import '@cypress/react/support' import 'givens/setup' import './commands' import { unmount } from '@cypress/react' try { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires require('cypress-terminal-report/src/installLogsCollector')() } catch {} beforeEach(() => { if (Cypress.spec.specType === 'component') { // Freeze time to 2021.01.05 Noon UTC - this should be the same date regardless of timezone. cy.clock(1578225600000, ['Date']) } else { if ('Premium')) { cy.visit('/login?next=/?no-preloaded-app-context=true') cy.intercept('/api/users/@me/', { fixture: 'api/user-enterprise' }) cy.login() } else { cy.visit('/') cy.url().then((url) => { if (url.includes('login')) { cy.login() } }) } } }) beforeEach(() => { if (Cypress.spec.specType !== 'component') { // Make sure the insights page is actually loaded before running tests cy.get('.insights-page').should('exist') } }) afterEach(() => { if (Cypress.spec.specType === 'component') { unmount() } }) const resizeObserverLoopErrRe = /^[^(ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded)]/ Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', (err) => { /* returning false here prevents Cypress from failing the test */ if (resizeObserverLoopErrRe.test(err.message)) { return false } })