import glob import subprocess import tempfile import uuid from os.path import abspath, basename, dirname, join from typing import Dict, Generator, List, Tuple import sqlparse from clickhouse_driver import Client from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from django.utils import timezone from sentry_sdk.api import capture_exception from ee.clickhouse.client import make_ch_pool, sync_execute from ee.clickhouse.models.event import get_event_count, get_event_count_for_last_month, get_event_count_month_to_date from posthog.api.dead_letter_queue import get_dead_letter_queue_events_last_24h, get_dead_letter_queue_size from posthog.settings import CLICKHOUSE_PASSWORD, CLICKHOUSE_STABLE_HOST, CLICKHOUSE_USER SLOW_THRESHOLD_MS = 10000 SLOW_AFTER = relativedelta(hours=6) CLICKHOUSE_FLAMEGRAPH_EXECUTABLE = abspath(join(dirname(__file__), "bin", "clickhouse-flamegraph")) FLAMEGRAPH_PL = abspath(join(dirname(__file__), "bin", "")) SystemStatusRow = Dict def system_status() -> Generator[SystemStatusRow, None, None]: alive = is_alive() yield {"key": "clickhouse_alive", "metric": "Clickhouse database alive", "value": alive} if not alive: return yield {"key": "clickhouse_event_count", "metric": "Events in ClickHouse", "value": get_event_count()} yield { "key": "clickhouse_event_count_last_month", "metric": "Events recorded last month", "value": get_event_count_for_last_month(), } yield { "key": "clickhouse_event_count_month_to_date", "metric": "Events recorded month to date", "value": get_event_count_month_to_date(), } disk_status = sync_execute( "SELECT formatReadableSize(total_space), formatReadableSize(free_space) FROM system.disks" ) for index, (total_space, free_space) in enumerate(disk_status): metric = "Clickhouse disk" if len(disk_status) == 1 else f"Clickhouse disk {index}" yield {"key": f"clickhouse_disk_{index}_free_space", "metric": f"{metric} free space", "value": free_space} yield {"key": f"clickhouse_disk_{index}_total_space", "metric": f"{metric} total space", "value": total_space} table_sizes = sync_execute( """ SELECT table, formatReadableSize(sum(bytes)) AS size, sum(rows) AS rows FROM WHERE active GROUP BY table ORDER BY rows DESC """ ) yield { "key": "clickhouse_table_sizes", "metric": "Clickhouse table sizes", "value": "", "subrows": {"columns": ["Table", "Size", "Rows"], "rows": table_sizes}, } system_metrics = sync_execute("SELECT * FROM system.asynchronous_metrics") system_metrics += sync_execute("SELECT * FROM system.metrics") yield { "key": "clickhouse_system_metrics", "metric": "Clickhouse system metrics", "value": "", "subrows": {"columns": ["Metric", "Value", "Description"], "rows": list(sorted(system_metrics))}, } last_event_ingested_timestamp = sync_execute("SELECT max(_timestamp) FROM events")[0][0] yield { "key": "last_event_ingested_timestamp", "metric": "Last event ingested", "value": last_event_ingested_timestamp, } dead_letter_queue_size = get_dead_letter_queue_size() yield { "key": "dead_letter_queue_size", "metric": "Dead letter queue size", "value": dead_letter_queue_size, } dead_letter_queue_events_last_day = get_dead_letter_queue_events_last_24h() yield { "key": "dead_letter_queue_events_last_day", "metric": "Events sent to dead letter queue in the last 24h", "value": dead_letter_queue_events_last_day, } total_events_ingested_last_day = sync_execute( "SELECT count(*) as b from events WHERE _timestamp >= (NOW() - INTERVAL 1 DAY)" )[0][0] dead_letter_queue_ingestion_ratio = dead_letter_queue_events_last_day / max( dead_letter_queue_events_last_day + total_events_ingested_last_day, 1 ) # if the dead letter queue has as many events today as ingestion, issue an alert dead_letter_queue_events_high = dead_letter_queue_ingestion_ratio >= 0.2 yield { "key": "dead_letter_queue_ratio_ok", "metric": "Dead letter queue ratio healthy", "value": not dead_letter_queue_events_high, } def is_alive() -> bool: try: sync_execute("SELECT 1") return True except: return False def get_clickhouse_running_queries() -> List[Dict]: return query_with_columns( "SELECT elapsed as duration, query, * FROM system.processes ORDER BY duration DESC", columns_to_remove=["address", "initial_address", "elapsed"], ) def get_clickhouse_slow_log() -> List[Dict]: return query_with_columns( f""" SELECT query_duration_ms as duration, query, * FROM system.query_log WHERE query_duration_ms > {SLOW_THRESHOLD_MS} AND event_time > %(after)s AND query NOT LIKE '%%system.query_log%%' AND query NOT LIKE '%%analyze_query:%%' ORDER BY duration DESC LIMIT 200 """, {"after": - SLOW_AFTER}, columns_to_remove=[ "address", "initial_address", "query_duration_ms", "event_time", "event_date", "query_start_time_microseconds", "thread_ids", "ProfileEvents.Names", "ProfileEvents.Values", "Settings.Names", "Settings.Values", ], ) def query_with_columns(query, args=None, columns_to_remove=[]) -> List[Dict]: metrics, types = sync_execute(query, args, with_column_types=True) type_names = [key for key, _type in types] rows = [] for row in metrics: result = {} for type_name, value in zip(type_names, row): if isinstance(value, list): value = ", ".join(map(str, value)) if type_name not in columns_to_remove: result[type_name] = value rows.append(result) return rows def analyze_query(query: str): random_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) # :TRICKY: Ensure all queries run on the same host. ch_pool = make_ch_pool(host=CLICKHOUSE_STABLE_HOST) with ch_pool.get_client() as conn: conn.execute( f""" -- analyze_query:{random_id} {query} """, settings={ "allow_introspection_functions": 1, "query_profiler_real_time_period_ns": 40000000, "query_profiler_cpu_time_period_ns": 40000000, "memory_profiler_step": 1048576, "max_untracked_memory": 1048576, "memory_profiler_sample_probability": 0.01, "use_uncompressed_cache": 0, "readonly": 1, "allow_ddl": 0, }, ) query_id, timing_info = get_query_timing_info(random_id, conn) return { "query": sqlparse.format(query, reindent_aligned=True), "timing": timing_info, "flamegraphs": get_flamegraphs(query_id), } def get_query_timing_info(random_id: str, conn: Client) -> Tuple[str, Dict]: conn.execute("SYSTEM FLUSH LOGS") results = conn.execute( """ SELECT query_id, event_time, query_duration_ms, read_rows, formatReadableSize(read_bytes) as read_size, result_rows, formatReadableSize(result_bytes) as result_size, formatReadableSize(memory_usage) as memory_usage FROM system.query_log WHERE query NOT LIKE '%%query_log%%' AND match(query, %(expr)s) AND type = 'QueryFinish' LIMIT 1 """, {"expr": f"analyze_query:{random_id}"}, ) return ( results[0][0], dict( zip( [ "query_id", "event_time", "query_duration_ms", "read_rows", "read_size", "result_rows", "result_size", "memory_usage", ], results[0], ) ), ) def get_flamegraphs(query_id: str) -> Dict: try: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: [ CLICKHOUSE_FLAMEGRAPH_EXECUTABLE, "--query-id", query_id, "--clickhouse-dsn", f"http://{CLICKHOUSE_USER}:{CLICKHOUSE_PASSWORD}@{CLICKHOUSE_STABLE_HOST}:8123/", "--console", "--flamegraph-script", FLAMEGRAPH_PL, "--date-from", "2021-01-01", "--width", "1900", ], cwd=tmpdirname, check=True, ) flamegraphs = {} for file_path in glob.glob(join(tmpdirname, "*/*/global*.svg")): with open(file_path) as file: flamegraphs[basename(file_path)] = return flamegraphs except Exception as err: capture_exception(err) return {}