import { Consumer, Kafka, KafkaMessage, logLevel } from 'kafkajs' import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid' import { defaultConfig } from '../src/config/config' import { getMetric } from './api' import { waitForExpect } from './expectations' import { produce } from './kafka' let kafka: Kafka beforeAll(() => { kafka = new Kafka({ brokers: [defaultConfig.KAFKA_HOSTS], logLevel: logLevel.NOTHING }) }) describe('dlq handling', () => { // Test out some error cases that we wouldn't be able to handle without // producing to the jobs queue directly. let dlq: KafkaMessage[] let dlqConsumer: Consumer beforeAll(async () => { // Make sure the dlq topic exists before starting the consumer const admin = kafka.admin() await admin.createTopics({ topics: [{ topic: 'jobs_dlq' }] }) await admin.disconnect() dlq = [] dlqConsumer = kafka.consumer({ groupId: 'jobs-consumer-test' }) await dlqConsumer.subscribe({ topic: 'jobs_dlq', fromBeginning: true }) await{ eachMessage: ({ message }) => { dlq.push(message) return Promise.resolve() }, }) }) afterAll(async () => { await dlqConsumer.disconnect() }) test.concurrent(`handles empty messages`, async () => { const key = uuidv4() await produce({ topic: 'jobs', message: null, key }) await waitForExpect(() => { const messages = dlq.filter((message) => message.key?.toString() === key) expect(messages.length).toBe(1) }) }) test.concurrent(`handles invalid JSON`, async () => { const key = uuidv4() await produce({ topic: 'jobs', message: Buffer.from('invalid json'), key }) await waitForExpect(() => { const messages = dlq.filter((message) => message.key?.toString() === key) expect(messages.length).toBe(1) }) }) test.concurrent('consumer updates timestamp exported to prometheus', async () => { // NOTE: it may be another event other than the one we emit here that causes // the gauge to increase, but pushing this event through should at least // ensure that the gauge is updated. const metricBefore = await getMetric({ name: 'latest_processed_timestamp_ms', type: 'GAUGE', labels: { topic: 'jobs', partition: '0', groupId: 'jobs-inserter' }, }) await produce({ topic: 'jobs', message: Buffer.from(''), key: '' }) await waitForExpect(async () => { const metricAfter = await getMetric({ name: 'latest_processed_timestamp_ms', type: 'GAUGE', labels: { topic: 'jobs', partition: '0', groupId: 'jobs-inserter' }, }) expect(metricAfter).toBeGreaterThan(metricBefore) expect(metricAfter).toBeLessThan( // Make sure, e.g. we're not setting micro seconds expect(metricAfter).toBeGreaterThan( - 60_000) // Make sure, e.g. we're not setting seconds }, 10_000) }) })