function print (...args) { console.log( } function jsonStringify (value, spacing) { function convert(x, marked) { if (!marked) { marked = new Set() } if (typeof x === 'object' && x !== null) { if (marked.has(x)) { return null } marked.add(x) try { if (x instanceof Map) { const obj = {} x.forEach((value, key) => { obj[convert(key, marked)] = convert(value, marked) }) return obj } if (Array.isArray(x)) { return => convert(v, marked)) } if (__isHogDateTime(x) || __isHogDate(x) || __isHogError(x)) { return x } if (typeof x === 'function') { return `fn<${ || 'lambda'}(${x.length})>` } const obj = {}; for (const key in x) { obj[key] = convert(x[key], marked) } return obj } finally { marked.delete(x) } } return x } if (spacing && typeof spacing === 'number' && spacing > 0) { return JSON.stringify(convert(value), null, spacing) } return JSON.stringify(convert(value), (key, val) => typeof val === 'function' ? `fn<${ || 'lambda'}(${val.length})>` : val) } function jsonParse (str) { function convert(x) { if (Array.isArray(x)) { return } else if (typeof x === 'object' && x !== null) { if (x.__hogDateTime__) { return __toHogDateTime(x.dt, } else if (x.__hogDate__) { return __toHogDate(x.year, x.month, } else if (x.__hogError__) { return __newHogError(x.type, x.message, x.payload) } const obj = {}; for (const key in x) { obj[key] = convert(x[key]) }; return obj } return x } return convert(JSON.parse(str)) } function isValidJSON (str) { try { JSON.parse(str); return true } catch (e) { return false } } function __toHogDateTime(timestamp, zone) { if (__isHogDate(timestamp)) { const date = new Date(Date.UTC(timestamp.year, timestamp.month - 1,; const dt = date.getTime() / 1000; return { __hogDateTime__: true, dt: dt, zone: zone || 'UTC' }; } return { __hogDateTime__: true, dt: timestamp, zone: zone || 'UTC' }; } function __toHogDate(year, month, day) { return { __hogDate__: true, year: year, month: month, day: day, } } function __printHogStringOutput(obj) { if (typeof obj === 'string') { return obj } return __printHogValue(obj) } function __printHogValue(obj, marked = new Set()) { if (typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null && obj !== undefined) { if (marked.has(obj) && !__isHogDateTime(obj) && !__isHogDate(obj) && !__isHogError(obj)) { return 'null'; } marked.add(obj); try { if (Array.isArray(obj)) { if (obj.__isHogTuple) { return obj.length < 2 ? `tuple(${ => __printHogValue(o, marked)).join(', ')})` : `(${ => __printHogValue(o, marked)).join(', ')})`; } return `[${ => __printHogValue(o, marked)).join(', ')}]`; } if (__isHogDateTime(obj)) { const millis = String(obj.dt); return `DateTime(${millis}${millis.includes('.') ? '' : '.0'}, ${__escapeString(})`; } if (__isHogDate(obj)) return `Date(${obj.year}, ${obj.month}, ${})`; if (__isHogError(obj)) { return `${String(obj.type)}(${__escapeString(obj.message)}${obj.payload ? `, ${__printHogValue(obj.payload, marked)}` : ''})`; } if (obj instanceof Map) { return `{${Array.from(obj.entries()).map(([key, value]) => `${__printHogValue(key, marked)}: ${__printHogValue(value, marked)}`).join(', ')}}`; } return `{${Object.entries(obj).map(([key, value]) => `${__printHogValue(key, marked)}: ${__printHogValue(value, marked)}`).join(', ')}}`; } finally { marked.delete(obj); } } else if (typeof obj === 'boolean') return obj ? 'true' : 'false'; else if (obj === null || obj === undefined) return 'null'; else if (typeof obj === 'string') return __escapeString(obj); if (typeof obj === 'function') return `fn<${__escapeIdentifier( || 'lambda')}(${obj.length})>`; return obj.toString(); } function __newHogError(type, message, payload) { let error = new Error(message || 'An error occurred'); error.__hogError__ = true error.type = type error.payload = payload return error } function __isHogError(obj) {return obj && obj.__hogError__ === true} function __isHogDateTime(obj) { return obj && obj.__hogDateTime__ === true } function __isHogDate(obj) { return obj && obj.__hogDate__ === true } function __escapeString(value) { const singlequoteEscapeCharsMap = { '\b': '\\b', '\f': '\\f', '\r': '\\r', '\n': '\\n', '\t': '\\t', '\0': '\\0', '\v': '\\v', '\\': '\\\\', "'": "\\'" } return `'${value.split('').map((c) => singlequoteEscapeCharsMap[c] || c).join('')}'`; } function __escapeIdentifier(identifier) { const backquoteEscapeCharsMap = { '\b': '\\b', '\f': '\\f', '\r': '\\r', '\n': '\\n', '\t': '\\t', '\0': '\\0', '\v': '\\v', '\\': '\\\\', '`': '\\`' } if (typeof identifier === 'number') return identifier.toString(); if (/^[A-Za-z_$][A-Za-z0-9_$]*$/.test(identifier)) return identifier; return `\`${identifier.split('').map((c) => backquoteEscapeCharsMap[c] || c).join('')}\``; } function JSONLength (obj, ...path) { try { if (typeof obj === 'string') { obj = JSON.parse(obj) } } catch (e) { return 0 } if (typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null) { const value = __getNestedValue(obj, path, true) if (Array.isArray(value)) { return value.length } else if (value instanceof Map) { return value.size } else if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) { return Object.keys(value).length } } return 0 } function JSONHas (obj, ...path) { let current = obj for (const key of path) { let currentParsed = current if (typeof current === 'string') { try { currentParsed = JSON.parse(current) } catch (e) { return false } } if (currentParsed instanceof Map) { if (!currentParsed.has(key)) { return false }; current = currentParsed.get(key) } else if (typeof currentParsed === 'object' && currentParsed !== null) { if (typeof key === 'number') { if (Array.isArray(currentParsed)) { if (key < 0) { if (key < -currentParsed.length) { return false }; current = currentParsed[currentParsed.length + key] } else if (key === 0) { return false } else { if (key > currentParsed.length) { return false }; current = currentParsed[key - 1] } } else { return false } } else { if (!(key in currentParsed)) { return false } current = currentParsed[key] } } else { return false } } return true } function JSONExtractBool (obj, ...path) { try { if (typeof obj === 'string') { obj = JSON.parse(obj) } } catch (e) { return false } if (path.length > 0) { obj = __getNestedValue(obj, path, true) } if (typeof obj === 'boolean') { return obj } return false } function __getNestedValue(obj, path, allowNull = false) { let current = obj for (const key of path) { if (current == null) { return null } if (current instanceof Map) { current = current.get(key) } else if (typeof current === 'object' && current !== null) { current = current[key] } else { return null } } if (current === null && !allowNull) { return null } return current } print(jsonParse("[1,2,3]")); let event = {"event": "$pageview", "properties": {"$browser": "Chrome", "$os": "Windows"}}; let json = jsonStringify(event); print(jsonParse(json)); print("-- JSONHas --"); print(JSONHas("{\"a\": \"hello\", \"b\": [-100, 200.0, 300]}", "b")); print(JSONHas("{\"a\": \"hello\", \"b\": [-100, 200.0, 300]}", "b", 4)); print(JSONHas({"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}, "b")); print(JSONHas({"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}, "b", 4)); print(JSONHas({"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}, "b", -2)); print(JSONHas({"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}, "b", -4)); print(JSONHas("[1,2,3]", 0)); print(JSONHas("[1,2,[1,2]]", -1, 1)); print(JSONHas("[1,2,[1,2]]", -1, -3)); print(JSONHas("[1,2,[1,2]]", 1, 1)); print("-- isValidJSON --"); print(isValidJSON("{\"a\": \"hello\", \"b\": [-100, 200.0, 300]}")); print(isValidJSON("not a json")); print("-- JSONLength --"); print(JSONLength("{\"a\": \"hello\", \"b\": [-100, 200.0, 300]}", "b")); print(JSONLength("{\"a\": \"hello\", \"b\": [-100, 200.0, 300]}")); print(JSONLength({"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]}, "b")); print(JSONLength({"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, 300]})); print("-- JSONExtractBool --"); print(JSONExtractBool("{\"a\": \"hello\", \"b\": true}", "b")); print(JSONExtractBool("{\"a\": \"hello\", \"b\": false}", "b")); print(JSONExtractBool("{\"a\": \"hello\", \"b\": 1}", "b")); print(JSONExtractBool("{\"a\": \"hello\", \"b\": 0}", "b")); print(JSONExtractBool("{\"a\": \"hello\", \"b\": \"true\"}", "b")); print(JSONExtractBool("{\"a\": \"hello\", \"b\": \"false\"}", "b")); print(JSONExtractBool(true)); print(JSONExtractBool(false)); print(JSONExtractBool(1)); print(JSONExtractBool(0)); print(JSONExtractBool("true")); print(JSONExtractBool("false"));