jest.mock('../../src/utils/now', () => { return { now: jest.fn(() =>, } }) import { BASE_REDIS_KEY, CELERY_TASK_ID, HogWatcher, HogWatcherState } from '../../src/cdp/hog-watcher' import { CdpRedis, createCdpRedisPool } from '../../src/cdp/redis' import { HogFunctionInvocationResult } from '../../src/cdp/types' import { Hub } from '../../src/types' import { closeHub, createHub } from '../../src/utils/db/hub' import { delay } from '../../src/utils/utils' import { createInvocation } from './fixtures' import { deleteKeysWithPrefix } from './helpers/redis' const mockNow: jest.Mock = require('../../src/utils/now').now as any const createResult = (options: { id: string duration?: number finished?: boolean error?: string }): HogFunctionInvocationResult => { return { invocation: { ...createInvocation({ id: }), id: 'invocation-id', teamId: 2, timings: [ { kind: 'async_function', duration_ms: options.duration ?? 0, }, ], }, finished: options.finished ?? true, error: options.error, logs: [], } } describe('HogWatcher', () => { describe('integration', () => { let now: number let hub: Hub let watcher: HogWatcher let mockCeleryApplyAsync: jest.Mock let redis: CdpRedis beforeEach(async () => { hub = await createHub() hub.celery.applyAsync = mockCeleryApplyAsync = jest.fn() now = 1720000000000 mockNow.mockReturnValue(now) redis = createCdpRedisPool(hub) await deleteKeysWithPrefix(redis, BASE_REDIS_KEY) watcher = new HogWatcher(hub, redis) }) const advanceTime = (ms: number) => { now += ms mockNow.mockReturnValue(now) } const reallyAdvanceTime = async (ms: number) => { advanceTime(ms) await delay(ms) } afterEach(async () => { jest.useRealTimers() await closeHub(hub) jest.clearAllMocks() }) it('should retrieve empty state', async () => { const res = await watcher.getStates(['id1', 'id2']) expect(res).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "id1": Object { "rating": 1, "state": 1, "tokens": 10000, }, "id2": Object { "rating": 1, "state": 1, "tokens": 10000, }, } `) }) const cases: [{ cost: number; state: number }, HogFunctionInvocationResult[]][] = [ [{ cost: 0, state: 1 }, [createResult({ id: 'id1' })]], [ { cost: 0, state: 1 }, [createResult({ id: 'id1' }), createResult({ id: 'id1' }), createResult({ id: 'id1' })], ], [ { cost: 0, state: 1 }, [ createResult({ id: 'id1', duration: 10 }), createResult({ id: 'id1', duration: 20 }), createResult({ id: 'id1', duration: 100 }), ], ], [ { cost: 12, state: 1 }, [ createResult({ id: 'id1', duration: 1000 }), createResult({ id: 'id1', duration: 1000 }), createResult({ id: 'id1', duration: 1000 }), ], ], [{ cost: 20, state: 1 }, [createResult({ id: 'id1', duration: 5000 })]], [{ cost: 40, state: 1 }, [createResult({ id: 'id1', duration: 10000 })]], [ { cost: 141, state: 1 }, [ createResult({ id: 'id1', duration: 5000 }), createResult({ id: 'id1', duration: 10000 }), createResult({ id: 'id1', duration: 20000 }), ], ], [{ cost: 100, state: 1 }, [createResult({ id: 'id1', error: 'errored!' })]], ] it.each(cases)('should update tokens based on results %s %s', async (expectedScore, results) => { await watcher.observeResults(results) const result = await watcher.getState('id1') expect(hub.CDP_WATCHER_BUCKET_SIZE - result.tokens).toEqual(expectedScore.cost) expect(result.state).toEqual(expectedScore.state) }) it('should max out scores', async () => { let lotsOfResults = Array(10000).fill(createResult({ id: 'id1', error: 'error!' })) await watcher.observeResults(lotsOfResults) expect(await watcher.getState('id1')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "rating": -0.0001, "state": 3, "tokens": -1, } `) lotsOfResults = Array(10000).fill(createResult({ id: 'id2' })) await watcher.observeResults(lotsOfResults) expect(await watcher.getState('id2')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "rating": 1, "state": 1, "tokens": 10000, } `) }) it('should refill over time', async () => { hub.CDP_WATCHER_REFILL_RATE = 10 await watcher.observeResults([ createResult({ id: 'id1', duration: 10000 }), createResult({ id: 'id1', duration: 10000 }), createResult({ id: 'id1', duration: 10000 }), ]) expect((await watcher.getState('id1')).tokens).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`9880`) advanceTime(1000) expect((await watcher.getState('id1')).tokens).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`9890`) advanceTime(10000) expect((await watcher.getState('id1')).tokens).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`9990`) }) it('should remain disabled for period', async () => { const badResults = Array(100).fill(createResult({ id: 'id1', error: 'error!' })) await watcher.observeResults(badResults) expect(mockCeleryApplyAsync).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(mockCeleryApplyAsync).toHaveBeenCalledWith(CELERY_TASK_ID, [ 'id1', HogWatcherState.disabledForPeriod, ]) expect(await watcher.getState('id1')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "rating": 0, "state": 3, "tokens": 0, } `) advanceTime(10000) // Should still be disabled even though tokens have been refilled expect(await watcher.getState('id1')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "rating": 0.01, "state": 3, "tokens": 100, } `) }) describe('forceStateChange', () => { it('should force healthy', async () => { await watcher.forceStateChange('id1', HogWatcherState.healthy) expect(await watcher.getState('id1')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "rating": 1, "state": 1, "tokens": 10000, } `) expect(mockCeleryApplyAsync).toHaveBeenCalledWith(CELERY_TASK_ID, ['id1', HogWatcherState.healthy]) }) it('should force degraded', async () => { await watcher.forceStateChange('id1', HogWatcherState.degraded) expect(await watcher.getState('id1')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "rating": 0.8, "state": 1, "tokens": 8000, } `) expect(mockCeleryApplyAsync).toHaveBeenCalledWith(CELERY_TASK_ID, ['id1', HogWatcherState.degraded]) }) it('should force disabledForPeriod', async () => { await watcher.forceStateChange('id1', HogWatcherState.disabledForPeriod) expect(await watcher.getState('id1')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "rating": 0, "state": 3, "tokens": 0, } `) expect(mockCeleryApplyAsync).toHaveBeenCalledWith(CELERY_TASK_ID, [ 'id1', HogWatcherState.disabledForPeriod, ]) }) it('should force disabledIndefinitely', async () => { await watcher.forceStateChange('id1', HogWatcherState.disabledIndefinitely) expect(await watcher.getState('id1')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "rating": 0, "state": 4, "tokens": 0, } `) expect(mockCeleryApplyAsync).toHaveBeenCalledWith(CELERY_TASK_ID, [ 'id1', HogWatcherState.disabledIndefinitely, ]) }) }) describe('disable logic', () => { beforeEach(() => { hub.CDP_WATCHER_BUCKET_SIZE = 100 hub.CDP_WATCHER_DISABLED_TEMPORARY_TTL = 1 // Shorter ttl to help with testing hub.CDP_WATCHER_DISABLED_TEMPORARY_MAX_COUNT = 3 }) it('count the number of times it has been disabled', async () => { // Trigger the temporary disabled state 3 times for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) { await watcher.observeResults([createResult({ id: 'id1', error: 'error!' })]) expect((await watcher.getState('id1')).state).toEqual(HogWatcherState.disabledForPeriod) await reallyAdvanceTime(1000) expect((await watcher.getState('id1')).state).toEqual(HogWatcherState.degraded) } expect(mockCeleryApplyAsync).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2) expect(mockCeleryApplyAsync.mock.calls[0]).toEqual([ CELERY_TASK_ID, ['id1', HogWatcherState.disabledForPeriod], ]) expect(mockCeleryApplyAsync.mock.calls[1]).toEqual([ CELERY_TASK_ID, ['id1', HogWatcherState.disabledForPeriod], ]) await watcher.observeResults([createResult({ id: 'id1', error: 'error!' })]) expect((await watcher.getState('id1')).state).toEqual(HogWatcherState.disabledIndefinitely) await reallyAdvanceTime(1000) expect((await watcher.getState('id1')).state).toEqual(HogWatcherState.disabledIndefinitely) expect(mockCeleryApplyAsync).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3) expect(mockCeleryApplyAsync.mock.calls[2]).toEqual([ CELERY_TASK_ID, ['id1', HogWatcherState.disabledIndefinitely], ]) }) }) }) })