# In order to add, delete or modify a dependency, please update # the reference here and then run: # # - `pip-compile --rebuild requirements.in` # - `pip-compile --rebuild requirements-dev.in` # # Make sure we use production deps for constraining installed dev packages. This # is important as otherwise we could be running tests with different versions # than production. # -c requirements.txt ruff>=0.0.257 pip-tools==6.13.0 mypy==0.981 mypy-extensions==0.4.3 datamodel-code-generator==0.21.5 djangorestframework-stubs==1.4.0 django-stubs==1.8.0 Faker==17.5.0 fakeredis[lua]==2.11.0 freezegun==1.2.2 packaging==23.1 prance== black==22.8.0 types-markdown==3.3.9 types-PyYAML==6.0.1 types-freezegun==1.1.10 types-python-dateutil>=2.8.3 types-pytz==2021.3.2 types-redis==4.3.20 types-retry== types-requests==2.26.1 parameterized==0.9.0 pytest==7.4.0 pytest-asyncio==0.21.1 pytest-cov==4.1.0 pytest-django==4.5.2 pytest-env==0.8.2 pytest-icdiff==0.6 pytest-mock==3.11.1 pytest-split==0.8.1 pytest-watch==4.2.0 python-dateutil>=2.8.2 responses==0.23.1 syrupy==1.7.4 flaky==3.7.0