()).toISOString(),
$job_id: 'test',
parallelism: 1,
// Then check that the exportEvents function was called with the
// same data that was used with the non-historical export, with the
// additions of details related to the historical export.
const historicallyExportedEvents = await delayUntilEventIngested(
async () =>
(await fetchPluginLogEntries(clickHouseClient, pluginConfig.id))
.filter(({ message: [method] }) => method === 'exportEvents')
.filter(({ message: [, events] }) =>
events.some((event) => event.properties['$$is_historical_export_event'])
const historicallyExportedEvent = historicallyExportedEvents[0].message[1]
ip: '', // NOTE: for some reason this is "" when exported historically, but null otherwise.
properties: {
$$is_historical_export_event: true,
$$historical_export_timestamp: expect.any(String),
$$historical_export_source_db: 'clickhouse',
describe(`plugin jobs (${pluginServer.name})`, () => {
test('can call runNow from onEvent', async () => {
const indexJs = `
export function onEvent (event, { jobs }) {
console.info(JSON.stringify(['onEvent', event]))
export const jobs = {
runMeAsync: async () => {
const plugin = await createPlugin(postgres, {
organization_id: organizationId,
name: 'jobs plugin',
plugin_type: 'source',
is_global: false,
source__index_ts: indexJs,
const teamId = await createTeam(postgres, organizationId)
const pluginConfig = await createAndReloadPluginConfig(postgres, teamId, plugin.id, redis)
const distinctId = new UUIDT().toString()
const uuid = new UUIDT().toString()
// First let's ingest an event
await capture(producer, teamId, distinctId, uuid, 'custom event', {
name: 'hehe',
uuid: new UUIDT().toString(),
await delayUntilEventIngested(() => fetchEvents(clickHouseClient, teamId), 1, 500, 40)
const events = await fetchEvents(clickHouseClient, teamId)
// Then check that the runNow function was called
const runNow = await delayUntilEventIngested(
async () =>
await fetchPluginLogEntries(clickHouseClient, pluginConfig.id)
).filter(({ message: [method] }) => method === 'runMeAsync'),
test('can call runNow from processEvent', async () => {
const indexJs = `
export function processEvent(event, { jobs }) {
console.info(JSON.stringify(['processEvent', event]))
return event
export const jobs = {
runMeAsync: async () => {
const plugin = await createPlugin(postgres, {
organization_id: organizationId,
name: 'jobs plugin',
plugin_type: 'source',
is_global: false,
source__index_ts: indexJs,
const teamId = await createTeam(postgres, organizationId)
const pluginConfig = await createAndReloadPluginConfig(postgres, teamId, plugin.id, redis)
const distinctId = new UUIDT().toString()
const uuid = new UUIDT().toString()
// First let's ingest an event
await capture(producer, teamId, distinctId, uuid, 'custom event', {
name: 'hehe',
uuid: new UUIDT().toString(),
await delayUntilEventIngested(() => fetchEvents(clickHouseClient, teamId), 1, 500, 40)
const events = await fetchEvents(clickHouseClient, teamId)
// Then check that the runNow function was called
const runNow = await delayUntilEventIngested(
async () =>
await fetchPluginLogEntries(clickHouseClient, pluginConfig.id)
).filter(({ message: [method] }) => method === 'runMeAsync'),
test('runEveryMinute is executed', async () => {
// NOTE: we do not check Hour and Day, merely because if we advance
// too much it seems we end up performing alot of reloads of
// actions, which prevents the test from completing.
// NOTE: we do not use Fake Timers here as there is an issue in that
// it only appears to work for timers in the main thread, and not
// ones in the worker threads.
const plugin = await createPlugin(postgres, {
organization_id: organizationId,
name: 'runEveryMinute plugin',
plugin_type: 'source',
is_global: false,
source__index_ts: `
export async function runEveryMinute() {
const teamId = await createTeam(postgres, organizationId)
const pluginConfig = await createAndReloadPluginConfig(postgres, teamId, plugin.id, redis)
const runNow = await delayUntilEventIngested(
async () =>
await fetchPluginLogEntries(clickHouseClient, pluginConfig.id)
).filter(({ message: [method] }) => method === 'runEveryMinute'),
}, 120000)
describe(`webhooks (${pluginServer.name})`, () => {
let server: Server
let webHookCalledWith: any
beforeAll(() => {
server = createServer((req, res) => {
let body = ''
req.on('data', (chunk) => {
body += chunk
req.on('end', () => {
webHookCalledWith = JSON.parse(body)
res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' })
beforeEach(() => {
webHookCalledWith = undefined
afterAll(() => {
test('fires slack webhook', async () => {
// Create an action with post_to_slack enabled.
// NOTE: I'm not 100% sure how this works i.e. what all the step
// configuration means so there's probably a more succinct way to do
// this.
const distinctId = new UUIDT().toString()
const teamId = await createTeam(postgres, organizationId, `http://localhost:${server.address()?.port}`)
const user = await createUser(postgres, teamId, new UUIDT().toString())
await createAction(
team_id: teamId,
name: 'slack',
description: 'slack',
created_at: new Date().toISOString(),
updated_at: new Date().toISOString(),
deleted: false,
post_to_slack: true,
slack_message_format: 'default',
created_by_id: user.id,
is_calculating: false,
last_calculated_at: new Date().toISOString(),
name: 'slack',
tag_name: 'div',
text: 'text',
href: null,
url: 'http://localhost:8000',
url_matching: null,
event: '$autocapture',
properties: null,
selector: null,
await reloadActions(redis)
await capture(producer, teamId, distinctId, new UUIDT().toString(), '$autocapture', {
name: 'hehe',
uuid: new UUIDT().toString(),
$current_url: 'http://localhost:8000',
$elements: [{ tag_name: 'div', nth_child: 1, nth_of_type: 2, $el_text: 'text' }],
for (const attempt in Array.from(Array(10).keys())) {
console.debug(`Attempt ${attempt} to check webhook was called`)
if (webHookCalledWith) {
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000))
expect(webHookCalledWith).toEqual({ text: 'default' })
describe(`jobs-consumer (${pluginServer.name})`, () => {
// Test out some error cases that we wouldn't be able to handle without
// producing to the jobs queue directly.
let dlq: KafkaMessage[]
let dlqConsumer: Consumer
beforeAll(async () => {
dlq = []
dlqConsumer = kafka.consumer({ groupId: 'jobs-consumer-test' })
await dlqConsumer.subscribe({ topic: 'jobs_dlq_test' })
await dlqConsumer.run({
eachMessage: ({ message }) => {
return Promise.resolve()
afterAll(async () => {
await dlqConsumer.disconnect()
test('handles empty messages', async () => {
const key = uuidv4()
await producer.send({
topic: 'jobs_test',
messages: [
key: key,
value: null,
const messages = await delayUntilEventIngested(() =>
dlq.filter((message) => message.key?.toString() === key)
test('handles invalid JSON', async () => {
const key = uuidv4()
await producer.send({
topic: 'jobs_test',
messages: [
key: key,
value: 'invalid json',
const messages = await delayUntilEventIngested(() =>
dlq.filter((message) => message.key?.toString() === key)
const capture = async (
producer: Producer,
teamId: number,
distinctId: string,
uuid: string,
event: string,
properties: object = {}
) => {
await producer.send({
topic: 'events_plugin_ingestion_test',
messages: [
key: teamId.toString(),
value: JSON.stringify({
distinct_id: distinctId,
ip: '',
site_url: '',
team_id: teamId,
now: new Date(),
sent_at: new Date(),
uuid: uuid,
data: JSON.stringify({
properties: { ...properties, uuid },
distinct_id: distinctId,
team_id: teamId,
timestamp: new Date(),
const createPlugin = async (pgClient: Pool, plugin: Omit<Plugin, 'id'>) => {
return await insertRow(pgClient, 'posthog_plugin', {
config_schema: {},
from_json: false,
from_web: false,
created_at: new Date().toISOString(),
updated_at: new Date().toISOString(),
is_preinstalled: false,
capabilities: {},
const createPluginConfig = async (
pgClient: Pool,
pluginConfig: Omit<PluginConfig, 'id' | 'created_at' | 'enabled' | 'order' | 'config' | 'has_error'>
) => {
return await insertRow(pgClient, 'posthog_pluginconfig', {
created_at: new Date().toISOString(),
updated_at: new Date().toISOString(),
enabled: true,
order: 0,
config: {},
const createAndReloadPluginConfig = async (pgClient: Pool, teamId: number, pluginId: number, redis: Redis.Redis) => {
const pluginConfig = await createPluginConfig(postgres, { team_id: teamId, plugin_id: pluginId })
// Make sure the plugin server reloads the newly created plugin config.
// TODO: avoid reaching into the pluginsServer internals and rather use
// the pubsub mechanism to trigger this.
await redis.publish('reload-plugins', '')
return pluginConfig
const reloadActions = async (redis: Redis.Redis) => {
await redis.publish('reload-actions', '')
const fetchEvents = async (clickHouseClient: ClickHouse, teamId: number) => {
const queryResult = (await clickHouseClient.querying(
`SELECT * FROM events WHERE team_id = ${teamId} ORDER BY timestamp ASC`
)) as unknown as ClickHouse.ObjectQueryResult<RawClickHouseEvent>
return queryResult.data.map(parseRawClickHouseEvent)
const fetchPersons = async (clickHouseClient: ClickHouse, teamId: number) => {
const queryResult = (await clickHouseClient.querying(
`SELECT * FROM person WHERE team_id = ${teamId} ORDER BY created_at ASC`
)) as unknown as ClickHouse.ObjectQueryResult<RawPerson>
return queryResult.data
const fetchSessionRecordingsEvents = async (clickHouseClient: ClickHouse, teamId: number) => {
const queryResult = (await clickHouseClient.querying(
`SELECT * FROM session_recording_events WHERE team_id = ${teamId} ORDER BY timestamp ASC`
)) as unknown as ClickHouse.ObjectQueryResult<RawSessionRecordingEvent>
return queryResult.data.map((event) => {
return {
snapshot_data: event.snapshot_data ? JSON.parse(event.snapshot_data) : null,
const fetchPluginLogEntries = async (clickHouseClient: ClickHouse, pluginConfigId: number) => {
const { data: logEntries } = (await clickHouseClient.querying(`
SELECT * FROM plugin_log_entries
WHERE plugin_config_id = ${pluginConfigId} AND source = 'CONSOLE'
`)) as unknown as ClickHouse.ObjectQueryResult<PluginLogEntry>
return logEntries.map((entry) => ({ ...entry, message: JSON.parse(entry.message) }))
const createOrganization = async (pgClient: Pool) => {
const organizationId = new UUIDT().toString()
await insertRow(pgClient, 'posthog_organization', {
id: organizationId,
name: 'TEST ORG',
plugins_access_level: 9,
created_at: new Date().toISOString(),
updated_at: new Date().toISOString(),
personalization: '{}', // DEPRECATED
setup_section_2_completed: true, // DEPRECATED
for_internal_metrics: false,
available_features: [],
domain_whitelist: [],
is_member_join_email_enabled: false,
slug: Math.round(Math.random() * 20000),
return organizationId
const createTeam = async (pgClient: Pool, organizationId: string, slack_incoming_webhook?: string) => {
const team = await insertRow(pgClient, 'posthog_team', {
organization_id: organizationId,
app_urls: [],
event_names: [],
event_names_with_usage: [],
event_properties: [],
event_properties_with_usage: [],
event_properties_numerical: [],
created_at: new Date().toISOString(),
updated_at: new Date().toISOString(),
anonymize_ips: false,
completed_snippet_onboarding: true,
ingested_event: true,
uuid: new UUIDT().toString(),
session_recording_opt_in: true,
plugins_opt_in: false,
opt_out_capture: false,
is_demo: false,
api_token: new UUIDT().toString(),
test_account_filters: [],
timezone: 'UTC',
data_attributes: ['data-attr'],
person_display_name_properties: [],
access_control: false,
return team.id
const createAction = async (
pgClient: Pool,
action: Omit<RawAction, 'id'>,
steps: Omit<ActionStep, 'id' | 'action_id'>[]
) => {
const actionRow = await insertRow(pgClient, 'posthog_action', action)
for (const step of steps) {
await insertRow(pgClient, 'posthog_actionstep', {
action_id: actionRow.id,
return action
const createUser = async (pgClient: Pool, teamId: number, email: string) => {
return await insertRow(pgClient, 'posthog_user', {
password: 'abc',
first_name: '',
last_name: '',
email_opt_in: false,
distinct_id: email,
is_staff: false,
is_active: true,
date_joined: new Date().toISOString(),
events_column_config: '{}',
uuid: new UUIDT().toString(),