* Convert utils to TS and add missing lodash-like functions
* Purge lodash, using utils and ES features instead
* Remove lodash as a dependency
* Fix Annotation.created_at default value (was null)
* Convert all of utils to TypeScript
* Update ESLint rule @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types
* Put all @types/* into devDependencies
* Lower @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type severity
* Fix Annotation.created_at in a better way
* Don't copy item on push in groupBy
* Use `Set.has()` instead of `in Set`
* Update .eslintrc.js
* Update .eslintrc.js
* made open toolbar links open in a new tab
* Remove noreferrer to allow filtering out visits from PostHog
* Allow referrer
* Disable react/jsx-no-target-blank
Co-authored-by: Michael Matloka <dev@twixes.com>