import express from 'express' import supertest from 'supertest' import { CdpApi } from '../../src/cdp/cdp-api' import { CdpFunctionCallbackConsumer } from '../../src/cdp/cdp-consumers' import { HogFunctionInvocationGlobals, HogFunctionType } from '../../src/cdp/types' import { Hub, Team } from '../../src/types' import { closeHub, createHub } from '../../src/utils/db/hub' import { getFirstTeam, resetTestDatabase } from '../helpers/sql' import { HOG_EXAMPLES, HOG_FILTERS_EXAMPLES, HOG_INPUTS_EXAMPLES } from './examples' import { insertHogFunction as _insertHogFunction } from './fixtures' const mockConsumer = { on: jest.fn(), commitSync: jest.fn(), commit: jest.fn(), queryWatermarkOffsets: jest.fn(), committed: jest.fn(), assignments: jest.fn(), isConnected: jest.fn(() => true), getMetadata: jest.fn(), } jest.mock('../../src/kafka/batch-consumer', () => { return { startBatchConsumer: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve({ join: () => ({ finally: jest.fn(), }), stop: jest.fn(), consumer: mockConsumer, }) ), } }) jest.mock('../../src/utils/fetch', () => { return { trackedFetch: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve({ status: 200, text: () => Promise.resolve(JSON.stringify({ success: true })), json: () => Promise.resolve({ success: true }), }) ), } }) jest.mock('../../src/utils/db/kafka-producer-wrapper', () => { const mockKafkaProducer = { producer: { connect: jest.fn(), }, disconnect: jest.fn(), produce: jest.fn(), } return { KafkaProducerWrapper: jest.fn(() => mockKafkaProducer), } }) const mockFetch: jest.Mock = require('../../src/utils/fetch').trackedFetch jest.setTimeout(1000) describe('CDP API', () => { let processor: CdpFunctionCallbackConsumer let hub: Hub let team: Team const insertHogFunction = async (hogFunction: Partial) => { const item = await _insertHogFunction(hub.postgres,, hogFunction) // Trigger the reload that django would do await processor.hogFunctionManager.reloadAllHogFunctions() return item } beforeEach(async () => { await resetTestDatabase() hub = await createHub() team = await getFirstTeam(hub) processor = new CdpFunctionCallbackConsumer(hub) await processor.start() mockFetch.mockClear() }) afterEach(async () => { jest.setTimeout(10000) await processor.stop() await closeHub(hub) }) afterAll(() => { jest.useRealTimers() }) describe('API invocation', () => { let app: express.Express let hogFunction: HogFunctionType const globals: Partial = { groups: {}, person: { id: '123', name: 'Jane Doe', url: '', properties: { email: '', }, }, event: { uuid: 'b3a1fe86-b10c-43cc-acaf-d208977608d0', event: '$pageview', elements_chain: '', distinct_id: '123', timestamp: '2021-09-28T14:00:00Z', url: '', properties: { $lib_version: '1.0.0', }, }, } beforeEach(async () => { app = express() app.use(express.json()) const api = new CdpApi(hub, processor) app.use('/', api.router()) hogFunction = await insertHogFunction({ ...HOG_EXAMPLES.simple_fetch, ...HOG_INPUTS_EXAMPLES.simple_fetch, ...HOG_FILTERS_EXAMPLES.no_filters, }) }) it('errors if missing hog function or team', async () => { const res = await supertest(app) .post(`/api/projects/${hogFunction.team_id}/hog_functions/missing/invocations`) .send({ globals }) expect(res.status).toEqual(404) }) it('errors if missing values', async () => { const res = await supertest(app) .post(`/api/projects/${hogFunction.team_id}/hog_functions/${}/invocations`) .send({}) expect(res.status).toEqual(400) expect(res.body).toEqual({ error: 'Missing event', }) }) it('can invoke a function via the API with mocks', async () => { const res = await supertest(app) .post(`/api/projects/${hogFunction.team_id}/hog_functions/${}/invocations`) .send({ globals, mock_async_functions: true }) expect(res.status).toEqual(200) console.log(res.body.logs[3].message) expect(res.body).toMatchObject({ status: 'success', error: null, logs: [ { level: 'debug', message: 'Executing function', }, { level: 'debug', message: "Suspending function due to async function call 'fetch'. Payload: 2110 bytes", }, { level: 'info', message: "Async function 'fetch' was mocked with arguments:", }, { level: 'info', message: expect.stringContaining('fetch({'), }, { level: 'debug', message: 'Resuming function', }, { level: 'info', message: 'Fetch response:, {"status":200,"body":{}}', }, { level: 'debug', message: expect.stringContaining('Function completed in '), }, ], }) }) it('can invoke a function via the API with real fetch', async () => { mockFetch.mockImplementationOnce(() => Promise.resolve({ status: 201, text: () => Promise.resolve(JSON.stringify({ real: true })), headers: new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }), }) ) const res = await supertest(app) .post(`/api/projects/${hogFunction.team_id}/hog_functions/${}/invocations`) .send({ globals, mock_async_functions: false }) expect(res.status).toEqual(200) expect(res.body).toMatchObject({ status: 'success', error: null, logs: [ { level: 'debug', message: 'Executing function', }, { level: 'debug', message: "Suspending function due to async function call 'fetch'. Payload: 2110 bytes", }, { level: 'debug', message: 'Resuming function', }, { level: 'info', message: 'Fetch response:, {"status":201,"body":{"real":true}}', }, { level: 'debug', message: expect.stringContaining('Function completed in'), }, ], }) }) it('call exported sendEmail for email provider functions', async () => { hogFunction = await insertHogFunction({ ...HOG_EXAMPLES.export_send_email, ...HOG_INPUTS_EXAMPLES.simple_fetch, ...HOG_FILTERS_EXAMPLES.no_filters, }) mockFetch.mockImplementationOnce(() => Promise.resolve({ status: 201, text: () => Promise.resolve(JSON.stringify({ real: true })), }) ) const res = await supertest(app) .post(`/api/projects/${hogFunction.team_id}/hog_functions/${}/invocations`) .send({ globals: { ...globals, email: { from: '' } }, mock_async_functions: false }) expect(res.status).toEqual(200) expect(res.body).toMatchObject({ status: 'success', error: null, logs: [ { level: 'debug', message: 'Executing function', }, { level: 'info', message: '{"from":""}', }, { level: 'debug', message: expect.stringContaining('Function completed in'), }, ], }) }) }) })