import { DateTime } from 'luxon' import { defaultConfig } from '../../src/config/config' import { Hub, InternalPerson, Plugin, PluginAttachmentDB, PluginConfig, PluginsServerConfig, PropertyOperator, RawAction, RawOrganization, RawPerson, Team, } from '../../src/types' import { DB } from '../../src/utils/db/db' import { PostgresRouter, PostgresUse } from '../../src/utils/db/postgres' import { UUIDT } from '../../src/utils/utils' import { commonOrganizationId, commonOrganizationMembershipId, commonUserId, commonUserUuid, makePluginObjects, } from './plugins' export interface ExtraDatabaseRows { plugins?: Omit[] pluginConfigs?: Omit[] pluginAttachments?: Omit[] } export const POSTGRES_DELETE_TABLES_QUERY = ` DO $$ DECLARE r RECORD; BEGIN FOR r IN (SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = current_schema()) LOOP EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM ' || quote_ident(r.tablename); END LOOP; END $$; ` export async function resetTestDatabase( code?: string, extraServerConfig: Partial = {}, extraRows: ExtraDatabaseRows = {}, { withExtendedTestData = true }: { withExtendedTestData?: boolean } = {} ): Promise { const config = { ...defaultConfig, ...extraServerConfig, POSTGRES_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE: 1 } const db = new PostgresRouter(config, undefined) await db.query(PostgresUse.COMMON_WRITE, POSTGRES_DELETE_TABLES_QUERY, undefined, 'delete-tables') const mocks = makePluginObjects(code) const teamIds = => c.team_id) const teamIdToCreate = teamIds[0] await createUserTeamAndOrganization(db, teamIdToCreate) if (withExtendedTestData) { await insertRow(db, 'posthog_action', { id: teamIdToCreate + 67, team_id: teamIdToCreate, name: 'Test Action', description: '', created_at: new Date().toISOString(), created_by_id: commonUserId, deleted: false, post_to_slack: true, slack_message_format: '', is_calculating: false, updated_at: new Date().toISOString(), last_calculated_at: new Date().toISOString(), bytecode_error: null, bytecode: null, steps_json: [ { tag_name: null, text: null, href: null, selector: null, url: null, url_matching: null, event: null, properties: [{ type: 'event', operator: PropertyOperator.Exact, key: 'foo', value: ['bar'] }], }, ], } as RawAction) for (const plugin of mocks.pluginRows.concat(extraRows.plugins ?? [])) { await insertRow(db, 'posthog_plugin', plugin) } for (const pluginConfig of mocks.pluginConfigRows.concat(extraRows.pluginConfigs ?? [])) { await insertRow(db, 'posthog_pluginconfig', pluginConfig) } for (const pluginAttachment of mocks.pluginAttachmentRows.concat(extraRows.pluginAttachments ?? [])) { await insertRow(db, 'posthog_pluginattachment', pluginAttachment) } } await db.end() } export async function insertRow(db: PostgresRouter, table: string, objectProvided: Record) { // Handling of related fields const { source__plugin_json, source__index_ts, source__frontend_tsx, source__site_ts, ...object } = objectProvided const keys = Object.keys(object) .map((key) => `"${key}"`) .join(',') const params = Object.keys(object) .map((_, i) => `\$${i + 1}`) .join(',') const values = Object.values(object).map((value) => { if (Array.isArray(value) && value.length > 0) { return JSON.stringify(value) } return value }) try { const { rows: [rowSaved], } = await db.query( PostgresUse.COMMON_WRITE, `INSERT INTO ${table} (${keys}) VALUES (${params}) RETURNING *`, values, `insertRow-${table}` ) const dependentQueries: Promise[] = [] if (source__plugin_json) { dependentQueries.push( insertRow(db, 'posthog_pluginsourcefile', { id: new UUIDT().toString(), filename: 'plugin.json', source: source__plugin_json, plugin_id:, error: null, transpiled: null, }) ) } if (source__index_ts) { dependentQueries.push( insertRow(db, 'posthog_pluginsourcefile', { id: new UUIDT().toString(), filename: 'index.ts', source: source__index_ts, plugin_id:, error: null, transpiled: null, }) ) } if (source__frontend_tsx) { dependentQueries.push( insertRow(db, 'posthog_pluginsourcefile', { id: new UUIDT().toString(), filename: 'frontend.tsx', source: source__frontend_tsx, plugin_id:, error: null, transpiled: null, }) ) } if (source__site_ts) { dependentQueries.push( insertRow(db, 'posthog_pluginsourcefile', { id: new UUIDT().toString(), filename: 'site.ts', source: source__site_ts, plugin_id:, error: null, transpiled: null, }) ) } await Promise.all(dependentQueries) return rowSaved } catch (error) { console.error(`Error on table ${table} when inserting object:\n`, object, '\n', error) throw error } } export async function createUserTeamAndOrganization( db: PostgresRouter, teamId: number, userId: number = commonUserId, userUuid: string = commonUserUuid, organizationId: string = commonOrganizationId, organizationMembershipId: string = commonOrganizationMembershipId ): Promise { await insertRow(db, 'posthog_user', { id: userId, uuid: userUuid, password: 'gibberish', first_name: 'PluginTest', last_name: 'User', email: `test${userId}`, distinct_id: `plugin_test_user_distinct_id_${userId}`, is_staff: false, is_active: false, date_joined: new Date().toISOString(), events_column_config: { active: 'DEFAULT' }, }) await insertRow(db, 'posthog_organization', { id: organizationId, name: 'TEST ORG', plugins_access_level: 9, created_at: new Date().toISOString(), updated_at: new Date().toISOString(), personalization: '{}', // DEPRECATED setup_section_2_completed: true, // DEPRECATED for_internal_metrics: false, available_product_features: [], domain_whitelist: [], is_member_join_email_enabled: false, slug: Math.round(Math.random() * 10000), } as RawOrganization) await insertRow(db, 'posthog_organizationmembership', { id: organizationMembershipId, organization_id: organizationId, user_id: userId, level: 15, joined_at: new Date().toISOString(), updated_at: new Date().toISOString(), }) await insertRow(db, 'posthog_project', { id: teamId, organization_id: organizationId, name: 'TEST PROJECT', created_at: new Date().toISOString(), }) await insertRow(db, 'posthog_team', { id: teamId, project_id: teamId, organization_id: organizationId, app_urls: [], name: 'TEST PROJECT', event_names: [], event_names_with_usage: [], event_properties: [], event_properties_with_usage: [], event_properties_numerical: [], created_at: new Date().toISOString(), updated_at: new Date().toISOString(), anonymize_ips: false, completed_snippet_onboarding: true, ingested_event: true, uuid: new UUIDT().toString(), session_recording_opt_in: true, plugins_opt_in: false, opt_out_capture: false, is_demo: false, api_token: `THIS IS NOT A TOKEN FOR TEAM ${teamId}`, test_account_filters: [], timezone: 'UTC', data_attributes: ['data-attr'], person_display_name_properties: [], access_control: false, }) } export async function getTeams(hub: Hub): Promise { return ( await hub.db.postgres.query( PostgresUse.COMMON_READ, 'SELECT * FROM posthog_team ORDER BY id', undefined, 'fetchAllTeams' ) ).rows } export async function getFirstTeam(hub: Hub): Promise { return (await getTeams(hub))[0] } export const createPlugin = async (pg: PostgresRouter, plugin: Omit) => { return await insertRow(pg, 'posthog_plugin', { ...plugin, config_schema: {}, from_json: false, from_web: false, created_at: new Date().toISOString(), updated_at: new Date().toISOString(), is_preinstalled: false, capabilities: {}, }) } export const createPluginConfig = async ( pg: PostgresRouter, pluginConfig: Omit ) => { return await insertRow(pg, 'posthog_pluginconfig', { ...pluginConfig, created_at: new Date().toISOString(), updated_at: new Date().toISOString(), enabled: true, order: 0, config: {}, }) } export const createOrganization = async (pg: PostgresRouter) => { const organizationId = new UUIDT().toString() await insertRow(pg, 'posthog_organization', { id: organizationId, name: 'TEST ORG', plugins_access_level: 9, created_at: new Date().toISOString(), updated_at: new Date().toISOString(), personalization: '{}', // DEPRECATED setup_section_2_completed: true, // DEPRECATED for_internal_metrics: false, available_product_features: [], domain_whitelist: [], is_member_join_email_enabled: false, slug: new UUIDT().toString(), }) return organizationId } export const createTeam = async (pg: PostgresRouter, organizationId: string, token?: string) => { // KLUDGE: auto increment IDs can be racy in tests so we ensure IDs don't clash const id = Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000000) await insertRow(pg, 'posthog_project', { // Every team (aka environment) must be a child of a project id, organization_id: organizationId, name: 'TEST PROJECT', created_at: new Date().toISOString(), }) await insertRow(pg, 'posthog_team', { id, organization_id: organizationId, project_id: id, app_urls: [], name: 'TEST PROJECT', event_names: [], event_names_with_usage: [], event_properties: [], event_properties_with_usage: [], event_properties_numerical: [], created_at: new Date().toISOString(), updated_at: new Date().toISOString(), anonymize_ips: false, completed_snippet_onboarding: true, ingested_event: true, uuid: new UUIDT().toString(), session_recording_opt_in: true, plugins_opt_in: false, opt_out_capture: false, is_demo: false, api_token: token ?? new UUIDT().toString(), test_account_filters: [], timezone: 'UTC', data_attributes: ['data-attr'], person_display_name_properties: [], access_control: false, }) return id } export const createUser = async (pg: PostgresRouter, distinctId: string) => { const uuid = new UUIDT().toString() const user = await insertRow(pg, 'posthog_user', { uuid: uuid, password: 'gibberish', first_name: 'PluginTest', last_name: 'User', email: `test${uuid}`, distinct_id: distinctId, is_staff: false, is_active: false, date_joined: new Date().toISOString(), events_column_config: { active: 'DEFAULT' }, }) return } export const createOrganizationMembership = async (pg: PostgresRouter, organizationId: string, userId: number) => { const membershipId = new UUIDT().toString() const membership = await insertRow(pg, 'posthog_organizationmembership', { id: membershipId, organization_id: organizationId, user_id: userId, level: 15, joined_at: new Date().toISOString(), updated_at: new Date().toISOString(), }) return } export async function fetchPostgresPersons(db: DB, teamId: number) { const query = `SELECT * FROM posthog_person WHERE team_id = ${teamId} ORDER BY id` return (await db.postgres.query(PostgresUse.COMMON_READ, query, undefined, 'persons')) // NOTE: we map to update some values here to maintain // compatibility with `hub.db.fetchPersons`. // TODO: remove unnecessary property translation operation. (rawPerson: RawPerson) => ({ ...rawPerson, created_at: DateTime.fromISO(rawPerson.created_at).toUTC(), version: Number(rawPerson.version || 0), } as InternalPerson) ) }