#!/bin/bash set -e trap "trap - SIGTERM && kill -- -$$" SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT export DEBUG=${DEBUG:-1} export PRIMARY_DB=clickhouse export SKIP_SERVICE_VERSION_REQUIREMENTS=1 service_warning() { echo -e "\033[0;31m$1 isn't ready. You can run the stack with:\ndocker compose -f ee/docker-compose.ch.arm64.yml up kafka clickhouse db redis\nIf you have already ran that, just make sure that services are starting properly, and sit back.\nWaiting for $1 to start...\033[0m" } nc -z localhost 9092 || ( service_warning 'Kafka'; bin/check_kafka_clickhouse_up ) curl -s 'http://localhost:8123/ping' || ( service_warning 'ClickHouse'; bin/check_kafka_clickhouse_up ) ./bin/start-worker & ./bin/start-backend & ./bin/start-frontend & wait