import re from typing import Any COST_PER_UNIT = 8 class HogVMException(Exception): pass class UncaughtHogVMException(HogVMException): type: str message: str payload: Any def __init__(self, type, message, payload): super().__init__(message) self.type = type self.message = message self.payload = payload def __str__(self): msg = self.message.replace("'", "\\'") return f"{self.type}('{msg}')" def like(string, pattern, flags=0): pattern = re.escape(pattern).replace("%", ".*").replace("_", ".") re_pattern = re.compile(pattern, flags) return is not None def get_nested_value(obj, chain, nullish=False) -> Any: if obj is None: return None for key in chain: if nullish and obj is None: return None if isinstance(key, int): if key == 0: raise HogVMException(f"Hog arrays start from index 1") elif key > 0: if key > len(obj): return None obj = obj[key - 1] elif key < 0: if -key > len(obj): return None obj = obj[key] else: obj = obj.get(key, None) return obj def set_nested_value(obj, chain, value) -> Any: if obj is None: return None for key in chain[:-1]: if isinstance(key, int): obj = obj[key] else: obj = obj.get(key, None) if isinstance(obj, dict): obj[chain[-1]] = value elif isinstance(obj, list): if not isinstance(chain[-1], int): raise HogVMException(f"Invalid index: {chain[-1]}") if chain[-1] <= 0: raise HogVMException(f"Hog arrays start from index 1") obj[chain[-1] - 1] = value else: raise HogVMException(f'Can not set property "{chain[-1]}" on object of type "{type(obj).__name__}"') return obj def calculate_cost(object, marked: set | None = None) -> int: if marked is None: marked = set() if isinstance(object, dict) or isinstance(object, list) or isinstance(object, tuple): if id(object) in marked: return COST_PER_UNIT marked.add(id(object)) try: if isinstance(object, dict): return COST_PER_UNIT + sum( [calculate_cost(key, marked) + calculate_cost(value, marked) for key, value in object.items()] ) elif isinstance(object, list) or isinstance(object, tuple): return COST_PER_UNIT + sum([calculate_cost(val, marked) for val in object]) finally: marked.remove(id(object)) elif isinstance(object, str): return COST_PER_UNIT + len(object) return COST_PER_UNIT def unify_comparison_types(left, right): if isinstance(left, int | float) and isinstance(right, str): return left, float(right) if isinstance(left, str) and isinstance(right, int | float): return float(left), right if isinstance(left, bool) and isinstance(right, str): return left, bool(right) if isinstance(left, str) and isinstance(right, bool): return bool(left), right if isinstance(left, int | float) and isinstance(right, bool): return left, int(right) if isinstance(left, bool) and isinstance(right, int | float): return int(left), right return left, right