import ClickHouse from '@posthog/clickhouse' import { makeWorkerUtils, WorkerUtils } from 'graphile-worker' import Redis from 'ioredis' import parsePrometheusTextFormat from 'parse-prometheus-text-format' import { PoolClient } from 'pg' import { defaultConfig } from '../src/config/config' import { KAFKA_SESSION_RECORDING_SNAPSHOT_ITEM_EVENTS } from '../src/config/kafka-topics' import { Hook, Plugin, PluginConfig, PluginLogEntry, RawAction, RawClickHouseEvent, RawSessionReplayEvent, } from '../src/types' import { PostgresRouter, PostgresUse } from '../src/utils/db/postgres' import { parseRawClickHouseEvent } from '../src/utils/event' import { createPostgresPool, UUIDT } from '../src/utils/utils' import { RawAppMetric } from '../src/worker/ingestion/app-metrics' import { insertRow } from '../tests/helpers/sql' import { waitForExpect } from './expectations' import { produce } from './kafka' let clickHouseClient: ClickHouse export let postgres: PostgresRouter export let redis: Redis.Redis let graphileWorker: WorkerUtils beforeAll(async () => { // Setup connections to kafka, clickhouse, and postgres postgres = new PostgresRouter({ ...defaultConfig, POSTGRES_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE: 1 }, null) graphileWorker = await makeWorkerUtils({ pgPool: createPostgresPool(defaultConfig.DATABASE_URL!, 1, 'functional_tests'), }) clickHouseClient = new ClickHouse({ host: defaultConfig.CLICKHOUSE_HOST, port: 8123, dataObjects: true, queryOptions: { database: defaultConfig.CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE, output_format_json_quote_64bit_integers: false, }, }) redis = new Redis(defaultConfig.REDIS_URL) }) afterAll(async () => { await Promise.all([postgres.end(), redis.disconnect()]) }) export const capture = async ({ teamId, distinctId, uuid, event, properties = {}, token = null, sentAt = new Date(), eventTime = new Date(), now = new Date(), $set = undefined, $set_once = undefined, topic = ['$performance_event', '$snapshot_items'].includes(event) ? KAFKA_SESSION_RECORDING_SNAPSHOT_ITEM_EVENTS : ['$$client_ingestion_warning'].includes(event) ? 'client_iwarnings_ingestion' : 'events_plugin_ingestion', }: { teamId: number | null distinctId: string uuid: string event: string properties?: object token?: string | null sentAt?: Date eventTime?: Date now?: Date topic?: string $set?: object $set_once?: object }) => { // WARNING: this capture method is meant to simulate the ingestion of events // from the capture endpoint, but there is no guarantee that it is 100% // accurate. return await produce({ topic, message: Buffer.from( JSON.stringify({ token, distinct_id: distinctId, ip: '', site_url: '', team_id: teamId, now: now, sent_at: sentAt, uuid: uuid, data: JSON.stringify({ event, properties: {, uuid }, team_id: teamId, timestamp: eventTime, $set, $set_once, }), }) ), key: teamId ? teamId.toString() : '', waitForAck: true, }) } export const createPluginAttachment = async ({ teamId, pluginConfigId, fileSize, contentType, fileName, key, contents, }: { teamId: number pluginConfigId: number fileSize: number contentType: string fileName: string key: string contents: string client?: PoolClient }) => { return await insertRow(postgres, 'posthog_pluginattachment', { team_id: teamId, plugin_config_id: pluginConfigId, key: key, content_type: contentType, file_name: fileName, file_size: fileSize, contents: contents, }) } export const createPlugin = async (plugin: Omit) => { return await insertRow(postgres, 'posthog_plugin', { ...plugin, config_schema: {}, from_json: false, from_web: false, created_at: new Date().toISOString(), updated_at: new Date().toISOString(), is_preinstalled: false, capabilities: {}, }) } export const createPluginConfig = async ( pluginConfig: Omit, enabled = true ) => { return await insertRow(postgres, 'posthog_pluginconfig', { ...pluginConfig, config: pluginConfig.config ?? {}, created_at: new Date().toISOString(), updated_at: new Date().toISOString(), enabled, order: 0, }) } export const getPluginConfig = async (teamId: number, pluginId: number) => { const queryResult = (await postgres.query( PostgresUse.COMMON_WRITE, `SELECT * FROM posthog_pluginconfig WHERE team_id = $1 AND id = $2`, [teamId, pluginId], 'getPluginConfig' )) as { rows: any[] } return queryResult.rows[0] } export const updatePluginConfig = async ( teamId: number, pluginConfigId: string, pluginConfig: Partial ) => { await postgres.query( PostgresUse.COMMON_WRITE, `UPDATE posthog_pluginconfig SET config = $1, updated_at = $2 WHERE id = $3 AND team_id = $4`, [pluginConfig.config ?? {}, pluginConfig.updated_at, pluginConfigId, teamId], 'updatePluginConfig' ) } export const reloadPlugins = async () => await redis.publish('reload-plugins', '') export const waitForPluginToLoad = (pluginConfig: any) => { return waitForExpect(async () => { const logEntries = await fetchPluginLogEntries( const setUp = logEntries.filter(({ message }) => message.includes('Plugin loaded')) expect(setUp.length).toBeGreaterThan(0) }) } export const createAndReloadPluginConfig = async (teamId: number, pluginId: number) => { const pluginConfig = await createPluginConfig({ team_id: teamId, plugin_id: pluginId, config: {} }) await reloadPlugins() // We wait for some log entries for the plugin, to make sure it's ready to // process events. await waitForPluginToLoad(pluginConfig) return pluginConfig } export const disablePluginConfig = async (teamId: number, pluginConfigId: number) => { await postgres.query( PostgresUse.COMMON_WRITE, `UPDATE posthog_pluginconfig SET enabled = false WHERE id = $1 AND team_id = $2`, [pluginConfigId, teamId], 'disablePluginConfig' ) } export const enablePluginConfig = async (teamId: number, pluginConfigId: number) => { await postgres.query( PostgresUse.COMMON_WRITE, `UPDATE posthog_pluginconfig SET enabled = true WHERE id = $1 AND team_id = $2`, [pluginConfigId, teamId], 'enablePluginConfig' ) } export const schedulePluginJob = async ({ teamId, pluginConfigId, type, taskType, payload, }: { teamId: number pluginConfigId: number type: string taskType: string payload: any }) => { return await graphileWorker.addJob(taskType, { teamId, pluginConfigId, type, payload }) } export const getScheduledPluginJob = async (jobId: string) => { const result = await postgres.query( PostgresUse.COMMON_WRITE, `SELECT * FROM WHERE id = $1`, [jobId], 'getScheduledPluginJob' ) return result.rows[0] } export const reloadAction = async (teamId: number, actionId: number) => { await redis.publish('reload-action', JSON.stringify({ teamId, actionId })) } export const fetchIngestionWarnings = async (teamId: number) => { const queryResult = (await clickHouseClient.querying(` SELECT *, FROM ingestion_warnings WHERE team_id = ${teamId} ORDER BY timestamp ASC `)) as unknown as ClickHouse.ObjectQueryResult return => ({ ...warning, details: JSON.parse(warning.details) })) } export const fetchEvents = async (teamId: number, uuid?: string) => { const queryResult = (await clickHouseClient.querying(` SELECT *, if(notEmpty(overrides.person_id), overrides.person_id, e.person_id) as person_id FROM events e LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT distinct_id, argMax(person_id, version) as person_id FROM person_distinct_id_overrides WHERE team_id = ${teamId} GROUP BY distinct_id ) AS overrides USING distinct_id WHERE team_id = ${teamId} ${uuid ? `AND uuid = '${uuid}'` : ``} ORDER BY timestamp ASC `)) as unknown as ClickHouse.ObjectQueryResult return } export const fetchPersons = async (teamId: number) => { const queryResult = (await clickHouseClient.querying( `SELECT * FROM person WHERE team_id = ${teamId} ORDER BY created_at ASC` )) as unknown as ClickHouse.ObjectQueryResult return => ({ ...person, properties: JSON.parse( })) } export const fetchGroups = async (teamId: number) => { const queryResult = (await clickHouseClient.querying( `SELECT * FROM groups WHERE team_id = ${teamId} ORDER BY created_at ASC` )) as unknown as ClickHouse.ObjectQueryResult return => ({, group_properties: JSON.parse(group.group_properties) })) } export const createGroupType = async (teamId: number, projectId: number, index: number, groupType: string) => { await postgres.query( PostgresUse.COMMON_WRITE, ` INSERT INTO posthog_grouptypemapping (team_id, project_id, group_type, group_type_index) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4) `, [teamId, projectId, groupType, index], 'insertGroupType' ) } export const createGroup = async ( teamId: number, groupTypeIndex: number, groupKey: string, groupProperties: Record ) => { await postgres.query( PostgresUse.COMMON_WRITE, ` INSERT INTO posthog_group (team_id, group_key, group_type_index, group_properties, created_at, properties_last_updated_at, properties_last_operation, version) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8) `, [ teamId, groupKey, groupTypeIndex, JSON.stringify(groupProperties), new Date().toISOString(), JSON.stringify({}), JSON.stringify({}), 1, ], 'upsertGroup' ) } export const fetchPostgresPersons = async (teamId: number) => { const { rows } = await postgres.query( PostgresUse.COMMON_WRITE, `SELECT * FROM posthog_person WHERE team_id = $1`, [teamId], 'fetchPostgresPersons' ) return rows } export const fetchSessionReplayEvents = async (teamId: number, sessionId?: string) => { const queryResult = (await clickHouseClient.querying( `SELECT min(min_first_timestamp) as min_fs_ts, any(team_id), any(distinct_id), session_id FROM session_replay_events WHERE team_id = ${teamId} ${ sessionId ? ` AND session_id = '${sessionId}'` : '' } group by session_id ORDER BY min_fs_ts ASC` )) as unknown as ClickHouse.ObjectQueryResult return => { return { ...event, } }) } export const fetchPluginConsoleLogEntries = async (pluginConfigId: number) => { const { data: logEntries } = (await clickHouseClient.querying(` SELECT * FROM plugin_log_entries WHERE plugin_config_id = ${pluginConfigId} AND source = 'CONSOLE' `)) as unknown as ClickHouse.ObjectQueryResult return => ({ ...entry, message: JSON.parse(entry.message) })) } export const fetchPluginLogEntries = async (pluginConfigId: number) => { const { data: logEntries } = (await clickHouseClient.querying(` SELECT * FROM plugin_log_entries WHERE plugin_config_id = ${pluginConfigId} `)) as unknown as ClickHouse.ObjectQueryResult return logEntries } export const fetchPluginAppMetrics = async (pluginConfigId: number) => { const { data: appMetrics } = (await clickHouseClient.querying(` SELECT * FROM app_metrics WHERE plugin_config_id = ${pluginConfigId} ORDER BY timestamp `)) as unknown as ClickHouse.ObjectQueryResult return appMetrics } export const createOrganization = async (organizationProperties = {}) => { const organizationId = new UUIDT().toString() await insertRow(postgres, 'posthog_organization', { id: organizationId, name: 'TEST ORG', plugins_access_level: 9, created_at: new Date().toISOString(), updated_at: new Date().toISOString(), personalization: '{}', // DEPRECATED setup_section_2_completed: true, // DEPRECATED for_internal_metrics: false, domain_whitelist: [], available_product_features: [], is_member_join_email_enabled: false, slug: Math.round(Math.random() * 20000), ...organizationProperties, }) return organizationId } export const createOrganizationRaw = async (organizationProperties = {}) => { const organizationId = new UUIDT().toString() const properties = { id: organizationId, name: 'TEST ORG', plugins_access_level: 9, created_at: new Date().toISOString(), updated_at: new Date().toISOString(), personalization: '{}', // DEPRECATED setup_section_2_completed: true, // DEPRECATED for_internal_metrics: false, domain_whitelist: '{}', available_product_features: '{}', is_member_join_email_enabled: false, slug: Math.round(Math.random() * 20000), ...organizationProperties, } const keys = Object.keys(properties) .map((key) => `"${key}"`) .join(',') const values = Object.values(properties) .map((value) => { if (Array.isArray(value) && value.length > 0) { return JSON.stringify(value) } else if (typeof value === 'string' && !value.includes('array')) { return `'${value || null}'` } return value }) .join(',') await postgres.query( PostgresUse.COMMON_WRITE, `INSERT into posthog_organization (${keys}) VALUES (${values}) `, undefined, '' ) return organizationId } export const createTeam = async ( organizationId: string, slack_incoming_webhook?: string, token?: string, sessionRecordingOptIn = true ) => { const id = Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000000) await insertRow(postgres, 'posthog_project', { // Every team (aka environment) must be a child of a project id, organization_id: organizationId, name: 'TEST PROJECT', created_at: new Date().toISOString(), }) await insertRow(postgres, 'posthog_team', { id, organization_id: organizationId, project_id: id, app_urls: [], name: 'TEST PROJECT', event_names: [], event_names_with_usage: [], event_properties: [], event_properties_with_usage: [], event_properties_numerical: [], created_at: new Date().toISOString(), updated_at: new Date().toISOString(), anonymize_ips: false, completed_snippet_onboarding: true, ingested_event: true, uuid: new UUIDT().toString(), session_recording_opt_in: sessionRecordingOptIn, plugins_opt_in: false, opt_out_capture: false, is_demo: false, api_token: token ?? new UUIDT().toString(), test_account_filters: [], timezone: 'UTC', data_attributes: ['data-attr'], person_display_name_properties: [], access_control: false, slack_incoming_webhook, }) return id } export const createAction = async (action: Omit) => { const actionRow = await insertRow(postgres, 'posthog_action', action) return actionRow } export const createUser = async (teamId: number, email: string) => { return await insertRow(postgres, 'posthog_user', { password: 'abc', email, first_name: '', last_name: '', email_opt_in: false, distinct_id: email, is_staff: false, is_active: true, date_joined: new Date().toISOString(), events_column_config: '{}', uuid: new UUIDT().toString(), }) } export async function createHook(teamId: number, userId: number, resourceId: number, target: string) { await insertRow(postgres, 'ee_hook', { id: new UUIDT().toString(), team_id: teamId, user_id: userId, resource_id: resourceId, event: 'action_performed', target: target, created: new Date().toISOString(), updated: new Date().toISOString(), } as Hook) } export const getPropertyDefinitions = async (teamId: number) => { const { rows } = await postgres.query( PostgresUse.COMMON_WRITE, `SELECT * FROM posthog_propertydefinition WHERE team_id = $1`, [teamId], 'getPropertyDefinitions' ) return rows } export const getMetric = async ({ name, type, labels }: Record) => { // Requests `/_metrics` and extracts the value of the first metric we find // that matches name, type, and labels. // // Returns 0 if no metric is found. const openMetrics = await (await fetch('http://localhost:6738/_metrics')).text() return Number.parseFloat( parsePrometheusTextFormat(openMetrics) .filter((metric) => deepObjectContains(metric, { name, type }))[0] ?.metrics.filter((values) => deepObjectContains(values, { labels }))[0]?.value ?? 0 ) } const deepObjectContains = (obj: Record, other: Record): boolean => { // Returns true if `obj` contains all the keys in `other` and their values // are equal. If the values are objects, recursively checks if they contain // the keys in `other`. return Object.keys(other).every((key) => { if (typeof other[key] === 'object') { return deepObjectContains(obj[key], other[key]) } return obj[key] === other[key] }) }