import '~/styles' import type { Meta, Parameters, Preview } from '@storybook/react' import { Title, Subtitle, Description, Primary, Controls, Stories } from '@storybook/blocks' import { worker } from '~/mocks/browser' import { loadPostHogJS } from '~/loadPostHogJS' import { withKea } from './decorators/withKea' import { withMockDate } from './decorators/withMockDate' import { defaultMocks } from '~/mocks/handlers' import { withFeatureFlags } from './decorators/withFeatureFlags' import { withTheme } from './decorators/withTheme' import { apiHostOrigin } from 'lib/utils/apiHost' import { getStorybookAppContext } from './app-context' const setupMsw = () => { // Make sure the msw worker is started worker.start({ quiet: true, onUnhandledRequest(request, print) { // MSW warns on all unhandled requests, but we don't necessarily care const pathAllowList = ['/images/'] if (pathAllowList.some((path) => request.url.pathname.startsWith(path))) { return } // Otherwise, default MSW warning behavior print.warning() }, }) ;(window as any).__mockServiceWorker = worker ;(window as any).POSTHOG_APP_CONTEXT = getStorybookAppContext() } setupMsw() const setupPosthogJs = () => { // Make sure we don't hit production posthog. We want to control requests to, // e.g. `/decide/` for feature flags window.JS_POSTHOG_HOST = apiHostOrigin() loadPostHogJS() } setupPosthogJs() /** Storybook global parameters. See */ export const parameters: Parameters = { actions: { argTypesRegex: '^on[A-Z].*', disabled: true }, controls: { matchers: { color: /(background|color)$/i, date: /Date$/, }, }, options: { // automatically show code panel showPanel: false, storySort: { method: 'alphabetical', order: [ 'Lemon UI', ['Overview', 'Utilities', 'Icons'], 'Components', 'Forms', ['Field'], 'Filters', 'Layout', ], }, }, viewMode: 'docs', // auto-expand code blocks in docs docs: { source: { state: 'closed' }, }, msw: { mocks: defaultMocks, }, } // Setup storybook global decorators. See export const decorators: Meta['decorators'] = [ // Make sure the msw service worker is started, and reset the handlers to defaults. withKea, // Allow us to time travel to ensure our stories don't change over time. // To mock a date for a story, set the `mockDate` parameter. withMockDate, // Allow us to easily set feature flags in stories. withFeatureFlags, // Set theme from global context withTheme, ] const preview: Preview = { parameters: { actions: { argTypesRegex: '^on[A-Z].*' }, controls: { matchers: { color: /(background|color)$/i, date: /Date$/, }, }, docs: { page: () => ( <>