import { toMatchImageSnapshot } from 'jest-image-snapshot' import { getStoryContext, TestRunnerConfig, TestContext } from '@storybook/test-runner' import type { Locator, Page, LocatorScreenshotOptions } from 'playwright-core' import type { Mocks } from '~/mocks/utils' import { StoryContext } from '@storybook/types' // 'firefox' is technically supported too, but as of June 2023 it has memory usage issues that make is unusable type SupportedBrowserName = 'chromium' | 'webkit' // Extend Storybook interface `Parameters` with Chromatic parameters declare module '@storybook/types' { interface Parameters { options?: any layout?: 'padded' | 'fullscreen' | 'centered' testOptions?: { /** * Whether the test should be a no-op (doesn't jest.skip as @storybook/test-runner doesn't allow that). * @default false */ skip?: boolean /** * Whether we should wait for all loading indicators to disappear before taking a snapshot. * @default true */ waitForLoadersToDisappear?: boolean /** If set, we'll wait for the given selector to be satisfied. */ waitForSelector?: string /** * Whether navigation (sidebar + topbar) should be excluded from the snapshot. * Warning: Fails if enabled for stories in which navigation is not present. * @default false */ excludeNavigationFromSnapshot?: boolean /** * The test will always run for all the browers, but snapshots are only taken in Chromium by default. * Override this to take snapshots in other browsers too. * * @default ['chromium'] */ snapshotBrowsers?: SupportedBrowserName[] /** If taking a component snapshot, you can narrow it down by specifying the selector. */ snapshotTargetSelector?: string } mockDate?: string | number | Date msw?: { mocks?: Mocks } [name: string]: any } } const RETRY_TIMES = 5 const LOADER_SELECTORS = [ '.ant-skeleton', '.Spinner', '.LemonSkeleton', '.LemonTableLoader', '[aria-busy="true"]', '.SessionRecordingPlayer--buffering', ] const customSnapshotsDir = `${process.cwd()}/frontend/__snapshots__` module.exports = { setup() { expect.extend({ toMatchImageSnapshot }) jest.retryTimes(RETRY_TIMES, { logErrorsBeforeRetry: true }) }, async postRender(page, context) { const browserContext = page.context() const storyContext = (await getStoryContext(page, context)) as StoryContext const { skip = false, snapshotBrowsers = ['chromium'] } = storyContext.parameters?.testOptions ?? {} browserContext.setDefaultTimeout(3000) // Reduce the default timeout from 30 s to 3 s to pre-empt Jest timeouts if (!skip) { const currentBrowser = browserContext.browser()!.browserType().name() as SupportedBrowserName if (snapshotBrowsers.includes(currentBrowser)) { await expectStoryToMatchSnapshot(page, context, storyContext, currentBrowser) } } }, } as TestRunnerConfig async function expectStoryToMatchSnapshot( page: Page, context: TestContext, storyContext: StoryContext, browser: SupportedBrowserName ): Promise { const { waitForLoadersToDisappear = true, waitForSelector, excludeNavigationFromSnapshot = false, } = storyContext.parameters?.testOptions ?? {} let check: ( page: Page, context: TestContext, browser: SupportedBrowserName, targetSelector?: string ) => Promise if (storyContext.parameters?.layout === 'fullscreen') { if (excludeNavigationFromSnapshot) { check = expectStoryToMatchSceneSnapshot } else { check = expectStoryToMatchFullPageSnapshot } } else { check = expectStoryToMatchComponentSnapshot } // Wait for story to load await page.waitForSelector('.sb-show-preparing-story', { state: 'detached' }) await page.evaluate(() => { // Stop all animations for consistent snapshots document.body.classList.add('storybook-test-runner') }) if (waitForLoadersToDisappear) { await Promise.all( => page.waitForSelector(selector, { state: 'detached' }))) } if (waitForSelector) { await page.waitForSelector(waitForSelector) } await page.waitForTimeout(400) // Wait for animations to finish // Wait for all images to load await page.waitForFunction(() => Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('img')).every((i: HTMLImageElement) => i.complete) ) await check(page, context, browser, storyContext.parameters?.testOptions?.snapshotTargetSelector) } async function expectStoryToMatchFullPageSnapshot( page: Page, context: TestContext, browser: SupportedBrowserName ): Promise { await expectLocatorToMatchStorySnapshot(page, context, browser) } async function expectStoryToMatchSceneSnapshot( page: Page, context: TestContext, browser: SupportedBrowserName ): Promise { await page.evaluate(() => { // The screenshot gets clipped by the overflow hidden of the sidebar document.querySelector('.SideBar')?.setAttribute('style', 'overflow: visible;') }) await expectLocatorToMatchStorySnapshot(page.locator('.main-app-content'), context, browser) } async function expectStoryToMatchComponentSnapshot( page: Page, context: TestContext, browser: SupportedBrowserName, targetSelector: string = '#storybook-root' ): Promise { await page.evaluate(() => { const rootEl = document.getElementById('storybook-root') if (!rootEl) { throw new Error('Could not find root element') } // Make the root element (which is the default screenshot reference) hug the component = 'inline-block' // If needed, expand the root element so that all popovers are visible in the screenshot document.querySelectorAll('.Popover').forEach((popover) => { const currentRootBoundingClientRect = rootEl.getBoundingClientRect() const popoverBoundingClientRect = popover.getBoundingClientRect() if (popoverBoundingClientRect.right > currentRootBoundingClientRect.right) { = `${popoverBoundingClientRect.right}px` } if (popoverBoundingClientRect.bottom > currentRootBoundingClientRect.bottom) { = `${popoverBoundingClientRect.bottom}px` } if ( < { = `${ + currentRootBoundingClientRect.bottom}px` } if (popoverBoundingClientRect.left < currentRootBoundingClientRect.left) { = `${-popoverBoundingClientRect.left + currentRootBoundingClientRect.right}px` } }) // Make the body transparent to take the screenshot without background = 'transparent' }) await expectLocatorToMatchStorySnapshot(page.locator(targetSelector), context, browser, { omitBackground: true }) } async function expectLocatorToMatchStorySnapshot( locator: Locator | Page, context: TestContext, browser: SupportedBrowserName, options?: LocatorScreenshotOptions ): Promise { const image = await locator.screenshot({ timeout: 3000, ...options }) let customSnapshotIdentifier = if (browser !== 'chromium') { customSnapshotIdentifier += `--${browser}` } expect(image).toMatchImageSnapshot({ customSnapshotsDir, customSnapshotIdentifier, // Compare structural similarity instead of raw pixels - reducing false positives // See comparisonMethod: 'ssim', failureThreshold: 0.0003, failureThresholdType: 'percent', }) }