import { createServer, Server } from 'http' import Redis from 'ioredis' import { Kafka, Partitioners, Producer } from 'kafkajs' import { Pool } from 'pg' import { defaultConfig } from '../src/config/config' import { UUIDT } from '../src/utils/utils' import { capture, createAndReloadPluginConfig, createOrganization, createPlugin, createTeam } from './api' import { waitForExpect } from './expectations' let producer: Producer let postgres: Pool // NOTE: we use a Pool here but it's probably not necessary, but for instance `insertRow` uses a Pool. let kafka: Kafka let redis: Redis.Redis let organizationId: string let server: Server const webHookCalledWith: any = {} beforeAll(async () => { // Setup connections to kafka, clickhouse, and postgres postgres = new Pool({ connectionString: defaultConfig.DATABASE_URL!, // We use a pool only for typings sake, but we don't actually need to, // so set max connections to 1. max: 1, }) kafka = new Kafka({ brokers: [defaultConfig.KAFKA_HOSTS] }) producer = kafka.producer({ createPartitioner: Partitioners.DefaultPartitioner }) await producer.connect() redis = new Redis(defaultConfig.REDIS_URL) organizationId = await createOrganization(postgres) server = createServer((req, res) => { let body = '' req.on('data', (chunk) => { body += chunk }) req.on('end', () => { webHookCalledWith[req.url!] = webHookCalledWith[req.url!] ?? [] webHookCalledWith[req.url!].push(JSON.parse(body)) res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' }) res.end() }) }) await new Promise((resolve) => { server.on('listening', resolve) server.listen() }) }) afterAll(async () => { server.close() await Promise.all([producer.disconnect(), postgres.end(), redis.disconnect()]) }) test.concurrent(`exports: exporting events on ingestion`, async () => { const teamId = await createTeam(postgres, organizationId) const plugin = await createPlugin(postgres, { organization_id: organizationId, name: 'export plugin', plugin_type: 'source', is_global: false, source__index_ts: ` export const exportEvents = async (events, { global, config }) => { await fetch( "http://localhost:${server.address()?.port}/${teamId}", {method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(events)} ) } `, }) await createAndReloadPluginConfig(postgres, teamId,, redis) const distinctId = new UUIDT().toString() const uuid = new UUIDT().toString() // First let's ingest an event await capture(producer, teamId, distinctId, uuid, 'custom event', { name: 'hehe', uuid: new UUIDT().toString(), }) // Then check that the exportEvents function was called await waitForExpect( () => { const exportEvents = webHookCalledWith[`/${teamId}`] expect(exportEvents.length).toBeGreaterThan(0) const exportedEvents = exportEvents[0] expect(exportedEvents).toEqual([ expect.objectContaining({ distinct_id: distinctId, team_id: teamId, event: 'custom event', properties: expect.objectContaining({ name: 'hehe', uuid: uuid, }), timestamp: expect.any(String), uuid: uuid, elements: [], }), ]) }, 60_000, 1_000 ) }) test.concurrent(`exports: exporting $autocapture events on ingestion`, async () => { const teamId = await createTeam(postgres, organizationId) const plugin = await createPlugin(postgres, { organization_id: organizationId, name: 'export plugin', plugin_type: 'source', is_global: false, source__index_ts: ` export const exportEvents = async (events, { global, config }) => { await fetch( "http://localhost:${server.address()?.port}/${teamId}", {method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(events)} ) } `, }) await createAndReloadPluginConfig(postgres, teamId,, redis) const distinctId = new UUIDT().toString() const uuid = new UUIDT().toString() // First let's ingest an event await capture(producer, teamId, distinctId, uuid, '$autocapture', { name: 'hehe', uuid: new UUIDT().toString(), $elements: [{ tag_name: 'div', nth_child: 1, nth_of_type: 2, $el_text: '💻' }], }) // Then check that the exportEvents function was called await waitForExpect( () => { const exportEvents = webHookCalledWith[`/${teamId}`] expect(exportEvents.length).toBeGreaterThan(0) const exportedEvents = exportEvents[0] expect(exportedEvents).toEqual([ expect.objectContaining({ distinct_id: distinctId, team_id: teamId, event: '$autocapture', properties: expect.objectContaining({ name: 'hehe', uuid: uuid, }), timestamp: expect.any(String), uuid: uuid, elements: [ { tag_name: 'div', nth_child: 1, nth_of_type: 2, order: 0, $el_text: '💻', text: '💻', attributes: {}, }, ], }), ]) }, 60_000, 1_000 ) }) test.concurrent(`exports: historical exports`, async () => { const teamId = await createTeam(postgres, organizationId) const distinctId = new UUIDT().toString() const uuid = new UUIDT().toString() const plugin = await createPlugin(postgres, { organization_id: organizationId, name: 'export plugin', plugin_type: 'source', is_global: false, source__index_ts: ` export const exportEvents = async (events, { global, config }) => { await fetch( "http://localhost:${server.address()?.port}/${teamId}", {method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(events)} ) } `, }) const pluginConfig = await createAndReloadPluginConfig(postgres, teamId,, redis) // First let's capture an event and wait for it to be ingested so // so we can check that the historical event is the same as the one // passed to processEvent on initial ingestion. await capture(producer, teamId, distinctId, uuid, '$autocapture', { name: 'hehe', uuid: new UUIDT().toString(), $elements: [{ tag_name: 'div', nth_child: 1, nth_of_type: 2, $el_text: '💻' }], }) // Then check that the exportEvents function was called const [exportedEvent] = await waitForExpect( () => { const exportEvents = webHookCalledWith[`/${teamId}`] expect(exportEvents.length).toBeGreaterThan(0) return exportEvents[0] }, 60_000, 1_000 ) // NOTE: the frontend doesn't actually push to this queue but rather // adds directly to PostgreSQL using the graphile-worker stored // procedure `add_job`. I'd rather keep these tests graphile // unaware. await producer.send({ topic: 'jobs', messages: [ { key: teamId.toString(), value: JSON.stringify({ type: 'Export historical events', pluginConfigId:, pluginConfigTeam: teamId, payload: { dateFrom: new Date( - 60000).toISOString(), dateTo: new Date(, }, }), }, ], }) // Then check that the exportEvents function was called with the // same data that was used with the non-historical export, with the // additions of details related to the historical export. await waitForExpect( () => { const historicallyExportedEvents = webHookCalledWith[`/${teamId}`].filter((events) => events.some((event) =>['$$is_historical_export_event']) ) expect(historicallyExportedEvents.length).toBeGreaterThan(0) const historicallyExportedEvent = historicallyExportedEvents[0] expect(historicallyExportedEvent).toEqual([ expect.objectContaining({ ...exportedEvent, ip: '', // NOTE: for some reason this is "" when exported historically, but null otherwise. properties: {, $$is_historical_export_event: true, $$historical_export_timestamp: expect.any(String), $$historical_export_source_db: 'clickhouse', }, }), ]) }, 60_000, 1_000 ) })