import { buildStringMatcher } from '../../../src/config/config' import { KAFKA_EVENTS_PLUGIN_INGESTION } from '../../../src/config/kafka-topics' import { eachBatchParallelIngestion, IngestionOverflowMode, splitIngestionBatch, } from '../../../src/main/ingestion-queues/batch-processing/each-batch-ingestion' import { eachBatchAppsOnEventHandlers } from '../../../src/main/ingestion-queues/batch-processing/each-batch-onevent' import { eachBatchWebhooksHandlers, groupIntoBatchesByUsage, } from '../../../src/main/ingestion-queues/batch-processing/each-batch-webhooks' import * as batchProcessingMetrics from '../../../src/main/ingestion-queues/batch-processing/metrics' import { ClickHouseTimestamp, ClickHouseTimestampSecondPrecision, ISOTimestamp, PostIngestionEvent, RawClickHouseEvent, } from '../../../src/types' import { ActionManager } from '../../../src/worker/ingestion/action-manager' import { ActionMatcher } from '../../../src/worker/ingestion/action-matcher' import { GroupTypeManager } from '../../../src/worker/ingestion/group-type-manager' import { HookCommander } from '../../../src/worker/ingestion/hooks' import { OrganizationManager } from '../../../src/worker/ingestion/organization-manager' import { runOnEvent } from '../../../src/worker/plugins/run' import { pluginConfig39 } from '../../helpers/plugins' jest.mock('../../../src/worker/plugins/run') jest.mock('../../../src/worker/ingestion/event-pipeline/runAsyncHandlersStep', () => { const originalModule = jest.requireActual('../../../src/worker/ingestion/event-pipeline/runAsyncHandlersStep') return { ...originalModule, processWebhooksStep: jest.fn(originalModule.processWebhooksStep), } }) jest.mock('../../../src/utils/status') jest.mock('./../../../src/worker/ingestion/utils') const runEventPipeline = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('default value') jest.mock('./../../../src/worker/ingestion/event-pipeline/runner', () => ({ EventPipelineRunner: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => ({ runEventPipeline: runEventPipeline, })), })) const event: PostIngestionEvent = { eventUuid: 'uuid1', distinctId: 'my_id', teamId: 2, timestamp: '2020-02-23T02:15:00.000Z' as ISOTimestamp, event: '$pageview', properties: {}, elementsList: undefined, person_id: 'F99FA0A1-E0C2-4CFE-A09A-4C3C4327A4CC', person_created_at: '2020-02-20T02:15:00.000Z' as ISOTimestamp, person_properties: {}, } const clickhouseEvent: RawClickHouseEvent = { event: '$pageview', properties: JSON.stringify({ $ip: '', }), uuid: 'uuid1', elements_chain: '', timestamp: '2020-02-23 02:15:00.00' as ClickHouseTimestamp, team_id: 2, distinct_id: 'my_id', created_at: '2020-02-23 02:15:00.00' as ClickHouseTimestamp, person_id: 'F99FA0A1-E0C2-4CFE-A09A-4C3C4327A4CC', person_created_at: '2020-02-20 02:15:00' as ClickHouseTimestampSecondPrecision, // Match createEvent ts format person_properties: '{}', } const captureEndpointEvent = { uuid: 'uuid1', distinct_id: 'id', ip: null, site_url: '', data: JSON.stringify({ event: 'event', properties: {}, }), team_id: 1, now: null, sent_at: null, } describe('eachBatchX', () => { let queue: any function createKafkaJSBatch(event: any, timestamp?: any): any { return createKafkaJSBatchWithMultipleEvents([event], timestamp) } function createKafkaJSBatchWithMultipleEvents(events: any[], timestamp?: any): any { return { batch: { partition: 0, messages: => ({ value: JSON.stringify(event), // if event has timestamp use it, otherwise use timestamp timestamp: event.kafkaTimestamp || timestamp, offset: event.offset, })), }, resolveOffset: jest.fn(), heartbeat: jest.fn(), commitOffsetsIfNecessary: jest.fn(), isRunning: jest.fn(() => true), isStale: jest.fn(() => false), } } function createBatchWithMultipleEvents(events: any[], timestamp?: any): any { return, offset) => ({ value: JSON.stringify(event), timestamp, offset: offset, partition: 0, topic: KAFKA_EVENTS_PLUGIN_INGESTION, })) } function createBatch(event: any, timestamp?: any): any { return createBatchWithMultipleEvents([event], timestamp) } beforeEach(() => { queue = { bufferSleep: jest.fn(), pluginsServer: { WORKER_CONCURRENCY: 1, TASKS_PER_WORKER: 10, INGESTION_CONCURRENCY: 4, kafkaProducer: { queueMessage: jest.fn(), }, pluginConfigsPerTeam: new Map(), }, } }) describe('eachBatchAppsOnEventHandlers', () => { it('calls runOnEvent when useful', async () => { queue.pluginsServer.pluginConfigsPerTeam.set(2, [pluginConfig39]) await eachBatchAppsOnEventHandlers(createKafkaJSBatch(clickhouseEvent), queue) // TODO fix to jest spy on the actual function expect(runOnEvent).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.anything(), expect.objectContaining({ eventUuid: 'uuid1', teamId: 2, distinctId: 'my_id', }) ) }) it('skip runOnEvent when no pluginconfig for team', async () => { queue.pluginsServer.pluginConfigsPerTeam.clear() await eachBatchAppsOnEventHandlers(createKafkaJSBatch(clickhouseEvent), queue) expect(runOnEvent).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) }) describe('eachBatchWebhooksHandlers', () => { it('calls runWebhooksHandlersEventPipeline', async () => { const actionManager = new ActionManager(queue.pluginsServer.postgres, queue.pluginsServer) const actionMatcher = new ActionMatcher( queue.pluginsServer.postgres, actionManager, queue.pluginsServer.teamManager ) const hookCannon = new HookCommander( queue.pluginsServer.postgres, queue.pluginsServer.teamManager, queue.pluginsServer.organizationManager, queue.pluginsServer.rustyHook, queue.pluginsServer.appMetrics, queue.pluginsServer.EXTERNAL_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS ) const groupTypeManager: GroupTypeManager = { fetchGroupTypes: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve({})), } as unknown as GroupTypeManager const organizatonManager: OrganizationManager = { hasAvailableFeature: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve(true)), } as unknown as GroupTypeManager const matchSpy = jest.spyOn(actionMatcher, 'match') // mock hasWebhooks to return true actionMatcher.hasWebhooks = jest.fn(() => true) await eachBatchWebhooksHandlers( createKafkaJSBatch(clickhouseEvent), actionMatcher, hookCannon, 10, groupTypeManager, organizatonManager ) // NOTE: really it would be nice to verify that fire has been called // on hookCannon, but that would require a little more setup, and it // is at the least testing a little bit more than we were before. expect(matchSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ ...event, groups: {}, properties: { $ip: '', }, }) }) it('it batches events properly', () => { // create a batch with 10 events each having teamId the same as offset, timestamp which all increment by 1 const batch = createKafkaJSBatchWithMultipleEvents([ { ...clickhouseEvent, team_id: 1, offset: 1, kafkaTimestamp: '2020-02-23 00:01:00.00' as ClickHouseTimestamp, }, { ...clickhouseEvent, team_id: 2, offset: 2, kafkaTimestamp: '2020-02-23 00:02:00.00' as ClickHouseTimestamp, }, { ...clickhouseEvent, team_id: 3, offset: 3, kafkaTimestamp: '2020-02-23 00:03:00.00' as ClickHouseTimestamp, }, { ...clickhouseEvent, team_id: 4, offset: 4, kafkaTimestamp: '2020-02-23 00:04:00.00' as ClickHouseTimestamp, }, { ...clickhouseEvent, team_id: 5, offset: 5, kafkaTimestamp: '2020-02-23 00:05:00.00' as ClickHouseTimestamp, }, { ...clickhouseEvent, team_id: 6, offset: 6, kafkaTimestamp: '2020-02-23 00:06:00.00' as ClickHouseTimestamp, }, { ...clickhouseEvent, team_id: 7, offset: 7, kafkaTimestamp: '2020-02-23 00:07:00.00' as ClickHouseTimestamp, }, { ...clickhouseEvent, team_id: 8, offset: 8, kafkaTimestamp: '2020-02-23 00:08:00.00' as ClickHouseTimestamp, }, { ...clickhouseEvent, team_id: 9, offset: 9, kafkaTimestamp: '2020-02-23 00:09:00.00' as ClickHouseTimestamp, }, { ...clickhouseEvent, team_id: 10, offset: 10, kafkaTimestamp: '2020-02-23 00:10:00.00' as ClickHouseTimestamp, }, ]) // teamIDs 1,3,10 should return false, others true const toProcess = jest.fn((teamId) => teamId !== 1 && teamId !== 3 && teamId !== 10) const result = groupIntoBatchesByUsage(batch.batch.messages, 5, toProcess) expect(result).toEqual([ { eventBatch: expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ team_id: 2, }), expect.objectContaining({ team_id: 4, }), expect.objectContaining({ team_id: 5, }), expect.objectContaining({ team_id: 6, }), expect.objectContaining({ team_id: 7, }), ]), lastOffset: 7, lastTimestamp: '2020-02-23 00:07:00.00' as ClickHouseTimestamp, }, { eventBatch: expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ team_id: 8, }), expect.objectContaining({ team_id: 9, }), ]), lastOffset: 10, lastTimestamp: '2020-02-23 00:10:00.00' as ClickHouseTimestamp, }, ]) // make sure that if the last message would be a new batch and if it's going to be excluded we // still get the last batch as empty with the right offsite and timestamp const result2 = groupIntoBatchesByUsage(batch.batch.messages, 7, toProcess) expect(result2).toEqual([ { eventBatch: expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ team_id: 2, }), expect.objectContaining({ team_id: 4, }), expect.objectContaining({ team_id: 5, }), expect.objectContaining({ team_id: 6, }), expect.objectContaining({ team_id: 7, }), expect.objectContaining({ team_id: 8, }), expect.objectContaining({ team_id: 9, }), ]), lastOffset: 9, lastTimestamp: '2020-02-23 00:09:00.00' as ClickHouseTimestamp, }, { eventBatch: expect.arrayContaining([]), lastOffset: 10, lastTimestamp: '2020-02-23 00:10:00.00' as ClickHouseTimestamp, }, ]) }) }) describe('eachBatchParallelIngestion', () => { it('calls runEventPipeline', async () => { const batch = createBatch(captureEndpointEvent) const tokenBlockList = buildStringMatcher('another_token,more_token', false) await eachBatchParallelIngestion(tokenBlockList, batch, queue, IngestionOverflowMode.Disabled) expect(runEventPipeline).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ distinct_id: 'id', event: 'event', properties: {}, ip: null, now: null, sent_at: null, site_url: '', team_id: 1, uuid: 'uuid1', }) }) it("doesn't fail the batch if runEventPipeline rejects once then succeeds on retry", async () => { const batch = createBatch(captureEndpointEvent) runEventPipeline.mockImplementationOnce(() => Promise.reject('runEventPipeline nopes out')) const tokenBlockList = buildStringMatcher('another_token,more_token', false) await eachBatchParallelIngestion(tokenBlockList, batch, queue, IngestionOverflowMode.Disabled) expect(runEventPipeline).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2) }) it('fails the batch if one deferred promise rejects', async () => { const batch = createBatch(captureEndpointEvent) runEventPipeline.mockImplementationOnce(() => Promise.resolve({ ackPromises: [Promise.resolve(), Promise.reject('deferred nopes out')], }) ) const tokenBlockList = buildStringMatcher('another_token,more_token', false) await expect( eachBatchParallelIngestion(tokenBlockList, batch, queue, IngestionOverflowMode.Disabled) ).rejects.toBe('deferred nopes out') expect(runEventPipeline).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) it.each([IngestionOverflowMode.ConsumeSplitByDistinctId, IngestionOverflowMode.Disabled])( 'batches events by team or token and distinct_id %s', (mode) => { const batch = createBatchWithMultipleEvents([ { ...captureEndpointEvent, team_id: 3, distinct_id: 'a' }, { ...captureEndpointEvent, team_id: 3, distinct_id: 'a' }, { ...captureEndpointEvent, team_id: 3, distinct_id: 'b' }, { ...captureEndpointEvent, team_id: 4, distinct_id: 'a' }, { ...captureEndpointEvent, team_id: 4, distinct_id: 'a' }, { ...captureEndpointEvent, team_id: 4, distinct_id: 'b' }, { ...captureEndpointEvent, team_id: undefined, token: 'tok', distinct_id: 'a' }, { ...captureEndpointEvent, team_id: undefined, token: 'tok', distinct_id: 'a' }, { ...captureEndpointEvent, team_id: undefined, token: 'tok', distinct_id: 'b' }, { ...captureEndpointEvent, team_id: 3, distinct_id: 'c' }, { ...captureEndpointEvent, team_id: 3, distinct_id: 'b' }, { ...captureEndpointEvent, team_id: 3, distinct_id: 'a' }, ]) const stats = new Map() const tokenBlockList = buildStringMatcher('another_token,more_token', false) for (const group of splitIngestionBatch(tokenBlockList, batch, mode).toProcess) { const key = `${group[0].pluginEvent.team_id}:${group[0].pluginEvent.token}:${group[0].pluginEvent.distinct_id}` for (const { pluginEvent: event } of group) { expect(`${event.team_id}:${event.token}:${event.distinct_id}`).toEqual(key) } stats.set(key, group.length) } expect(stats.size).toEqual(7) expect(stats).toEqual( new Map([ ['3:undefined:a', 3], ['3:undefined:b', 2], ['3:undefined:c', 1], ['4:undefined:a', 2], ['4:undefined:b', 1], ['undefined:tok:a', 2], ['undefined:tok:b', 1], ]) ) } ) it('does not batch events when consuming overflow', () => { const input = createBatchWithMultipleEvents([ { ...captureEndpointEvent, team_id: 3, distinct_id: 'a' }, { ...captureEndpointEvent, team_id: 3, distinct_id: 'a' }, { ...captureEndpointEvent, team_id: 3, distinct_id: 'b' }, { ...captureEndpointEvent, team_id: 4, distinct_id: 'a' }, { ...captureEndpointEvent, team_id: 4, distinct_id: 'a' }, ]) const tokenBlockList = buildStringMatcher('another_token,more_token', false) const batches = splitIngestionBatch( tokenBlockList, input, IngestionOverflowMode.ConsumeSplitEvenly ).toProcess expect(batches.length).toEqual(input.length) for (const group of batches) { expect(group.length).toEqual(1) } }) it('batches events but commits offsets only once', async () => { const ingestEventBatchingInputLengthSummarySpy = jest.spyOn( batchProcessingMetrics.ingestEventBatchingInputLengthSummary, 'observe' ) const ingestEventBatchingBatchCountSummarySpy = jest.spyOn( batchProcessingMetrics.ingestEventBatchingBatchCountSummary, 'observe' ) const batch = createBatchWithMultipleEvents([ { ...captureEndpointEvent, offset: 1, team_id: 3 }, { ...captureEndpointEvent, offset: 2, team_id: 3 }, // repeat { ...captureEndpointEvent, offset: 3, team_id: 3 }, // repeat { ...captureEndpointEvent, offset: 4, team_id: 3 }, // repeat { ...captureEndpointEvent, offset: 5, team_id: 3 }, // repeat { ...captureEndpointEvent, offset: 6, team_id: 3, distinct_id: 'id2' }, { ...captureEndpointEvent, offset: 7, team_id: 4 }, { ...captureEndpointEvent, offset: 8, team_id: 5 }, { ...captureEndpointEvent, offset: 9, team_id: 5 }, // repeat { ...captureEndpointEvent, offset: 10, team_id: 3, distinct_id: 'id2' }, // repeat { ...captureEndpointEvent, offset: 11, team_id: 8 }, { ...captureEndpointEvent, offset: 12, team_id: 4 }, // repeat { ...captureEndpointEvent, offset: 13, team_id: 3 }, // repeat { ...captureEndpointEvent, offset: 14, team_id: 5 }, // repeat ]) const tokenBlockList = buildStringMatcher('another_token,more_token', false) await eachBatchParallelIngestion(tokenBlockList, batch, queue, IngestionOverflowMode.Disabled) expect(runEventPipeline).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(14) expect(ingestEventBatchingInputLengthSummarySpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(14) expect(ingestEventBatchingBatchCountSummarySpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(5) }) it('fails the batch if runEventPipeline rejects repeatedly', async () => { const tokenBlockList = buildStringMatcher('another_token,more_token', false) const batch = createBatch(captureEndpointEvent) runEventPipeline .mockImplementationOnce(() => Promise.reject('runEventPipeline nopes out')) .mockImplementationOnce(() => Promise.reject('runEventPipeline nopes out')) .mockImplementationOnce(() => Promise.reject('runEventPipeline nopes out')) await expect( eachBatchParallelIngestion(tokenBlockList, batch, queue, IngestionOverflowMode.Disabled) ).rejects.toBe('runEventPipeline nopes out') expect(runEventPipeline).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3) runEventPipeline.mockRestore() }) }) })